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Astronomical charts
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Bourne, William, d. 1583 Hood, Thomas, fl. 1582-1598
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Taylor 146
Image Count:
Bound with the author’s A booke called the treasure for traueilers. London, 1578. and Imperfect: some pages mutilated.
Printed by T. Wight
Subject (Topic):
Navigation --Early works to 1800 and Navigation --Tables
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > A regiment for the sea. Contayning very necessarie matters for all sorts of men and trauailers: Whereunto is added an hydrographicall discourse touching the fiue seuerall passages into Cattay. Written by William Borne. Newly corrected and amended by Tho. Hood, D. in physicke, who hath added a new regiment for the yeare 1600, and three yeares following, and a table of declination. Whereunto is also adioyned The mariners guide, with a perfect sea carde by the said Thomas Hood
Bainbridge, John, 1582-1643
Published / Created:
Call Number:
QB724 B35
Image Count:
Subject (Topic):
Comets and Comets --1618
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > An astronomicall description of the late comet from the 18. of Nov. 1618 to the 16. of Dec. following : With certaine morall prognosticks or applications drawne from the comets motion and irradiation amongst the celestiall hieroglyphicks / By vigilant and diligent obseruations of Iohn Bainbridge
Kohlhans, Johann Christoph, 1604-1677
Published / Created:
Call Number:
2009 64
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Cometa generalis cum speciali and Cometen-Koenig
Gedruckt, und zu finden, bey Wolff Eberhard Felsseckern
Subject (Name):
Felsecker, Wolfgang Eberhard, fl. 1658-1680, printer
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy --Early works to 1800 and Comets --Early works to 1800
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Cometa generalis cum speciali, oder, Cometen-Koenig : welcher im 1664. und 1665. Jahr am Himmel erschienen, und sich praechtig hat sehen lassen, sambt dem darauf im 1665. Jahr folgenden Cometen und vermuthlich ersten Special-Vortrab, der am Ende des Mertzen und Aufgang des Aprilis, sich auch, als ein Held und triumphirender Sieges-Fuerst, unsern Augen vorgestellet / darueber diese wenige Schrifft in Druck ausgegangen, durch M. Johann Christoph Kolhansen ...
Astrophilus, fl. 1742 Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756
Published / Created:
Call Number:
BrSides Folio 2009 4
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Includes text and celestial sphere (25.2 cm in diam.) centered on the Earth.
[Matthaeus Seutter]
Subject (Topic):
Comets --1742 --Charts, diagrams, etc., Comets --Early works to 1800, and Stars --Charts, diagrams, etc. --Early works to 1800
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Cometa, qui anno Christi 1742 apparuit, ex observationibus, a die 13 Marty usque ad 15 Aprilis : plusquam vigesies quinquies institutis, qua potuit fieri, diligentia notatus, et secundum suas proprietates plerasq[ue], ab astronomia considerari solitas, utpote formam, viam, progressum, plagam coeli, motus velocitatem, descensum ad perigaeum, seu approximationem ad terram, et elongationem ab ea : item distantiam infra, vel supra` horizontem rectum, et etiam obliquum, quoties, saltem intra polum mundi, meridianum constantiensem, et locorum sub elevatione poli 47. grad. 24. min. jacentium, attigit : praecipue vero secundum ascensionem rectam, et declinationem, longitudinem, et latitudinem : et tandem secundum dies, et tempora, lineae trajectoriae inserta, cum in plano tum in figura armillari exhibitus : ubi tum nudo intuitu, tum ope regulae, et circini omnia facile investigantur / observante, et delineante Astrophilo quodam, ex Ord. S. Bened. nomina qui Christo gaudet inesse sua ; a Matth. Seuttero S.C.M.G. Aug. V
Welper, Eberhard, fl. 1609-1668
Published / Created:
im Iahr MDCLXI [1661]
Call Number:
2009 452
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Beschreibung dessen im 1661. Iahr, zu End dess Ienners, vnd Anfang Hornungs, erschinenen newen Cometens, Beschreibung dessen im 1661. Jahr, zu End dess Jenners, und Anfang Hornungs, erschinenen newen Cometens, and Cometographia
Gedruckt vnd verlegt durch den Authorem
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy --Early works to 1800, Comets --1661, and Comets --Early works to 1800
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Cometographia, oder, Beschreibung dessen im 1661. Iahr, zu End dess Ienners, vnd Anfang Hornungs, erschinenen newen Cometens : welcher ist ein Vorlaeuffer oder Vorbott, deren im kuenfftigen 1663. Iahr bevorstehenden grossen Zusammenkunfft Saturni vnd Jovis im Schuetzen / astronomice vnd astrologice beschrieben, vnd auff vielfaltiges Begehren, zu guter Nachrichtung, wolmeinend an Tag gegeben, durch M. Eberhard Welpern, Mathematicum
Call Number:
Taylor 57
Collection Title:
Cosmographicus liber Petri Apiani mathematici studiose collectus
Image Count:
Unnumbered page facing Instrumentum syderale.
Subject (Geographic):
America --Early accounts to 1600
Subject (Name):
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek --Stamp
Subject (Topic):
Collection Created:
[Landshutae, 1524]
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Congressus siue Coniunctio Solis et Lunae
Kepler, Johannes, 1571-1630
Published / Created:
1619, [i.e. 1620]
Call Number:
1975 377
Image Count:
typis Andreae Apergeri, sumptibus Sebastiani Mylii bibliopolae augustani
Subject (Topic):
Comets --Early works to 1800
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De cometis libelli tres : I. Astronomicvs, theoremata continens de motu cometarum ubi demonstratio apparentiarum & altitudinis cometarum qui annis 1607. & 1618. conspecti sunt, ... : II. Physicvs, continens physiologiam comentarum nouam ... : III. Astrolo
Gadbury, John, 1627-1704
Published / Created:
Call Number:
QB724 G33
Image Count:
Pages 65, 68, 69, 72 and 80 erroneously numbered 57, 60, 61, 64 and 51.
Printed for L. Chapman
Subject (Topic):
Comets --1664
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De cometis, or, A discourse of the natures and effects of comets, as they are philosophically, historically & astrologically considered : with a brief (yet full) account of the III late comets, or blazing stars, visible to all Europe : and what (in a natural way of judicature) they portend : together with some observations on the nativity of the Grand seignior / by John Gadbury ...
Montl’hery, E. de
Published / Created:
Call Number:
QB724 M65
Image Count:
L’Imprimerie de la Societe heluetiale caldoresque
Subject (Topic):
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De la trompette dv ciel : c’est a dire, dv comete effrayable, qvi l’an de Christ 1618 est apparu, & diligemment obserue / par E. de Montl’hery
Guiducci, Mario, 1584-1646
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1983 58
Image Count:
Title vignette (Cecconcelli’s device)
Nella stamperia di Pietro Cecconcelli
Subject (Name):
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy --Early works to 1800 and Comets
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Discorso delle comete di Mario Gvidvcci fatto da lvi nell'Accademia fiorentina ...
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