"George III and Queen Charlotte stand before the open gate of the Treasury, from which Pitt has just wheeled a barrow laden with money-bags. Pitt, the straps of the barrow round his shoulders, his coat-pocket bulging with guineas, obsequiously hands the king a money-bag. George III stands full-face, legs astride, a money-bag inscribed '£100000' under his right arm, another in his right hand and all his pockets overflowing with guineas. Queen Charlotte (left) stands on his right taking a pinch of snuff, and looking up at him with a smile of greedy and satisfied cunning; in her apron is a heap of guineas. Military officers wearing high cocked hats with feather trimmings (in a French fashion), and long pigtail queues, stand round the King and Queen, in a semicircle, in front of the spiked gates of the Treasury, playing musical instruments: fifes, bassoons, a horn, &c. The pockets of the two in the foreground (left and right) are crammed with guineas, those of the others, presumably equally full, are concealed. They represent the placemen and Ministerialists of the Treasury Bench. The most prominent (right) is probably Lord Sydney. In the foreground (left) an old sailor, armless and with two wooden legs, sits on the ground, his empty hat before him. On the right the Prince of Wales, in rags, hesitates to take a paper inscribed 'Accept £200000 from your Friend Orleans', which a slim and foppish Frenchman, in bag-wig and 'chapeau-bras', standing on the extreme right, offers him, taking his hand. He is very different from the heavily built Due d'Orléans (who succeeded his father in Nov. 1785) who had recently presented his portrait by Reynolds (now at Hampton Court) to the Prince of Wales. He had adopted the English manner of dress and made it fashionable in France ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Treasury building entrance -- Civil list -- National debt -- Miserliness -- Wooden legs -- Amputees -- Sailors -- Allusion to prodigal son.
Pubd. April 21, 1786, by Willm. Holland, No. 66 Drury Lane
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d', 1747-1793, Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800, and Necker, Jacues, 1732-1804
"George III and Queen Charlotte stand before the open gate of the Treasury, from which Pitt has just wheeled a barrow laden with money-bags. Pitt, the straps of the barrow round his shoulders, his coat-pocket bulging with guineas, obsequiously hands the king a money-bag. George III stands full-face, legs astride, a money-bag inscribed '£100000' under his right arm, another in his right hand and all his pockets overflowing with guineas. Queen Charlotte (left) stands on his right taking a pinch of snuff, and looking up at him with a smile of greedy and satisfied cunning; in her apron is a heap of guineas. Military officers wearing high cocked hats with feather trimmings (in a French fashion), and long pigtail queues, stand round the King and Queen, in a semicircle, in front of the spiked gates of the Treasury, playing musical instruments: fifes, bassoons, a horn, &c. The pockets of the two in the foreground (left and right) are crammed with guineas, those of the others, presumably equally full, are concealed. They represent the placemen and Ministerialists of the Treasury Bench. The most prominent (right) is probably Lord Sydney. In the foreground (left) an old sailor, armless and with two wooden legs, sits on the ground, his empty hat before him. On the right the Prince of Wales, in rags, hesitates to take a paper inscribed 'Accept £200000 from your Friend Orleans', which a slim and foppish Frenchman, in bag-wig and 'chapeau-bras', standing on the extreme right, offers him, taking his hand. He is very different from the heavily built Due d'Orléans (who succeeded his father in Nov. 1785) who had recently presented his portrait by Reynolds (now at Hampton Court) to the Prince of Wales. He had adopted the English manner of dress and made it fashionable in France ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Treasury building entrance -- Civil list -- National debt -- Miserliness -- Wooden legs -- Amputees -- Sailors -- Allusion to prodigal son., 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; sheet 41.6 x 52.3 cm., and Mounted on leaf 3 of volume 2 of 12.
Pubd. April 21, 1786, by Willm. Holland, No. 66 Drury Lane
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d', 1747-1793, Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800, and Necker, Jacues, 1732-1804
"The reduction of the Prince of Wales's establishment at Carlton House is represented as the auction scene in 'The School for Scandal' (iv. 1). 'Lot 1', a portrait of the King and Queen, as a farmer and his wife, a copy of BMSat 6934 reversed, is being held up for sale by (?) Sheridan. The Prince, as Charles Surface, stands in the middle of the room, legs apart, his cane raised above his head, right hand in his breeches-pocket, saying, "Careless, Knock down the Farmer". George Hanger as Careless stands in a high-backed arm-chair (right), his hammer raised above his head, saying, "Going for no more than One Crown". Weltje, a stout man, stands beside the rostrum, his arms folded, looking down at a pile of plate at his feet inscribed 'Lot 6'. On the left stand three men: the bidder, pencil and note-book in his hand, saying, "Five shillings for that Lot", and two military officers, one stout, the other slim and foppish, looking through an eye-glass at the picture. 'Lot 2' and 'Lot 3' are pictures still on the wall, Three quarter length portraits of Mrs. Fitzherbert, her hands in a muff, and a lady wearing a large feathered hat, perhaps the Duchess of Devonshire, cf. BMSat 6961, &c. 'Lot 5' is a saddle on the floor beside a pair of top-boots. Through an open door (left) appears the corner of a building inscribed 'Tatersal's' (where the Prince's stud was sold) and a high phaeton which is 'Lot 1800' (see BMSats 6970, 6980)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint statement. Imprint statement from British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Auctions -- Contents of Carleton House -- Pictures amplify subject -- Tatersal's -- Prince of Wales' debts -- Richard Brinsley Sheridan's School for scandal., and On verso in pencil: George Towneley Stubbs?
Published July 18, 1786, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Charlotte, Queen, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Weltje, Louis, 1745-1810, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, and Devonshire, Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of, 1758-1824
"The reduction of the Prince of Wales's establishment at Carlton House is represented as the auction scene in 'The School for Scandal' (iv. 1). 'Lot 1', a portrait of the King and Queen, as a farmer and his wife, a copy of BMSat 6934 reversed, is being held up for sale by (?) Sheridan. The Prince, as Charles Surface, stands in the middle of the room, legs apart, his cane raised above his head, right hand in his breeches-pocket, saying, "Careless, Knock down the Farmer". George Hanger as Careless stands in a high-backed arm-chair (right), his hammer raised above his head, saying, "Going for no more than One Crown". Weltje, a stout man, stands beside the rostrum, his arms folded, looking down at a pile of plate at his feet inscribed 'Lot 6'. On the left stand three men: the bidder, pencil and note-book in his hand, saying, "Five shillings for that Lot", and two military officers, one stout, the other slim and foppish, looking through an eye-glass at the picture. 'Lot 2' and 'Lot 3' are pictures still on the wall, Three quarter length portraits of Mrs. Fitzherbert, her hands in a muff, and a lady wearing a large feathered hat, perhaps the Duchess of Devonshire, cf. BMSat 6961, &c. 'Lot 5' is a saddle on the floor beside a pair of top-boots. Through an open door (left) appears the corner of a building inscribed 'Tatersal's' (where the Prince's stud was sold) and a high phaeton which is 'Lot 1800' (see BMSats 6970, 6980)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint statement. Imprint statement from British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Auctions -- Contents of Carleton House -- Pictures amplify subject -- Tatersal's -- Prince of Wales' debts -- Richard Brinsley Sheridan's School for scandal., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; sheet 28.4 x 37.9 cm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on leaf 5 of volume 2 of 12.
Published July 18, 1786, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Charlotte, Queen, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Weltje, Louis, 1745-1810, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, and Devonshire, Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of, 1758-1824
P- and his reduced household retiring for the summer season and Prince and his reduced household retiring for the summer season
Title from item., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top edge., Attribution by British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Cradle -- Warming pan -- Gridiron -- Wine raisan -- Hangercoach -- Food -- Coach and horses -- Bellows., and C Patch watermark in center of sheet.
Pub'd as the act directs, for the proprietor, by J. Carter, Oxford Street
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Weltje, Louis, 1745-1810, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, and Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806
Mrs. Fitzherbert (left) and the Prince of Wales (right), their arms round each other's shoulders, leap over a broom-stick (see BMSat 6929), inscribed 'Pro Salute Animæ', held out by Weltje who kneels (right) in profile. With his right arm he pushes the Prince forward. George Hanger (left) kneels facing him, he is helping Mrs. Fitzherbert to leap the broom-stick. She is also pushed forward by Weltje, who stands behind Hanger. The Prince is stout with a double chin, unusual in prints of this date. On the wall are two half length portraits, their heads turned away from the group with the broom-stick: Mrs. Robinson (Perdita) in profile to the left, a free copy of Reynolds's portrait now in the Wallace Collection, and (?) the Duchess of Devonshire (right) in a large feathered hat, perhaps deriving from Gainsborough's famous whole length portrait. Both frames are decorated with the ostrich plumes of the Prince of Wales--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Figures identified on print as: M.A. Taylor, G. Hanger, Mrs. Fitzherbert, P. Wales, Weltjce., Temporary local subject terms: Morganatic marriages -- Pictures amplify subject -- Emblem: Ostrich feathers for Prince of Wales -- Motto on stick: Pro salute animae., Watermark in center of sheet., Stamp on verso: British Museum 1868., and Another stamp on verso: "British Museum Duplicate" with "CD" written in center of stamp.
Publish'd March 25, 1786, by I. Mills, Strand
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, and Taylor, Michael Angelo, 1757-1834
"A ship's boat, containing the Prince of Wales and his friends, puts off from shore. In the stern is Sheridan clenching his fist at two bearded Jews (left) who kneel in supplication for payment of their debts. Behind them stands Perdita Robinson, her hair loose, her arms outstretched, also in despair at the departure. Captain Morris stands in the stern, pushing off with a boat-hook. George Hanger turns round to threaten the two Jews with his bludgeon (cf. BMSat 6924). In front of him sits a man in legal gown and flowing wig, his face almost concealed, identified in an old hand (in BMSat 6992) as Erskine. His wig is inscribed 'Leather Bag'. The two central figures are the Prince and Fox; the Prince sits astride a cask of 'Imperial Tokey', holding up a glass and looking reflectively towards the shore; Fox stands behind him, his hands resting on the hilt of a large sword inscribed 'chop Logic'. In the bows stands Burke, bending forward, his arms outstretched as if giving a benediction; he wears a monk's robe with a mitre in place of the usual biretta (cf. BMSat 6026). At his feet sit North and Portland, wearing his coronet. Sheridan, Morris, and Fox wear armour and helmets; that of Sheridan is inscribed 'From Drury', that of Morris 'W Morris'; that of Fox is plumed, and decorated with a fox's head, a gallows, and the words 'We escape'. The Prince wears a fool's cap trimmed with his feathers. On the extreme left a gallows and a ship on a very small scale, inscribed 'Black Wall', are faintly indicated, showing that the departure is from Execution Dock where pirates and others were hanged."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Also attributed to James Gillray., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on leaf 6 of volume 2 of 12.
Publishd. as the Act directs, Novr. 1ts [sic], 1786, by H. Humphreys, Bond St., & E. Hedges, N. 92 Cornhill
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Robinson, Mary, 1758-1800, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, and Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809
Title from item., Printmaker suggested in British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Statement following imprint: ... of whom may be had the new and much admired prints of A trip to Brighton, The jovial crew, or merry beggears, The sudden squall, &c, &c., Temporary local subject terms: Vehicles: Coach and four -- Bellow -- Prince's debts -- Personification: Hope -- Anchor with Prince of Wales' motto: Ich Dien -- Hare -- Flowers, and Mounted to 28 x 42 cm.
Pub'd as the act directs for the proprietor, by E. Macklew, Haymarket
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, and Weltje, Louis, 1745-1810
"A confused design: in the centre the kings of England (left) and Prussia (right) sit together under a canopy; they turn their heads in profile, gazing intently at each other. Behind George III's chair a British sailor lounges, behind Frederick's a Prussian grenadier with a musket stands erect. Frederick holds the ends of two chains attached to the necks of the Habsburg eagle beneath the feet of the two kings; the two beaks of the bird hold a scroll inscribed 'Universal Monarchy'; with its claws it strikes fiercely at the prostrate bodies of a man and woman, evidently intended for inhabitants of the United Provinces. Beneath the bird is the word 'Austria'. On the sides of the canopy under which the kings sit are shields, one (left) inscribed 'Hanover Brunswick Hesse', the other (right), 'Saxony Deux Pont Mayence &c', representing German States under the control or influence of England and of Prussia. On the left and right of the two kings, as if supporters to an escutcheon, are whole length figures on a large scale of military officers; each holds the hilt of his sword, saying, "Whilst you agree I am ready". One (left) is the 'Reigg Duke of Brunswick', the other 'Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick'. In the lower right corner of the design a Frenchman wearing a bag-wig milks a cow inscribed 'Holland'; a dog barks at him angrily. Next the cow a man seated on the ground, probably intended for the Stadtholder, holds up his hands imploringly to the two kings, saying, "Pray protect me". Isolated figures round the two sides and upper edge of the design represent the other Powers of Europe: a crowned bear (left) inscribed 'Russia', couchant, looks greedily towards a much smaller bear inscribed 'Poland'. Russia says, "Tortur'd by Ambition - back'd by Brother Joseph"; Poland answers, "I am not muzzled". The bust of an oriental wearing a turban (Turkey) looks over its shoulder (across Poland) towards Russia, saying, "By the great Prophet thou art but a Woman". A crowned monkey with a sceptre and shield, representing Louis XVI, is seated on a globe inscribed 'Holland', saying, "Mundus vult decipi". Down the right side of the print are three crowned busts looking towards the two kings: Sardinia says, "You shall not Settle without me"; Spain says, "Oh. give me the Rock" (cf. BMSat 6025, &c), Portugal says, "Oh! buy my Wine" (an allusion to the preference to Portuguese wines, given by the Methuen treaty and threatened by the pending commercial treaty with France). On the left side Sweden says, "I am in the pay of France"; Denmark says, "I lay by at present"."--British museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from Grego and British Museum Catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; sheet 26.0 x 36.2 cm., and Mounted on leaf 36 of volume 2 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. Feby. 10th 1786 by S. Hedges No. 91 Cornhill
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786, Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, 1721-1792, Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, 1735-1806, Louis XVI, King of France, 1754-1793, Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1741-1790, Victor Amadeus II, King of Sardinia, 1726-1796, Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816, Gustav III, King of Sweden, 1746-1792, Christian VII, King of Denmark and Norway, 1749-1808, Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 1729-1796, and Abdülhamid I, Sultan of the Turks, 1725-1789
"A confused design: in the centre the kings of England (left) and Prussia (right) sit together under a canopy; they turn their heads in profile, gazing intently at each other. Behind George III's chair a British sailor lounges, behind Frederick's a Prussian grenadier with a musket stands erect. Frederick holds the ends of two chains attached to the necks of the Habsburg eagle beneath the feet of the two kings; the two beaks of the bird hold a scroll inscribed 'Universal Monarchy'; with its claws it strikes fiercely at the prostrate bodies of a man and woman, evidently intended for inhabitants of the United Provinces. Beneath the bird is the word 'Austria'. On the sides of the canopy under which the kings sit are shields, one (left) inscribed 'Hanover Brunswick Hesse', the other (right), 'Saxony Deux Pont Mayence &c', representing German States under the control or influence of England and of Prussia. On the left and right of the two kings, as if supporters to an escutcheon, are whole length figures on a large scale of military officers; each holds the hilt of his sword, saying, "Whilst you agree I am ready". One (left) is the 'Reigg Duke of Brunswick', the other 'Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick'. In the lower right corner of the design a Frenchman wearing a bag-wig milks a cow inscribed 'Holland'; a dog barks at him angrily. Next the cow a man seated on the ground, probably intended for the Stadtholder, holds up his hands imploringly to the two kings, saying, "Pray protect me". Isolated figures round the two sides and upper edge of the design represent the other Powers of Europe: a crowned bear (left) inscribed 'Russia', couchant, looks greedily towards a much smaller bear inscribed 'Poland'. Russia says, "Tortur'd by Ambition - back'd by Brother Joseph"; Poland answers, "I am not muzzled". The bust of an oriental wearing a turban (Turkey) looks over its shoulder (across Poland) towards Russia, saying, "By the great Prophet thou art but a Woman". A crowned monkey with a sceptre and shield, representing Louis XVI, is seated on a globe inscribed 'Holland', saying, "Mundus vult decipi". Down the right side of the print are three crowned busts looking towards the two kings: Sardinia says, "You shall not Settle without me"; Spain says, "Oh. give me the Rock" (cf. BMSat 6025, &c), Portugal says, "Oh! buy my Wine" (an allusion to the preference to Portuguese wines, given by the Methuen treaty and threatened by the pending commercial treaty with France). On the left side Sweden says, "I am in the pay of France"; Denmark says, "I lay by at present"."--British museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from Grego and British Museum Catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; sheet 27.5 x 37.8 cm., and Mounted on leaf 37 of volume 2 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. Feby. 10th 1786 by S. Hedges No. 91 Cornhill
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786, Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, 1721-1792, Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, 1735-1806, Louis XVI, King of France, 1754-1793, Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1741-1790, Victor Amadeus II, King of Sardinia, 1726-1796, Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816, Gustav III, King of Sweden, 1746-1792, Christian VII, King of Denmark and Norway, 1749-1808, Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 1729-1796, and Abdülhamid I, Sultan of the Turks, 1725-1789