Manuscript, on paper, in a single hand, of a collection of annotated coats of arms for 177 members of the Knights of the Round Table. Each knight is represented by a coat of arms drawn in trick and followed by an explanation of each device and its appropriateness to that knight. The main text is preceded by a nine page text, "De l'invention des armes," and followed by a "Briefue narration de la table ronde."
In Middle French., Modern title page in English bound in before original title page., Printed bookseller description pasted in on verso of rear flyleaf., Layout: Single columns of varying length. Armorial entries begin with the name of the knight and a pen and ink drawing of his coat of arms in trick, followed by a descriptive paragraph,, Script: secretary., Decoration: 177 pen and ink drawings in trick of coats of arms., and Binding: eighteenth-century green velvet over boards; silver castle ornament mounted on front cover.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Arthurian romances
Subject (Name):
Arthur, King
Subject (Topic):
Heraldry, Manuscripts, Renaissance, and Arthurian romances
Dictonarium quinque nobilissimarum Europae linguarum.
Imperfect: title-border slightly bled., Signatures: *4A-Q4., and The author's name appears in the title of the complimentary poem on recto of 4th prelim. leaf.
Added t.p.: Mongolʹsko-russko-frant︠s︡uzskiĭ slovarʹ. and Vols. 2-3: Couronné par l'Académie des sciences et publié par m. le professeur J. E. Kowalewski.
Added t.p.: Mongolʹsko-russko-frant︠s︡uzskiĭ slovarʹ. and Vols. 2-3: Couronné par l'Académie des sciences et publié par m. le professeur J. E. Kowalewski.