The Tom and Jerry stand arm in arm, watching a scene of 'drunkenness, beggary, lewdness and carelessness-a complete picture of "Low Life" (in Wych Street, Strand). A woman climbs over the back of a bench to fight another as mugs and plates fly. On the fire (right) is a huge pot with a tap, at which a man fills a mug. A battered prostitute toasts a muffin. One man, of 'shabby-genteel' appearance, 'was once one of the gayest young swells upon the town'. Over the fire are cracked pictures: Innocence and Virtue. Mugs are stacked on shelves
Alternative Title:
Midnight Tom and Jerry at a coffee shop near the Olympic
Title from caption below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Plate from: Egan, Pearce. Life in London. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1821, page 181., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark, with loss of imprint: 13.4 x 21.3 cm
Title etched below image., Engraved after a sketch by Charlotte Edgeworth. See page 302 in v. 2 of Memoirs of Richard Lovell Edgeworth., Plate from: Edgeworth, R.L. Memoirs of Richard Lovell Edgeworth, Esq. London : Printed for R. Hunter ..., 1820, v. 2, opposite page 495., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark on two edges.
Published March 30, 1820, by Rowland Hunter, St. Pauls Church Yard
Print showing George IV, horned and with wings which are spread to provide a protective, umbrella-like shell for his supporters, a gouty foot well wrapped, a ribbon around the other labeled "Infidelity - Honi Soit," holding a bottle labeled "Peoples Tears," and sitting with his mistress, "Care-away Cunningham" i.e., Lady Conyngham. In the background, to the left is a line of armed cavalry "Civil Gentleman or a Rod in Pickle," at center sits Britannia covering her face in shame, and on the right, beneath "A Storm gathering," are huddled "The People."
Alternative Title:
Royal cock and chickens and Father of his people!!!
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., Mounted to 39 x 58 cm., Mounted on leaf 31 in volume 2 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Geo. IV" and "Lady Conyngham" identified in ink below image; date "12 Dec. 1820" written in lower right corner.
Published Decr. 12, 1820, by W. Benbow, corner of St. Clements Church Yard, Strand
Subject (Geographic):
England and London
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Conyngham, Elizabeth Conyngham, Marchioness, -1861, and George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Adultery, Politics & government, Gout, Bandages, Horns (Anatomy), Wings (Anatomy), Bottles, Mistresses, and Cavalry
Title etched below image., Engraved after a sketch by Charlotte Edgeworth. See page 302 in v. 2 of Memoirs of Richard Lovell Edgeworth., Plate from: Edgeworth, R.L. Memoirs of Richard Lovell Edgeworth, Esq. London : Printed for R. Hunter ..., 1820, v. 2, opposite page 496., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Characters -- Man.
Published March 30, 1820, by Rowland Hunter, St. Pauls Church Yard
The interior of a watch-house at night. The constable in charge sits in his hooded chair (right), book and pen at his right hand, holding his long pipe, a tankard beside him. He frowns perplexedly at Tom, who stands at the bar declaiming, an angry and damaged watchman pointing to him. Jerry struggles with several watchmen, and by the door (left) a man fees a watchman
Alternative Title:
Tom and Jerry in trouble after a spree
Title from caption below image., Publication information from British Museum catalogue., Plate for: Egan. P. Life in London, page 184., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
"Illustration to Pierce Egan's Life in London, page 193. Revellers, some in masks, surround the supper-table, on which a clown dances, knocking against a chandelier of cut glass. A band of Pandean minstrels is in an alcove (r.), all play pan-pipes, some have also other instruments: drum, triangle, bells. Tom, as a Spanish don, sits at the head of the table between a queen and (?) Titania. Jerry, as a huntsman, leans across the table halloing and flourishing a whip. On the bench on the near side of the table are a Harlequin and a lady, a nun seated between a dustman and a fireman; on the r. is a devil. Other characters are a Jew talking to a pig-faced lady, see No. 12630, a Chinese, a sailor, a Don Quixote, prone on the floor and very ill."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Tom and Jerry larking at a masquerade supper at the opera house
Title from caption below image., Imprint from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Watermark. Imprint statement erased from print.
Tom and Jerry sporting their bits of blood among the pinks in Rotten Row
Title from caption below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Horses -- Races -- Audiences -- Children -- Dogs.
"Illustration to Pierce Egan's Life in London, page 232. A night scene on the east side of Temple Bar, which frames the Strand and St. Clements in the background, lit by a full moon. Tom (rigjht) overturns a watchman's box from which a poor terrified old man leans out shrieking. A fellow-watchman (left) springs his rattle and shouts. Behind Tom is Jerry, much amused, between two gaily dressed prostitutes who cling to him."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image. and Imprint from later state in the British Museum catalogue.
Sherwood & Co.,?
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, City & town life, Prostitutes, and Watchmen
Depiction of the interior of the House of Lords during the trial of Queen Caroline, consort of George IV, for adultery
Title etched below image., Date inferred from that of the depicted event; the Queen Caroline "trial" occurred from August to November 1820., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Mounted to 20.6 x 27.2 cm., and Bound in after page 182 in volume 4 part 1 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821 and Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords
Subject (Topic):
Scandals, Trials (Adultery), Government officials, Judicial proceedings, Queens, and British
Title from caption below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Plate number statement trimmed partially from sheet: Plate 15 ..., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark: J Whatman Turky Mill.
No. 57 of R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts &c. Pubd