"The Prince of Wales and his friends besiege the Treasury, whose gate is on the right: a massive door, spiked and triply padlocked, fills a stone arch inscribed 'TRE[ASURY]'. Fox, his legs encased in armour, stoops down to bite one of the huge padlocks. Behind him are Hanger, about to strike the door with his massive club (cf. BMSat 6924, &c), and a barefooted Scot in Highland dress, probably Adam, preparing to smite with a sword whose blade is inscribed 'Faction'. In the centre, but rather behind his followers, stands the Prince, ragged and dishevelled, but fashionable, firing at the gate a blunderbuss inscribed 'Itch Diadem'. On the left are Burke and North: Burke, very lean, wears armour, a Jesuit's biretta (cf. BMSat 6955) and huge spectacles. He clasps a rolled document inscribed 'Impeachment', and bends forward, his right hand on his hip. North, very short and fat, stands passively on the extreme left, holding across his shoulder an axe inscribed 'To Conquer America'. He is grotesquely dressed, wearing a feathered helmet, bag-wig, and low top-boots. Beside Burke is a barking dog standing over an open book inscribed 'Plenipotentiary'. Fox, Burke, and North are evidently copied from BMSat 6955. There are four placards on the wall (left to right): [1] 'At a Meeting of the Not Abies Resolved Nem Con that they do vigioursly [sic] attack the Treasuary with all their proper Weapons Get into Place, Humble the Pride of Master Billy, Kick out the Treaty of Commerce, Convict Hastings, Remove the Sceptre, Repeal the Shop Tax Pass Fox's India Bill Keep their Places & do many more things if they are able' [2] 'Whereas Prosecution against High------[treason] in Fitz[herbert]' (cf. BMSat 6924, &c). [3] 'Sold by Auction by Tattersall His Highness's Studd A. Filly' (cf. BMSat 6967). [4, above the Prince's head] 'Theatre Royal Benefit of Mrs F------[Fitzherbert] Seduction Principal Characters . . . R.P.' Within the Treasury gate, above the door, is a crown inscribed 'Safe'; words from some one inside the Treasury, presumably Pitt, appear above the gate: 'I have Gain'd the affections of my Sovereign, and they must cut keener than a Diamond to affect me'. (Probably an allusion to the diamond sent to the King through Hastings, see BMSat 6966, &c.)"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Convention of the notables
Title etched below image., Attributed to Kingsbury in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Treasury building.
Published April 28th, 1787 by S.W. Fores, No.3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, and Adam, William, 1751-1839
"The Prince of Wales and his friends besiege the Treasury, whose gate is on the right: a massive door, spiked and triply padlocked, fills a stone arch inscribed 'TRE[ASURY]'. Fox, his legs encased in armour, stoops down to bite one of the huge padlocks. Behind him are Hanger, about to strike the door with his massive club (cf. BMSat 6924, &c), and a barefooted Scot in Highland dress, probably Adam, preparing to smite with a sword whose blade is inscribed 'Faction'. In the centre, but rather behind his followers, stands the Prince, ragged and dishevelled, but fashionable, firing at the gate a blunderbuss inscribed 'Itch Diadem'. On the left are Burke and North: Burke, very lean, wears armour, a Jesuit's biretta (cf. BMSat 6955) and huge spectacles. He clasps a rolled document inscribed 'Impeachment', and bends forward, his right hand on his hip. North, very short and fat, stands passively on the extreme left, holding across his shoulder an axe inscribed 'To Conquer America'. He is grotesquely dressed, wearing a feathered helmet, bag-wig, and low top-boots. Beside Burke is a barking dog standing over an open book inscribed 'Plenipotentiary'. Fox, Burke, and North are evidently copied from BMSat 6955. There are four placards on the wall (left to right): [1] 'At a Meeting of the Not Abies Resolved Nem Con that they do vigioursly [sic] attack the Treasuary with all their proper Weapons Get into Place, Humble the Pride of Master Billy, Kick out the Treaty of Commerce, Convict Hastings, Remove the Sceptre, Repeal the Shop Tax Pass Fox's India Bill Keep their Places & do many more things if they are able' [2] 'Whereas Prosecution against High------[treason] in Fitz[herbert]' (cf. BMSat 6924, &c). [3] 'Sold by Auction by Tattersall His Highness's Studd A. Filly' (cf. BMSat 6967). [4, above the Prince's head] 'Theatre Royal Benefit of Mrs F------[Fitzherbert] Seduction Principal Characters . . . R.P.' Within the Treasury gate, above the door, is a crown inscribed 'Safe'; words from some one inside the Treasury, presumably Pitt, appear above the gate: 'I have Gain'd the affections of my Sovereign, and they must cut keener than a Diamond to affect me'. (Probably an allusion to the diamond sent to the King through Hastings, see BMSat 6966, &c.)"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Convention of the notables
Title etched below image., Attributed to Kingsbury in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Treasury building., 1 print : etching with stipple, hand-colored, on laid paper ; sheet 302 x 418 mm., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark; mounted to 32 x 44 cm.
Published April 28th, 1787 by S.W. Fores, No.3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, and Adam, William, 1751-1839
Title etched below image., Attributed to Rowlandson by Grego., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted on leaf 11 of volume 3 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. by William Holland, printseller, No. 50 Oxford Street
"A stout man rides a trotting horse in profile to the right. followed by a dog. He rises from the saddle with his legsthrust forward, pulling hard at the curb with both hands; the snaffle rein lies on the lean horse's neck. He wears a broad-brimmed round hat and a coat buttoned across his chest by a single button."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Questionable attribution to West in local card catalog., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., In lower left corner of image: Gentlemens designs executed gratis., and Blue paper mounting partially removed.
Pub'd Jan. 1, 1787, by S.W. Fores at the Caricature Warehouse, No.3 Piccadilly
Title from caption below image., Artist's signature from impression in the British Museum., Date of publication based on that of the print from which this design was copied. See no. 7229 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Design consists of ten figures arranged in two rows., Companion to a print of the same title and similar design. See Lewis Walpole Library call no.: Bunbury 787.00.00.24+., The Lewis Walpole Library impression: artist's signature erased from lower left corner of sheet, and sheet trimmed within plate mark with partial loss of title., and Temporary local subject terms: Dancing -- Minuet -- Couples.
Title from caption below image., Artist from signature on companion print in the British Museum catalogue., Date of publication based on that of the print from which this design was copied. See no. 7229 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark and artist's signature erased from lower left corner., Design consists of ten figures arranged in two rows., A companion print to no. 7229A in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., and Window mounted to 27 x 37 cm.
Title from item., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Two contrasting images on one plate form contrasting pair of figures., Attributed to Kingsbury in the British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Female costume -- Hats -- Muffs -- Puffs -- Derrières -- Trades: Milliners -- Men milliners -- Device for inflating the figure., and Watermark in center of sheet: J. Whatman.
Pubd. Feby. 16, 1787 by S.W. Fores at the Caracature Warehouse, No. 3 Piccadilly
"Soldiers march impassively in double file through a crowded street, and over the prostrate bodies of those whom they have overthrown. Military arrogance and foppishness are personified by the officer, much caricatured, with a grotesquely elongated waist (cf. British Museum Satires No. 7352). He places one toe on the body of a fish-woman who lies on her back, her legs much exposed. His outstretched right leg is poised above a crouching woman who tries to protect her barrow of vegetables. Two men holding muskets precede the officer; one tramples on the face of an infant. The officer is followed by a man carrying a pike, behind whom march six soldiers in double file carrying muskets with fixed bayonets. All march ruthlessly, eyes front, regardless of the havoc they are causing. A porter lies on the ground clutching a broken wooden case faintly inscribed 'Mr . . . Silversmith'; from it pour plate and jewels. The porter's knee is badly damaged, and his knot has been knocked from his shoulders. A milliner or courtesan lies on her back clutching the hair of a barber who clasps her leg. On the extreme right a prostrate woman tries to protect her infant, and a newsboy with his horn and a sheaf of the 'Morning Herald' tries to escape from the trampling soldiers. Other victims between the soldiers and the wall are a woman with a crutch, a shoeblack, a man with a tray of rolls. A pair of beseeching hands and two female legs (right) waving in the air add to the turmoil, which is accentuated by the writhing forms of the fish which fall from the fishwoman's basket. The background is formed by the wall of a stone building with two elaborately barred niches, and by the window of a silversmith's shop (right)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Abuses: military marches, 1787 -- Newspapers: Morning Herald -- Architectural details: barred niches -- Trampled victims -- Guns: muskets with fixed bayonets -- Protection of the Bank, 1787 -- Military march, double file -- Children: abused infant -- Shops: exterior of a silversmith shop -- Silversmith's box -- Vegetable sellers -- Fishwomen -- Allusion to the Strand -- Allusion to Cheapside -- Allusion to Fleet Street -- Porter's knot -- Newsboys -- Milliners., and Watermark: Hall & [...]plin 1804 on the right side of sheet; Strasburg bend on the left.
Pubd. Augt. 22d, 1787, by S.W. Fores, Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Soldiers, British, Military uniforms, Military officers, Marching, Food vendors, Porters, Rifles, Barbers, Newspaper carriers, and Storefronts
"Soldiers march impassively in double file through a crowded street, and over the prostrate bodies of those whom they have overthrown. Military arrogance and foppishness are personified by the officer, much caricatured, with a grotesquely elongated waist (cf. British Museum Satires No. 7352). He places one toe on the body of a fish-woman who lies on her back, her legs much exposed. His outstretched right leg is poised above a crouching woman who tries to protect her barrow of vegetables. Two men holding muskets precede the officer; one tramples on the face of an infant. The officer is followed by a man carrying a pike, behind whom march six soldiers in double file carrying muskets with fixed bayonets. All march ruthlessly, eyes front, regardless of the havoc they are causing. A porter lies on the ground clutching a broken wooden case faintly inscribed 'Mr . . . Silversmith'; from it pour plate and jewels. The porter's knee is badly damaged, and his knot has been knocked from his shoulders. A milliner or courtesan lies on her back clutching the hair of a barber who clasps her leg. On the extreme right a prostrate woman tries to protect her infant, and a newsboy with his horn and a sheaf of the 'Morning Herald' tries to escape from the trampling soldiers. Other victims between the soldiers and the wall are a woman with a crutch, a shoeblack, a man with a tray of rolls. A pair of beseeching hands and two female legs (right) waving in the air add to the turmoil, which is accentuated by the writhing forms of the fish which fall from the fishwoman's basket. The background is formed by the wall of a stone building with two elaborately barred niches, and by the window of a silversmith's shop (right)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Early state, which lacks the drapery that was later added to further cover the legs of the prostrate fishwoman. See British Museum catalogue., and Mounted on leaf 43 of volume 7 of 12.
Pubd. Augt. 22d, 1787, by S.W. Fores, Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Soldiers, British, Military uniforms, Military officers, Marching, Food vendors, Porters, Rifles, Barbers, Newspaper carriers, and Storefronts
"Soldiers march impassively in double file through a crowded street, and over the prostrate bodies of those whom they have overthrown. Military arrogance and foppishness are personified by the officer, much caricatured, with a grotesquely elongated waist (cf. British Museum Satires No. 7352). He places one toe on the body of a fish-woman who lies on her back, her legs much exposed. His outstretched right leg is poised above a crouching woman who tries to protect her barrow of vegetables. Two men holding muskets precede the officer; one tramples on the face of an infant. The officer is followed by a man carrying a pike, behind whom march six soldiers in double file carrying muskets with fixed bayonets. All march ruthlessly, eyes front, regardless of the havoc they are causing. A porter lies on the ground clutching a broken wooden case faintly inscribed 'Mr . . . Silversmith'; from it pour plate and jewels. The porter's knee is badly damaged, and his knot has been knocked from his shoulders. A milliner or courtesan lies on her back clutching the hair of a barber who clasps her leg. On the extreme right a prostrate woman tries to protect her infant, and a newsboy with his horn and a sheaf of the 'Morning Herald' tries to escape from the trampling soldiers. Other victims between the soldiers and the wall are a woman with a crutch, a shoeblack, a man with a tray of rolls. A pair of beseeching hands and two female legs (right) waving in the air add to the turmoil, which is accentuated by the writhing forms of the fish which fall from the fishwoman's basket. The background is formed by the wall of a stone building with two elaborately barred niches, and by the window of a silversmith's shop (right)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Abuses: military marches, 1787 -- Newspapers: Morning Herald -- Architectural details: barred niches -- Trampled victims -- Guns: muskets with fixed bayonets -- Protection of the Bank, 1787 -- Military march, double file -- Children: abused infant -- Shops: exterior of a silversmith shop -- Silversmith's box -- Vegetable sellers -- Fishwomen -- Allusion to the Strand -- Allusion to Cheapside -- Allusion to Fleet Street -- Porter's knot -- Newsboys -- Milliners., 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; sheet 42.1 x 54.1 cm., and Mounted on leaf 42 of volume 7 of 12.
Pubd. Augt. 22d, 1787, by S.W. Fores, Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Soldiers, British, Military uniforms, Military officers, Marching, Food vendors, Porters, Rifles, Barbers, Newspaper carriers, and Storefronts