"George IV, much caricatured, and naked except for breeches, reclines on a bed of roses, attended by three plump ladies who bend over him, and whom he regards amorously.They are Mrs. Q-- (Quentin), see British Museum Satires No. 13889, and, apparently, her two young daughters, with whom the King plays. For the King as an infant cf. British Museum Satires No. 13764, &c."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Royal great baby among the roses
Title etched below image., Frontispiece to: Hunter, R. A peep into the cottage at Windsor, or, "Love among the roses". London : Printed and published by W. Benbow ..., 1820., Approximate month of publication from the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark at bottom., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted (with one other print) on leaf 8 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and With "Peep into Cottage at Windsor" written in upper margin and date "1820" written in lower right, both in black ink. Also with four lines in sepia ink concerning Geroge IV's mistresses, written vertically in the left and right margins. Figure of "George IV" identified in pencil on mounting leaf below print, beneath which is pasted a typed extract of two lines from the British Museum catalogue description.
W. Benbow
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 and Quentin, Georgina
Print shows a large concert-room, which is partly a music-shop, where the Regent sits playing a 'cello. At his feet is a paper: 'Proposals for Six Charity Concerts'. Facing him stands an elderly 'cit', a John Bull, who listens delightedly. The Regent says: "There Sir is one of the finest toned Instruments, I ever touched, and our own making. Nobody makes Instruments like us. That Humbug fiddle is out of Tune." The 'cit' answers "Charming." Behind the Regent are Bloomfield playing a flute, and a man wearing clerical bands playing a violin. Behind them is a counter on which are two piles of songs 'For Sale cheap'; one is 'Bold Flinty Rock', the other 'Beautiful Maid'. Behind the counter a man supports on his shoulders a musician holding out a violin, and declaiming: "This will do, and Sir give me leave to say, No Scholar of ours shall ever use any Music or Instruments but our own, What do you think of that eh? & I am a Director, what do you think of that eh?" Two fashionably dressed ladies in the foreground address the Regent. One kneels, extending her arms dramatically, saying: "Indeed if you will Engage us we will not only buy all our Music and Instruments of you, but make our Scholars do the same." The other, identified as Miss Stephens, the vocalist and actress (1794-1882): "Indeed we will!" A piano is on the extreme right, behind this stands Braham holding a piece of music and extending an arm to disgruntled performers who are hurrying from the room, saying: "Fly not yet." Three of those departing say respectively: "We are off"; "You had better open a Cook Shop next and sell Calves heads and Cow heels"; "I'll lend you no more 4.000.s C-ts." The music stacked behind them is inscribed 'Detached Peices' [sic]. On the left Lord Eldon and Chief Justice Abbott, both in wig and gown, stand together. Eldon says: "Since our Master has taken to this Concern all our Business is Suspended." Abbott answers: "Suspended, why I have here a list of 21 fellows who ought to be Suspended." A man standing behind them says, looking at the Regent: "What then you intend to ruin all the Composers, Music Sellers, and Instrument makers do you? & this is a specimen of your correctness is it? 36 blunders in 9 pages of one Peice. Cossac Song above 30 errors. Dramatic Air worse 2d do worse still." On the extreme left is Yarmouth's smiling profile; he says: "I'll bet a Crown to One and Twenty pence, against the Hazard of being blown up by the Gas." Music on the shelves behind them is inscribed: 'the Y-m-ih Waltz'; 'Jack Ketch set to Mus[ic]'. Behind the Regent: 'New Peices'; 'Rogues March'; 'Royal Airs'. Behind the Director: 'Catches Glees, Flats and Sharps.'
Alternative Title:
Monopoly a catch for 21 voices with a royal base
Title from text above image., Etched by Robert Cruikshank, with parts done by George Cruikshank; see British Museum catalogue., Later state, with title moved from below image to above and all text in lower margin (including imprint) re-etched; text also added to several of the speech bubbles, and changes made to the figures and their speech bubbles on the extreme right side of the image. For an earlier state, see Lewis Walpole Library call no.: 724 835G., Date of publication "March 1820" in imprint follows place of publication "London" and precedes publisher's statement., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Text below image consists of seven stanzas of verse in four columns, with the following heading: The Regents Harmonic Institution --A new song to the tune of a Cobler there was. --The English are a nation of shop-keepers French opinion., Verses begin: No more let V-t-t embarrass his mind, for ways or for means new expedients to find ..., Mounted to 39 x 58 cm., Mounted on leaf 5 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Central figure of "George IV" identified in pencil beneath image. Typed extract of sixteen lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted opposite (on verso of preceding leaf).
Pubd. by S.W. Fores, 41 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Regent’s Harmonic Institution, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Stephens, Catherine, 1794-1882, Braham, John, 1774-1856, Abbott, Charles, Baron Tenterden, 1762-1832, and Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, 1751-1838
Subject (Topic):
Music stores, Interiors, Fireplaces, Mirrors, Musical instruments, Violoncellos, Flutes, Violins, Pianos, and Drums (Musical instruments)
Interior of a large concert-room, which is partly a music-shop, where the Regent sits playing a 'cello. At his feet is a paper: 'Proposals for Six Charity Concerts'. Facing him stands an elderly 'cit', a John Bull, who listens delightedly. The Regent says: "There Sir is one of the finest toned Instruments, I ever touched, and our own making. Nobody makes Instruments like us. That Humbug fiddle is out of Tune." The 'cit' answers "Charming." Behind the Regent are Bloomfield playing a flute, and a man wearing clerical bands playing a violin. Behind them is a counter on which are two piles of songs 'For Sale cheap'; one is 'Bold Flinty Rock', the other 'Beautiful Maid'. Behind the counter a man supports on his shoulders a musician holding out a violin, and declaiming: "This will do, and Sir give me leave to say, No Scholar of ours shall ever use any Music or Instruments but our own, What do you think of that eh?" Two fashionably dressed ladies in the foreground address the Regent. One kneels, extending her arms dramatically, saying: "Indeed if you will Engage us we will not only buy all our Music and Instruments of you, but make our Scholars do the same." The other, identified as Miss Stephens, the vocalist and actress (1794-1882): "Indeed we will!" A piano is on the extreme right, behind this stands Braham, who is holding a piece of music entitled "Fly not yet" and looking to the left. Behind him, three of those departing say "off off" or "off off off"; another says "You had better open a Cook Shop next and sell Calves heads and Cow heels"; and another "I'll lend you no more 4.000.s C-ts." The music stacked behind them is inscribed 'detached pieces'. On the left Lord Eldon and Chief Justice Abbott, both in wig and gown, stand together. Eldon says: "Since our Master has taken to this Concern all our Business is Suspended." Abbott answers: "Suspended, why I have here a list of 21 fellows who ought to be Suspended." A man standing behind them says, looking at the Regent: "What then you intend to ruin all the Composers, Music Sellers, and Instrument makers do you? & this is a specimen of your correctness is it? 36 blunders in 9 pages of one Peice. Cossac Song above 30 errors. Dramatic Air worse." On the extreme left is Yarmouth's smiling profile; he says: "I'll bet a Crown to One and Twenty pence, against the Hazard." Music on the shelves behind them is inscribed: 'the Y-m-ih Waltz'; 'Jack Ketch set to Mus[ic]'. Behind the Regent: 'New Peices [sic]'; 'Rogues March'; 'Royal Airs'. Behind the Director: 'Catches Glees, Flats and Sharps.'
Alternative Title:
Monopoly a catch for 21 voices with a royal base
Title from text below image., Etched by Robert Cruikshank, with parts done by George Cruikshank; see description of a later state in the British Museum catalogue., Early state, before title moved above image and before other changes made to the plate (including re-etching verses and imprint in lower margin; adding text to various speech bubbles; and altering the figures and speech bubbles in the far right portion of the image). For a later state that includes these changes, see no. 13692 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, v. 10. See also: Cohn, A.M. George Cruikshank: a catalogue raisonné, 1894., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Text below image consists of seven stanzas of verse in four columns, with the following heading: The Regents Harmonic Institution. A new song to the tune of a Cobler there was. The English are a nation of shop keepers. French opinion., Verses begin: No more let V-i-t embarrass his mind, for ways or for means new expedients to find ..., Mounted to 39 x 58 cm., and Mounted on leaf 7 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair."
Pubd. by S.W. Fores, 41 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Regent’s Harmonic Institution, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Stephens, Catherine, 1794-1882, Braham, John, 1774-1856, Abbott, Charles, Baron Tenterden, 1762-1832, and Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, 1751-1838
Subject (Topic):
Music stores, Interiors, Fireplaces, Mirrors, Musical instruments, Violoncellos, Flutes, Violins, Pianos, and Drums (Musical instruments)
"Heading to a broadside printed in two columns. The King and Mrs. Nash, a very fat lady, sit facing each other, and kissing, on two chairs in the saloon of the royal yacht. He is in shirt and breeches, with dangling braces, she is elegantly dressed. He says: "I have great pleasure in visiting this part of my dominions." At his feet is a paper: 'The Loyal address of Cows.' Decanter, overturned goblet, and wine-cooler, are the chief objects in the room. In an adjacent room, partly concealed by a curtain, is seen the royal bed. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Tom Tough in high glee
Title printed in letterpress below image., Date of publication from the British Museum catalogue., Six numbered stanzas of verse in two columns beneath title, printed in letterpress: I. My name is Royal G-ge, I have seen a little service, Where pleasure like the Thames has its tide of ebb and flow ..., Price statement following imprint: -- Price 1s. coloured., Watermark: J. Budgen 1819., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted on leaf 68 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Geo. IV" and "Mrs. Nash" identified in ink below image. Typed extract of eight lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted beneath print.
Printed and published by J.L. Marks, 37, Princes-Street, Soho; and 23, Fetter-Lane, Fleet-Street
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 and Nash, Mary Anne, -1851
"A fashionably dressed man, walking in (?) Hyde Park, draws back in astonishment on meeting Lord Conyngham, riding a spirited horse and wearing a marquess's coronet, surmounted by antlers with bells. The former says: "Why my Lord I never saw you so Gracefully set off in my Life before, where the Devil did you get that beautiful Charger." Conyngham: "It was a present from the - to my Wife & a rare Stallion it is, he has also presented my Daughter with a similar Poney." Answer: "Indeed!!! Why I never heard before that he had mounted them both!!!" Conyngham: "And this foraging Cap he made himself on purpose for me, d'ont you think it becoming?""--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
New Windsor uniform
Title etched below image., Attributed to William Heath in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on three sides., Printed on watermarked paper., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted (with one other print) on leaf 98 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figure of "Lord Conyngham" identified in pencil at bottom of sheet; date "11 Oct. 1820" written in ink in lower right corner. Typed extract of seven lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted opposite (on verso of preceding leaf).
Pubd. Oct. 11th, 1820, by S.W. Fores, 41 Picadilli [sic]
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Name):
Conyngham, Henry Conyngham, Marquess, 1766-1832 and George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830.
Subject (Topic):
Adultery, Parks, Horseback riding, Crowns, Antlers, and Bells
"Caricature on the trial of Queen Caroline, with the charges being laid before the Lord Chancellor."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
School boy and his master
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed to plate mark leaving thread margins., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted (with one other print) on leaf 102 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Leach," "Majocchi," "Sidmouth," "Liverpool," "Eldon," "D. York," and "Wellington" identified in ink below image; date "Oct. 1820" written in lower right corner of sheet.
Published October 1820 by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830., Majocchi, Theodore, active 1820, Leach, John, 1760-1834, Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, 1751-1838, Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Earl of, 1770-1828, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, and Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827
Subject (Topic):
Politicians, Military officers, Military uniforms, British, Scepters, Daggers & swords, Worms, Coats of arms, Tables, Bags, Rats, and Books
Heading to a printed broadside that begins: "Pity the sorrows of a poor old man, whose worn-out limbs have borne him to your door ..." The King is shown as a haggard beggar, his clothes torn and a pack on his back. He holds out his inverted crown with his left hand, seeking donations; his right hand grasps the cane he is leaning on. The sign post behind him says "To Bradenburg [sic] House" and points to the right, the direction in which the King travels. Brandenburgh House is seen in the background on the right, the Queen looking sternly out the window at the disheveled King. A sign at the gate to the house says "Beware of steel traps and sping [sic] guns." In the left background is a smaller house labeled "The Cottage".
Title from letterpress text below image., Date inferred from the depiction of Queen Caroline at Brandenburgh House, where she lived in 1820-21., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on three sides., "Entered at Stationers' Hall. Price one shilling"--Below imprint and above printer's statement., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., 1 print : etching ; sheet 38 x 25 cm., Printed on wove paper; hand-colored., Imperfect; sheet trimmed resulting in loss of imprint statement and other text from bottom edge., and Mounted on page 39 of: George Humphrey shop album.
Published by J. Dawson, Camden Town; and sold by every bookseller and newsman in the kingdom and Printed by W. Smith, King Street, Seven Dials
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, and Brandenburgh House (London, England),
Heading to a printed broadside that begins: "Pity the sorrows of a poor old man, whose worn-out limbs have borne him to your door ..." The King is shown as a haggard beggar, his clothes torn and a pack on his back. He holds out his inverted crown with his left hand, seeking donations; his right hand grasps the cane he is leaning on. The sign post behind him says "To Bradenburg [sic] House" and points to the right, the direction in which the King travels. Brandenburgh House is seen in the background on the right, the Queen looking sternly out the window at the disheveled King. A sign at the gate to the house says "Beware of steel traps and sping [sic] guns." In the left background is a smaller house labeled "The Cottage".
Title from letterpress text below image., Date inferred from the depiction of Queen Caroline at Brandenburgh House, where she lived in 1820-21., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on three sides., "Entered at Stationers' Hall. Price one shilling"--Below imprint and above printer's statement., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., Watermark: T. Edmonds 1819., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted on leaf 64 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figure of "Geo. IV" identified in ink below image.
Published by J. Dawson, Camden Town; and sold by every bookseller and newsman in the kingdom and Printed by W. Smith, King Street, Seven Dials
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, and Brandenburgh House (London, England),
"The King, dressed as a mandarin, falls back fainting on a settee, attended by three stout ladies and General Bloomfield, all in Chinese dress. Behind is a slanting cloud of smoke, inscribed: 'The Bill is lost through your favorite Clause.' He murmurs: "Curse the Bishops, Oh I faint, I faint, I shall never survive this." Bloomfield, identified by a paper in his pocket: 'The Farmers Boy' [cf. British Museum Satires No. 13237], bends towards him, saying, "aye that Cursed Adultery Clause has done the Business--"; he proffers a glass of 'Coniac'. A lady supports each arm, holding a bottle of 'Eau de Col[ogne]' to his nose; one, in back view, is (?) Lady Hertford; the other, Lady Conyngham, says: "Rouse my Love, & we will go, where the Rocks of Coral grow,! let us quit this Religious Country & go to Hanover." The third (? Mrs. Quentin) throws up her arms in despair. A huge Chinese jar (left) is decorated with a dragon; carved dragons or monsters support the sofa, and a table (right) on which is a decanter of 'Curacoa'."--British Museum online catalogue and A Chinese man falls back fainting onto a settee, attended by three ladies and a man all in Chinese dress; representing the King's anguish at the bill (which condemned the Queen's adultery and reduced her rights) being thrown out
Title etched below image., Attributed to William Heath in the British Museum online catalogue, registration no: 1935,0522.12.138., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Watermark: J. Whatman 1819., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted (with one other print) on leaf 21 in volume 2 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figure of "George IV" identified in pencil at bottom of sheet. Typed extract of twenty-four lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted opposite (on verso of preceding leaf).
Pub. Nov. 15, 1820, by S.W. Fores, 41 Picadilly [sic]
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and Grande-Bretagne
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Hertford, Isabella Anne Ingram-Seymour-Conway, Marchioness of, 1760-1834, Conyngham, Elizabeth Conyngham, Marchioness, -1861, Quentin, Georgina, and Bloomfield, Benjamin Bloomfield, Baron, 1768-1846
Subject (Topic):
Chinese, Fashion, House furnishings, National characteristics, Chinese, Chinois, Ameublement, Ethnic stereotypes, Mistresses, Sofas, Loss of consciousness, and Alcoholic beverages
"Five burlesqued and bedizened women toss, 'for Virtue's sake', the King high from a blanket, egged on by the two sentries (see British Museum Satires No. 13809) who stand before the screen of Carlton House."--British Museum catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Watermark: J. Whatman 1819., Mounted to 39 x 58 cm., Mounted on leaf 88 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Date "Sep. 1820" written in ink in lower right corner. Typed extract of three lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted to the left of print.
Pub. by Benbow, Sep. 1820, corner of St. Clement's Church Yd., Strand
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, and Carlton House (London, England),