Upper image depicts a white horse (representing the House of Hanover) removing a mask and treading on papers called "Trade" and "Liberty." A dialog ribbon is coming out of his mouth with the word "Worms" on it [i.e. Treaty of Worms]. He is surrounded by men offering him money and saying such things as "Here's Cole" and "Damn Engl---d." and Lower image depicts Hanover as a nurse sitting on a three-sided stool and changing the diaper of Britannia as a baby. The nurse is saying "Your Besh-t again wares y. Clouts." A stool is nearby with a pot of food on it and a sign saying "Bon pour Nicole."
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Two images, one above text, one below, on broadside 38 x 24 cm., Text consists of two lists showing pay received by, respectively, Hanoverian soldiers, Hessian soldiers and Danish soldiers., Cf. Malcolm, History of caricaturing, 1813, p. 83, pl. XXI, fig. 4., Cf. Lewis, Genesis of Strawberry Hill for three-sided Gothic chair, fig. 35., Temporary local subject terms: Masks: George II -- Emblems: the White Horse of Hanover -- Lists: pay lists -- Slang: cole, i.e., money -- Furniture: three-sided Gothic chair -- Personifications: Britannia as a baby -- Personifications: Hanover as an old woman -- Money: purses -- Food: rotten baby food., and With spine title: Caricatures anglaise 1740.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 1690-1763, Compton, Spencer, Earl of Wilmington, 1673?-1743, Ombersley, Samuel Sandys, Baron of, 1695-1770, Great Britain., and Hanover, House of.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Armed Forces, and Pay, allowances, etc
Upper image depicts a white horse (representing the House of Hanover) removing a mask and treading on papers called "Trade" and "Liberty." A dialog ribbon is coming out of his mouth with the word "Worms" on it [i.e. Treaty of Worms]. He is surrounded by men offering him money and saying such things as "Here's Cole" and "Damn Engl---d." and Lower image depicts Hanover as a nurse sitting on a three-sided stool and changing the diaper of Britannia as a baby. The nurse is saying "Your Besh-t again wares y. Clouts." A stool is nearby with a pot of food on it and a sign saying "Bon pour Nicole."
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Two images, one above text, one below, on broadside 38 x 24 cm., Text consists of two lists showing pay received by, respectively, Hanoverian soldiers, Hessian soldiers and Danish soldiers., Cf. Malcolm, History of caricaturing, 1813, p. 83, pl. XXI, fig. 4., Cf. Lewis, Genesis of Strawberry Hill for three-sided Gothic chair, fig. 35., Temporary local subject terms: Masks: George II -- Emblems: the White Horse of Hanover -- Lists: pay lists -- Slang: cole, i.e., money -- Furniture: three-sided Gothic chair -- Personifications: Britannia as a baby -- Personifications: Hanover as an old woman -- Money: purses -- Food: rotten baby food., and Watermark: Fleur-de-lis.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 1690-1763, Compton, Spencer, Earl of Wilmington, 1673?-1743, Ombersley, Samuel Sandys, Baron of, 1695-1770, Great Britain., and Hanover, House of.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Armed Forces, and Pay, allowances, etc
"Satire identifying George II with his electorate of Hanover, showing the Hanoverian landscape and his profile head in trompe l'oeil; the king is shown with a moustache in the style typical of a German soldier of the period. The landscape carries numbers referring to a key beneath suggesting that trade in Hanover is in a state of decay: 1. Herrenhausen; 2. Manufacture of Boars Heads (a ruined building); 3. Do. of Hams (a farm); 4. The Town of Hanover; 5. Manufacture of Linnen (a distant village); 6. Do. of Bonporenicole (a fortress; a reference to the lack of provisions for British troops in Germany, see BM Satire 2584); 7. Beggars Cambrick (another village); 8. Hunting House; 9. The (Army) Camp; 10. The River Leyne; 11. The Alder (a lake in the foreground where men are fishing)."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Face of the country whereon Hanover stands, with a view of Herenhauseen and the seats of manufacture
Title from item., Publisher identified from address., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Five lines of text, including key to numbered objects within image, below image: Tho' this is not given as [the] most regular, [the] most varied, or [the] most noble prospect in the world ..., and Watermark: countermark IV.
"Satire identifying George II with his electorate of Hanover, showing the Hanoverian landscape and his profile head in trompe l'oeil; the king is shown with a moustache in the style typical of a German soldier of the period. The landscape carries numbers referring to a key beneath suggesting that trade in Hanover is in a state of decay: 1. Herrenhausen; 2. Manufacture of Boars Heads (a ruined building); 3. Do. of Hams (a farm); 4. The Town of Hanover; 5. Manufacture of Linnen (a distant village); 6. Do. of Bonporenicole (a fortress; a reference to the lack of provisions for British troops in Germany, see BM Satire 2584); 7. Beggars Cambrick (another village); 8. Hunting House; 9. The (Army) Camp; 10. The River Leyne; 11. The Alder (a lake in the foreground where men are fishing)."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Face of the country whereon Hanover stands, with a view of Herenhauseen and the seats of manufacture
Title from item., Publisher identified from address., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Five lines of text, including key to numbered objects within image, below image: Tho' this is not given as [the] most regular, [the] most varied, or [the] most noble prospect in the world ..., and With spine title: Caricatures anglaise 1740.
Our all to nothing and Old England's T totum being the Hanover bubble
Title etched below image., Publication date based on that of the edition described in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3, no. 2589, Early state, without first part of title above image and asterisks on either side of T in the title below image. Cf. No. 2589 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3., and Temporary local subject terms: Games: teetotum -- Musical instruments: flute -- Musicians: flutist -- Wigs: wig with a face on its back -- Expressions of speech: Hanover turnips, i.e., German policies of the King -- British lion -- Emblems: Austrian eagle -- Emblems: the White Horse of Hanover -- Emblems: Gallic cock -- Maps: Europe.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Hanover, House of., George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Argyle, John Campbell, Duke of, 1680-1743, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773, Marlborough, Charles Spencer, Duke of, 1706-1758, Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792, and Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 1690-1763
"Satire on George II's wish for continuing British subsidies for Hanoverian forces in the war of Austrian Succesion, and the objections of some British politicians. In an open loggia on the left the king sits at a table, over which is spread a map of northern Europe on top of which is a teetotum, lettered "160,000 for year", the tip of which is pointing towards him. He exclaims to a group of politicians around the table that he has won the whole stake, "Je tire tous les enjeux, Tenez, la voici" . Across the table from him John Carteret, who has a second, anxious, face peering through the back of his wig, replies "Well thrown the Balance is on our Side to a T". Beside the king another politician, holding a pen, remarks "More money for the year, & you shall have a P[eace]". The Duke of Cumberland standing beside Carteret wit h his hand resting on his sword hilt says "Smart money I've ventured my Life", a man beside him tells him "You have fought bravely take H[a]n[ove]r". In the centre the British Lion lies on the Act of Settlement, his back piled high with papers lettered "Dains", "Hessians", "Austrean", "H[a]n[o]ve[ria]ns", "Vots of Ct", "Sinking F[un]d", "lottery tickets", "lott[ery] next year, for 16000,000". The white horse of Hanover rests his fore legs on top of these and above the Austrian eagle flies with the French cock on its back. The lion laments "I can Bear it no more I'll be Bubble'd no longer". A politician to the right of the lion moves as if to lighten its burden saying, "Poor Lion, wee shall Oppose this foul Play", another behind him , holding a commander's baton pushes forward saying "The English sav'd him, where was his H-gs" ; another, wearing a sash decorated with eagles, restrains him saying "1,000,000 is too much for Mercenaries", another politician reassures him that "G[o]d be prais'd they have preserv'd ye Balance in Europe"; in the background another says "D[a]m it the D[ice] is Loaded"."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hanover bubble
Title engraved above image., Attributed on verso to George Bickham the younger?, Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Caption below image: Old E-l-d's*T*Totum, being the H-r bubble or our all to nothing., and Temporary local subject terms: Games: teetotum -- Musical instruments: flute -- Musicianas: flutist -- Wigs: wig with a face on its back -- Expressions of speech: Hanover turnips, i.e., German policies of the King -- British lion -- Emblems: Austrian eagle -- Emblems: the White Horse of Hanover -- Emblems: Gallic cock -- Maps: Europe.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Hanover, House of., George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Argyle, John Campbell, Duke of, 1680-1743, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773, Marlborough, Charles Spencer, Duke of, 1706-1758, Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792, and Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 1690-1763
"Satire on George II's wish for continuing British subsidies for Hanoverian forces in the war of Austrian Succesion, and the objections of some British politicians. In an open loggia on the left the king sits at a table, over which is spread a map of northern Europe on top of which is a teetotum, lettered "160,000 for year", the tip of which is pointing towards him. He exclaims to a group of politicians around the table that he has won the whole stake, "Je tire tous les enjeux, Tenez, la voici" . Across the table from him John Carteret, who has a second, anxious, face peering through the back of his wig, replies "Well thrown the Balance is on our Side to a T". Beside the king another politician, holding a pen, remarks "More money for the year, & you shall have a P[eace]". The Duke of Cumberland standing beside Carteret wit h his hand resting on his sword hilt says "Smart money I've ventured my Life", a man beside him tells him "You have fought bravely take H[a]n[ove]r". In the centre the British Lion lies on the Act of Settlement, his back piled high with papers lettered "Dains", "Hessians", "Austrean", "H[a]n[o]ve[ria]ns", "Vots of Ct", "Sinking F[un]d", "lottery tickets", "lott[ery] next year, for 16000,000". The white horse of Hanover rests his fore legs on top of these and above the Austrian eagle flies with the French cock on its back. The lion laments "I can Bear it no more I'll be Bubble'd no longer". A politician to the right of the lion moves as if to lighten its burden saying, "Poor Lion, wee shall Oppose this foul Play", another behind him , holding a commander's baton pushes forward saying "The English sav'd him, where was his H-gs" ; another, wearing a sash decorated with eagles, restrains him saying "1,000,000 is too much for Mercenaries", another politician reassures him that "G[o]d be prais'd they have preserv'd ye Balance in Europe"; in the background another says "D[a]m it the D[ice] is Loaded"."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hanover bubble
Title engraved above image., Attributed on verso to George Bickham the younger?, Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Caption below image: Old E-l-d's*T*Totum, being the H-r bubble or our all to nothing., Temporary local subject terms: Games: teetotum -- Musical instruments: flute -- Musicianas: flutist -- Wigs: wig with a face on its back -- Expressions of speech: Hanover turnips, i.e., German policies of the King -- British lion -- Emblems: Austrian eagle -- Emblems: the White Horse of Hanover -- Emblems: Gallic cock -- Maps: Europe., and With spine title: Caricatures anglaise 1740.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Hanover, House of., George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Argyle, John Campbell, Duke of, 1680-1743, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773, Marlborough, Charles Spencer, Duke of, 1706-1758, Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792, and Carteret, John, Earl Granville, 1690-1763
"Satire on the king and government concerning the employment of Hanoverian troops in England. A cart loaded with Hanoverian turnips is drawn from the right by three horses into the parade ground behind the Treasury.On the left, in front of the leading horse, stands John Perceval, his coat labelled "Deceivall" and holding a paper lettered, "Independant", saying, "In my popular station". Facing him, the bulky figure of William Pulteney, holding a driver's whip and a handful of turnips, says, "Honest Friend S[an]d[y]s rejoyce & sing here's H[anove]r T[urni]p will now come again Ho"; Robert Walpole stands on the other side of the horses saying, "Ha S[an]d[y]s you've a short reign". The man standing on the shafts of the cart calling out, "Stop Boy they shall buy th'all" is apparently identifiable as Samuel Sandys, now Chancellor of the Exchequer; Amalia von Wallmoden sits on the turnips saying, "Thank you Sr for ye Honr. you've done me & yor. Man Will", presumably a reference to Pulteney. Behind the horses stand two other men, evidently Treasury officials, one, holding Treasury tallies, says "Let me be S[and]y[s] I'm not squeamish", the other saying "Ill make a round sum"; the king leans over a balcony of the Treasury brandishing a broom and saying "Pay for ye whole S[an]d[y]s I'll sweep the T[reasu]ry clean". On a wall in the background are pasted "S[an]d[y]s Speeches, a halfpeny a Peice" concerning the Place Bill, the Motion to enquire into the conduct of Walpole and the Triennial Act 1743; a ballad seller sits on the ground beside them. The Hanoverian cavalry enters from the right, led by a commander carrying the standard with the white horse of Hanover, and followed by mounted bandsmen, including a kettle drummer and a trumpeter. One Hanoverian remarks, "For us 260" in reference to the number of members of parliament who voted to retain the troops. In the foreground an Englishman kneels on the ground grasping a bunch of turnips and saying, "By G[o]d these Turnips are dear"."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hanover turnip man come again
Title engraved above image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet partially trimmed within plate mark., Truman's notes about the print are shelved as: LWL Mss Group 1 File 5., Subjects identified by numbers placed below the print on mounting sheet and explained in the key in upper right. Summary of the description in the British Museum Catalogue follows below the key., Mounted to 32 x 46 cm., and Watermark: Strasburg lily.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Bath, William Pulteney, Earl of, 1684-1764, Egmont, John Perceval, Earl of, 1711-1770, Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, Ombersley, Samuel Sandys, Baron of, 1695-1770, and Yarmouth, Amalie Sophie Marianne von Wallmoden-Gimborn, Countess of, 1706-1765
"Satire on the king and government concerning the employment of Hanoverian troops in England. A cart loaded with Hanoverian turnips is drawn from the right by three horses into the parade ground behind the Treasury.On the left, in front of the leading horse, stands John Perceval, his coat labelled "Deceivall" and holding a paper lettered, "Independant", saying, "In my popular station". Facing him, the bulky figure of William Pulteney, holding a driver's whip and a handful of turnips, says, "Honest Friend S[an]d[y]s rejoyce & sing here's H[anove]r T[urni]p will now come again Ho"; Robert Walpole stands on the other side of the horses saying, "Ha S[an]d[y]s you've a short reign". The man standing on the shafts of the cart calling out, "Stop Boy they shall buy th'all" is apparently identifiable as Samuel Sandys, now Chancellor of the Exchequer; Amalia von Wallmoden sits on the turnips saying, "Thank you Sr for ye Honr. you've done me & yor. Man Will", presumably a reference to Pulteney. Behind the horses stand two other men, evidently Treasury officials, one, holding Treasury tallies, says "Let me be S[and]y[s] I'm not squeamish", the other saying "Ill make a round sum"; the king leans over a balcony of the Treasury brandishing a broom and saying "Pay for ye whole S[an]d[y]s I'll sweep the T[reasu]ry clean". On a wall in the background are pasted "S[an]d[y]s Speeches, a halfpeny a Peice" concerning the Place Bill, the Motion to enquire into the conduct of Walpole and the Triennial Act 1743; a ballad seller sits on the ground beside them. The Hanoverian cavalry enters from the right, led by a commander carrying the standard with the white horse of Hanover, and followed by mounted bandsmen, including a kettle drummer and a trumpeter. One Hanoverian remarks, "For us 260" in reference to the number of members of parliament who voted to retain the troops. In the foreground an Englishman kneels on the ground grasping a bunch of turnips and saying, "By G[o]d these Turnips are dear"."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Hanover turnip man come again
Title engraved above image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet partially trimmed within plate mark., and With spine title: Caricatures anglaise 1740.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Bath, William Pulteney, Earl of, 1684-1764, Egmont, John Perceval, Earl of, 1711-1770, Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, Ombersley, Samuel Sandys, Baron of, 1695-1770, and Yarmouth, Amalie Sophie Marianne von Wallmoden-Gimborn, Countess of, 1706-1765
A satirical representation of the Battle of Dettingen, 1743. Overturned canons are piled in a ditch with fascines in the foreground; a large dead limb of a tree separates it from the battle ground. In the left corner the word 'Steelingensat' suggests the scene is a view from the fortress. In the center George II as the white horse of Hanover rides a British lion from whose mouth come the words "Starv'd on Bon pour nicole". The Hanoverian general Otto Christian von Ilten (nicknamed "Confectioner General") confronts the lion and his rider. Also depicted are the French and Austrian generals who shout encouragement to the troups
Alternative Title:
Hanoverian Confectioner General
Title etched above image., Publication date based on event depicted., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Sixteen lines of verse in four columns below image, with title: A song sung by [the] soldiers in [the] B-h [i.e., British] camp to [the] tune of [the] Cucco., Truman's notes about the print are shelved as: LWL Mss Group 1 File 6., Short description by Bowditch in upper right of mounting sheet., Watermark., and Mounted to 33 x 46 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Stair, John Dalrymple, Earl of, 1673-1747, and Ilten, Otto Christian von, ca. 1687- 1749