"Ladies and gentlemen seated in a semicircle, while a footman holds a circular tray on which are tea-cups, &c. In the foreground a man sits (centre) his bag-wig hanging over the back of his chair facing the semicircle. On the extreme left a man sits stiffly, hat under his right arm, tea-cup in his left hand; next is an elderly and ugly woman, holding a fan; then a stout man seated uncomfortably on the edge of his chair. Then a lean and ugly old woman sitting very upright, with a fan. In the centre of the circle, full face, holding a tea-cup in both hands and looking downwards, is a lady with enormously wide petticoats, who appears to be the hostess. Next stands the footman, who is glaring with scorn at a French manservant who stands behind the guests on the left holding a plate of bread and butter. The remaining guests are in a group on the right. A stout and ugly man, in profile to the left, stretches out his hand, either in gesticulation, or to take a cup of tea from the tray. Next him is a plainly dressed man with an enormous wig who is laughing and looking through a single eye-glass. These two are the only guests who show the slightest animation, the others sitting rigidly silent. On the extreme right sits a young lady of pleasing appearance, in profile to the left, looking down demurely at her fan. Behind her (right) appears the head of a good-looking young man, whose arm rests on the back of her chair. Two oval pictures are indicated on the back wall the room."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Title etched below image., Reissue, with different imprint statement, of a print originally published 11 February 1782 by W. Dickinson. Cf. No. 6141 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on right and left edges., Plate numbered in upper right corner: No. 14., Temporary local subject terms: Tea services -- Male costume, 1782 -- Female costume, 1782 -- Domestic service: Footmen -- French man-servant -- Monocles., 1 print : stipple engraving and etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; sheet 450 x 545 mm., and Watermark.
Pub. April 1, 1794, by J. Harris, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill
"Social satire; two seated women, one on a wooden chair, dressed simply with a bonnet tied with a ribbon round her chin and holding a letter, the other on a sofa, more fashionably dressed, with jewellery and holding a fan."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Female costume, 1794.
Published 24th Decr. 1794 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Women, Chairs, Sofas, and Fans (Accessories)
"A patient, wrapped in shroud-like draperies, sits (left) in a high-backed arm-chair gazing up and to the left. Two doctors in the foreground fight each other, overturning a round table on which are medicine-phials. A lean doctor (left) flourishes the wig of his fat opponent, whom he clutches by the neck-cloth. The fat doctor (right) siezes the other's pigtail queue."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Printmaker identified from the original drawing in the Huntington Library., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls., Plate numbered '143' in lower left corner., and Temporary local subject terms: Fist-fights -- Medicine bottles -- Walking staves -- Furniture: armchairs.
Published 23th Decr. 1794 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Elizabeth Sawyer is shown full-length walking left with a divining rod in (Fate) pointing at her
Title engraved below image., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Symbols: finger of fate
"The Gamble Arms; a garlanded shield with crossed lion's paws supported on scrolls with a woman's head, flanked by two male torsos supporting a lintel with a head of Minerva in a scalloped niche at the centre and baskets of fruit to either side; a scroll below labelled 'Ellis Gamble.'"--British Museum online catalogue
"The Gamble Arms; a garlanded shield with crossed lion's paws supported on scrolls with a woman's head, flanked by two male torsos supporting a lintel with a head of Minerva in a scalloped niche at the centre and baskets of fruit to either side; a scroll below labelled 'Ellis Gamble.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Gamble arms
Title etched in image., On page 3 in volume 1. Sheet 74 x 59 mm., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark; printmaker's name erased from this impression.
Copy of Hogarth's 1720s design of a trade card for Ellis Gamble whose shop sign was an angel; with advertisement below. With text in English on the left and French on the right
Alternative Title:
Ellis Gamble orfeure a l'enseigne de l'ange d'or dans Carnbourne-Street Leicester-Fields ...
Title etched in image below angel., Plate from: Ireland, S. Graphic illustrations of Hogarth, v. 1, opposite page 8., and See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 23.
Copy of Hogarth's 1720s design of a trade card for Ellis Gamble whose shop sign was an angel; with advertisement below. With text in English on the left and French on the right
Alternative Title:
Ellis Gamble orfeure a l'enseigne de l'ange d'or dans Carnbourne-Street Leicester-Fields ...
Title etched in image below angel., Plate from: Ireland, S. Graphic illustrations of Hogarth, v. 1, opposite page 8., See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 23., and On page 5 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: sheet 193 x 149 mm.
"A German soldier sits in the front row of a theatre gallery, his hands in a muff. He has moustaches, wears a high fur cap, a cloak, the braided tunic of a hussar, and looks fixedly to the right with a contemptuous frown. Those sitting in the same row turn their heads to look at him; a stout man on the extreme right stares through a glass; those behind stand and stare. Some of those seated below look up."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Foreigner stared out of countenance
Titles etched below image., Publisher's advertisement following imprint: ...Where may be had all Rowlandsons works., and Temporary local subject terms: German soldiers -- Military uniforms: German uniforms -- Theatres: theatre gallery -- Male costume: muff and fur.