Title devised by cataloger., A cabinet of ebony veneer with gilding, oak and mahogany; composition ornaments; gilt metal mounts and handles; mounted on the top, sides and door fronts with drawings in watercolor and pencil on paper, set in glazed gilt-metal frames, showing children and other figures and designs for a Wedgwood plate and alternative designs for Wedgwood flower tubs. The sides with black and white jasperware plaques and semi-precious stones. The stand set with lapis lazuli and reverse painting on glass showing strawberries and the Walpole shield and crest. The drawer fronts set with pierced enamel roundels, a blue and white Wedgwood jasperware plaque and semi-precious and other stones including agate, breccia, bloodstone, chalcedony and jasper. Formerly in the Great North bedchamber, Strawberry Hill., Text from 1774 Description of the Villa, (annotated copy at The Lewis Walpole Library (49 2523), additions since the Appendix in HW's hand: An Ebony Cabinet ornameted with drawings by Lady Diana Beauclerc with lapis lazuli, agates, enamels, Wedgwood bas reliefs bronze& other Decorations. The Form was designed by E. Edwards & it was executed in 1784., Text from 1784 Description of the Villa, 84 [Great North Bedchamber]: Additions...In the Great Bedchamber. An ebony cabinet, ornamented with or moulu, lapis-lazuli, agates, pieces of ancient enamel, bas-reliefs of Wedgwood, and nine capital drawings of a gipsy girl and beautiful children by lady Diana Beauclerc, with other drawings by her; and with strawberries and Mr. Walpole's arms and crest. The design of the cabinet by Mr. E. Edwards, in 1783., Brass plate inside the door engraved: "This cabinet was ordered by and Made at the Expense of Mr. Horace Walpole in 1784 to received the Drawings which were all design'd and executed by the Right Honorable Lady Diana Beauclerc. The cabinet was design'd by Mr. E. Edwards.", Text from the 1842 Catalogue of the classic contents of Strawberry Hill collected by Horace Walpole: A beautiful ebony and gold cabinet, enriched with 17 rare original drawings by Lady Diana Beauclerc[sic], and medallions studded with precious stones, lapis lazuli, cornelian, agates, &c., and with strawberries, and Mr. Walpole's arms and crest, on gothic stand with gilt border. The cabinet was designed by Mr. E. Edwards expressly for Mr. Walpole, in 1783., and Drawings from approximately 1777 and later; enamels made in Augsburg, approximately 1680. Cf. Snodin, M., ed. Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill.