Proposed design for the library at Strawberry Hill. The drawing was later mounted in Horace Walpole's portfolio of Bentley's drawings
Alternative Title:
First designs for the library at Strawberryhill
Title from Horace Walpole's note in ink on verso with notes about elevations and dimensions in Horace Walpole's hand in ink. Title on mount also in Walpole's hand., Date from J. Harris., and Formerly mounted on the lower half of leaf 37 in an album assembled by Horace Walpole: Drawings and designs by Richd. Bentley ... [Strawberry Hill], [ca. 1760].
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horace 1717-1797 and Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Homes and haunts, Private libraries, and Libraries (Rooms)
Design of the library Strawberry Hill, Horace Walpole's villa in Twickenham, showing six Gothic bays of shelving with quatrefoil designs above and a door on the right; statues and busts above the bays. Walpole has made notes on the verso of the drawing noting changes and dimensions
Title from caption written by Horace Walpole on the verso of the drawing., Date from Horace Walpole correspondence., Sheet slightly irregular, trimmed in lower half of the right edge., and Formerly mounted on leaf 36 in an album assembled by Horace Walpole: Drawings and designs by Richd. Bentley ... [Strawberry Hill], [ca. 1760].
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797 and Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Homes and haunts, Private libraries, and Libraries (Rooms)
Proposed design for the library at Strawberry Hill, Horace Walpole's villa in Twickenham
Titles on verso and mount in Horace Walpole's hand in ink., Dated ca. 1754 in: Snodin, M. Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill. New Haven : Yale Center for British Art in association with Yale University Press, 2009, p. 34., Dated ca. 1753 in: Harris, J. Catalogue of British drawings for architecture, decoration, sculpture and landscape gardening, 1550-1900, in American collections. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Gregg Press, [1971], page 26., and Formerly mounted on the upper half of leaf 37 in an album assembled by Horace Walpole: Drawings and designs by Richd. Bentley ... [Strawberry Hill], [ca. 1760].
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horace 1717-1797 and Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Homes and haunts, Private libraries, and Libraries (Rooms)
A drawing proposed by Bentley whilst a member of the "Strawberry Committee" along with John Chute and Horace Walpole, of the staircase and hall at Strawberry Hill. On the verso, a light pencil sketch of a reclining figure
Alternative Title:
Perspective of the hall and staircase at Strawberry Hill and Staircase at Strawberryhill
Title from Horace Walpole's ms. note in ink on verso., Title from Horace Walpole's ms. note in ink on mount between two drawings on the same subject: Staircase at Strawberryhill., Date from: Harris, J. Catalogue of British drawings for architecture, decoration, sculpture and landscape gardening, 1550-1900, in American collections. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Gregg Press, [1971], page 26., and Formerly mounted on the lower half of leaf 30 with another sketch of the staircase in an album assembled by Horace Walpole: Drawings and designs by Richd. Bentley ... [Strawberry Hill], [circa 1760].
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horace 1717-1797 and Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
BEIN Broadsides Box 2024 31: On sheet 22.2 x 15.6 cm., "El original de donde esta copiado, no tiene escala.", Oriented with north to the lower right., Coordinates not present on map and are approximated., and Includes an elevation.
Ignacio Cumplido and Lit. de la V. de Murguia é Hijos
A collection of approximately 130 drawings and sketches by John Chute and one etching and engraving entitled Chaucer's Grove by P. Mazell (artist James Pettit Andrews) given to Horace Walpole, for his renovation of Strawberry Hill, bound in one volume and with an additional 23 loose leaves, including sketches for the Gallery, Round Tower, and one inspired by a doorcase in Dugdale's St. Paul's for the presses in the Library. Some of the drawings have been annotated by Walpole and/or Thomas Kirgate
Alternative Title:
Original drawings and sketches
Title from ms. title page in Horace Walpole's hand., Title from Hazen: Original drawings and sketches., In English., John Chute (1701-1776), English architect and connoisseur of the arts and literature, member of Horace Walpole's 'Strawberry committee.', Bound in original marbled boards., Inscribed on front fly leaf: "Lady Waldegrave from W.V. Harcourt, July 5, 1887.", On front pastedown, Carlingford's bookplate., Marble boards with half-leather. Written in ink in unidentified hand on front cover: Strawberry Hill (drawings). Paper lable on spine: "33.", The 3 volumes consist of 1 album and 2 cases., and Original marbled boards. Second Strawberry Hill Sale fleuron used as bookplate. Press-mark K.13, but moved to the Closet. Not in Manuscript Catalogue of 1763; probably kept in the Glass Closet until 1790. Inscribed on the fly-leaf: 'Lady Waldegrave from W.V. Harcourt, July 6, 1867.' Bookplate of Lord Carlingford, who married Lady Waldegrave in 1863.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and Twickenham (London, England)
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797 and Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Homes and haunts, Country homes, and Buildings, structures, etc
One large pencil drawing showing new designs for the wings of Chute's home in Hampshire. On the verso are two smaller sketches of the same
John Chute (1701-1776), English architect and connoisseur of the arts and literature, member of Horace Walpole's 'committee of taste.' and Originally laid in: Slight architectural sketches by John Chute, Box 1.
A drawing of the staircase and hall at Strawberry Hill
Alternative Title:
Staircase at Strawberryhill
Title, artist, and date inscribed on verso., Title from Horace Walpole's ms. note in ink on mount: Staircase at Strawberryhill., and Formerly mounted on the upper half of leaf 30 with another view of the staircase in an album assembled by Horace Walpole: Drawings and designs by Richd. Bentley ... [Strawberry Hill], [ca. 1760].
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797 and Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
Vitruvius Britannicus, ou l'architecte britannique, contenant les plans, elevations, & sections des bâtimens reguliers, tant particuliers que publics de la Grande Bretagne
The title pages are engraved in volumes 1-2, 4-5., Vol. 3 contains "The geometrical plans of the most considerable gardens and plantations.", Vols. 4 and 5 are a continuation by Woolfe and Gandon., and BAC: British Art Center copy is a large paper copy, with volumes IV & V larger than volumes I to III. All volumes are first issues with lists of subscribers and volumes IV & V with the bookplate of Edward Harbord, Lord Suffield. Bound in contemporary calf; rebacked.
Sold by the author over against Douglas-Coffee house in St. Martins-Lane : John Nicholson in Little Britain : Andrew Bell at the Cross-Keys in Cornhil : W. Taylor in Pater-Noster -Row : Henry Clements in St. Pauls Church-yard : and Jos. Smith in Exeter Change
Alternative design for the library at Strawberry Hill with extensive notes on the design and dimensions. The sketch includes a figure (Horace Walpole probably) reaching for a book on a shelf in the center alcove. The drawing was later part of the portfolio entitled by Horace Walpole Drawings and designs by Richd. Bentley
Title devised by curator., Date from Harris., Extensive notes, including price estimates, by Bentley surrounding drawing and signed by Bentley with his monogram., and Formerly mounted on leaf 38 in an album assembled by Horace Walpole: Drawings and designs by Richd. Bentley ... [Strawberry Hill], [ca. 1760].
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797. and Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)