... ארבע ועשרים ..., Bible. O.T. Hebrew. 1739., and Bible. O.T. Ladino. 1739.
BEIN MLd291 739a: Imperfect: vol.4 (Hagiographa, except for the five Scrolls) wanting. Vol.1, some leaves mutilated; vol.2 lacks leaves 54-55; vol.5 t.p. badly mutilated, of leaf 3 only a stub remains. Damp-stained. and Hebrew and Judaeo-Spanish (translated by Abraham Assa) in parallel columns. With Rashi's commentary.
"The work has been done by R.B. Harrison, E.C. Hopkins, J.P. Young, C.W. Hoffman, C.L. Hall, with the help of others of the people ... under the direction of Rev. A.L. Riggs, and Mr. C.R. Lawson."--Pref., Cover-title: Nosuḣihatauwhi cesu. May you too have light ..., and Without music.
Published for the Fort Berthold Mission
Subject (Name):
Hall, C. L., Harrison, R. B., Lawson, C. R., and Riggs, Alfred L. (Alfred Longley), 1837-1916
Radziwiłł, Mikołaj Krzysztof, książę, 1549-1616
Published / Created:
[Sept. 4 1563]
Call Number:
1987 Folio 7
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Bible. Polish. Radziwiłł. 1563.
BEIN: Beinecke copy imperfect: blank leaf [8] (1st count) wanting; leaves [7] (1st count) and 1-148 (2nd count) wormed with slight damage to text; leaves 75 (2nd count) and 313 torn and leaves 142 and 143 (4th count) mutilated and repaired with slight damage to text. (1987 Folio 7), BEIN: In the Beinecke Library copy. 2*⁶ is bound at end. (1987 Folio 7), Imprint information from colophon; date of publication expressed in Polish words in colophon., Includes index., Leaves [8] (1st count), [1] (3rd count) and [8] at end blank., Leaves printed on both sides., and Signatures: *⁸ 2*⁶ A-5D⁶ 5E⁴, ²A-2B⁶.
Drukowano w Brześćiu Litewskim z roskazánia á nakłádem ... Páná Mikoláiá Rádziwiłá, kśiązęciá ná Ołycey ná Nieświezu Woiewody Wilénskiego ...,
The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New: newly translated out of the original
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Books, Journals & Pamphlets
Alternative Title:
Bible. English. 1717. Authorized
Copy 2: Variant. Bound (as issued?) in 1 v. 52 cm. "Proper Lessons and "The Kalendar" (signature [*]2) bound to precede instead of follow "The Translatours To The Reader" (signature a-b2c1).
Subject (Name):
Jesus Christ--Crucifixion
Collection Created:
Oxford : Printed by John Baskett, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, for Great Britain; and to the University, MDCCXVII. [1717, 16]
"An edition of the Pentateuch and the Megilloth in Hebrew and Latin, with Latin notes drawn from Rabbinical sources. Masch states that it is merely a reprint from Münster's Hebrew-Latin O.T." - British and foreign Bible Society library, no. 5094., Signatures: a-z8A-Z8AA10 (AA9 blank, wanting). Presentation inscription from Johann Ulric Hunner to Joseph Hirst, 1865. Bookplate of Charles J. Rosenbloom. Bookplate of Ratcliffe College., Text in parallel columns, the Hebrew inside and the Latin outside; with Latin notes at the end of the chapters., Title in Hebrew at head of title., and Title within architectural border.
ex officina Iustinaianea,
Subject (Name):
Hirst, Joseph--Presentation inscription from J.U. Hunner, Hunner, Johann Ulric--Presentation inscription to J. Hirst, Ratcliffe College. Library Bookplate, and Rosenbloom, Charles J.--Bookplate