United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs United States. Office of Indian Affairs
Call Number:
Zc13 G7 In25
Image Count:
"An emergency conservation news sheet for ourselves" (subtitle varies)., First two issues lack dates and volume numbering., Issued by the United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs under variant names, including Office of Indian Affairs., Mar./Apr. 1945 issue not published; Ceased with issue of May/June 1945?, Publication suspended Aug. 1-Oct. 1, 1937., and Vol. 2, no. 16 misbound in vol. 1.
The Office,
Subject (Topic):
Indians of North America--Industries--Periodicals and Indians of North America--Periodicals
Referenced as Info BUG. Title varies slightly. Variant and related titles: Info UBG; Info Berliner undogmatischer Gruppen; Info Berliner unfassbarer Gruppen; Info Berliner un-heimlicher Gruppen; Info Berliner untixener Gruppen; Info Berliner unweigerlicher Gruppen; Info Berlins unzähliger Gruppen; Info Berliner unverfrorener Gruppen; Info blues united generation; Info blues underground; Info blues under the ground; Info blues; BUG (Berlin, Germany); Nehmt keine Schere, sondern erst einmal die Scheisse aus euren Kopfen!; Jetzt alle zusammen gegen Räumungen!. and Uniform title: Info BUG.
Subject (Geographic):
Berlin (Germany) --Politics and government --20th century --Periodicals, Berlin (Germany) --Social conditions --20th century --Periodicals, Germany --Politics and government --1945-1990 --Periodicals, and Germany --Social cond
International Hygiene Exhibition (1911 : Dresden, Germany) (1930 : Dresden, Germany). Pavillon der Lissitzky, El, 1890-1941 Lissitzky-Küppers, Sophie, 1891-1978
Published / Created:
Call Number:
2009 +30
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
UdSSR : Sowjet-Pavillon auf der Internationalen Hygiene-Austellung, Dresden 1930.
Cover signed: es-el, for Sophie Lissitzky-Küppers and El Lissitzky. It is printed black & red and includes 2 photomontages. Three grommets along spine., Designed by El Lissitzki, who also designed the Soviet exhibition., and Original wrappers.
Subject (Topic):
Hygiene--Soviet Union--Exhibitions and Public health--Soviet Union--Exhibitions