Bound with:
Amends for ladies: a comedie. As it was acted at the Blacke-Fryers, both by the Princes seruants, and the Lady Elizabeths ; Faire quarrell: as it was acted before the King and diuers times publikely by the Prince his Highnes seruants ; Merry divel of Edmonton : as it hath beene sundry times acted, by His Maiesties seruants, at the Globe on the Banke-side ; Tricke to catch the old one : as it hath beene often in action, both at Paules, the Blacke Fryers, and before his Maiestie ; Woman kilde wwith kindnesse : as it hath beene often-times acted by the Queenes Maiest. seruants.
Alternative Title:
Palmer Collection of plays
Borrows from Marston's "Parasitaster." and Signatures: A-H4 (A1, recto signature-mark, verso blank; H4 blank).
Printed for Nathaniell Butter, and are to be solde at his Shop at the Pyde Bull at Saint Augustines Gate,
Herman Melville’s copy with his manuscript notes., In ink on title page: W. Bulkeley Shafor[?]., In pencil on dedication page verso: 47-Arthur W. Butler., In pencil on front flyleaf verso: "H. Melville / Sep 29, 1868 / N.Y." and Sady's / Rose Garden"., and In pencil on front flyleaf: Melville / Sady
Accompanied by: Manuscript on paper, in a single hand, containing several works in verse and prose apparently composed by Dorothy Calthorpe. The volume opens with three poems in couplets: "Philismena to Philander," "Philander to Philismena," and "In commendations of a country Life it being so innocent," and a short prose "Discription of the Garden of Edden." These are followed by a longer prose narrative: "A Short History of the Life and Death of Sir Ceasor Dappefer, or els a pleasent histtory of Jewlious and Dorinda the truth of it was so lately represented that some of those worthy persons are stil liueing and ownes what is here repated." The story, which Calthorpe claims is based on the lives of her father and grandfather, traces the business success and courtships of a father and son. "A Castell in the aire, or the pallace of the man in the moone" is a prose work containing both religious reflection and descriptions of "visiones" of Roman gods, eagles and celestial gardens. and The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New : newly translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised ...London: Henry Hills and John Field, 1660. Ownership and presentation inscriptions include "Dorothy Harvey her book Giuen me by my uncell Nicholas Jun 15 1686. Pray for NH, he pray for thee;" "Given to Anne the Hon.ble Ly. Middeleton by Mrs. Caroline Acton, Decr. 1836;" and "Jane Anne Broke from her Godmother Anne Hon.ble Lady Middleton July 28 1860." Bound in black gilt-panelled morocco, with a six-compartment gilt spine. Marbled endpapers.
Alternative Title:
Writings, [1672-1684]
Dorothy Calthorpe was probably connected to the Calthorpe family of Ampton in Suffolk, but she has not been further identified. and Purchased from Sotheby's on the James Marshall and Marie-Louise Osborn Fund, 2006.