Ticket to the Anniversary Meeting of the Medical Society of London, to occur at the Society's House on Bolt Court, Fleet Street
Alternative Title:
This ticket admits the bearer to the Anniversary Meeting at the Society's House, Bolt Court, Fleet Strt
Title from item., Entirely engraved; illustrated at top with an image of Apollo with bow and arrow seated over a slain serpent, signed "W. Grainger inv. sc." in lower right., Monogrammatic initials "MSL" within circle in lower left., Completed in manuscript with details of the meeting, including the date of 8 March 1821 and time of 3 o'clock. "Mr. Callaway" is noted as giving the oration, and the ticket is numbered "No. 144" in lower right., Mounted to 27.1 x 20.9 cm., and Mounted before page 469 in volume 3 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.