"Landscape with cattle drinking from a river at centre, in the right foreground two figures seen half-length, trees on either side; mountains in the right background."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
In the collection of the Honble. Horace Walpole Esqr
Title devised by curator., Measurements of the original painting etched in lower margin: 3 feet 2 inch wide, 2 feet 4 inch high., Original painting was later kept by Horace Walpole in the Great North Bedchamber at Strawberry Hill., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on page 180 of William Bawtree's extra-illustrated copy of Horace Walpole's: A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See A.T. Hazen's Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 11.
Chatelain, Jean Baptiste Claude, 1710?-1771?, printmaker
Published / Created:
[20 July 1741]
Call Number:
Topos Un58 no. 2+
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Landscape with six figures: in the right foreground, a man leaning on a staff and addressing another man seated on a rock in front of him; beyond, at centre, three figures reclining on a river bank, and further on the right, a standing figure; in the background, a small town on the right bank, cliffs on the left bank, and mountains in the distance, at centre"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
In the collection of Dr. Mead
Title devised by cataloger. and "2 feet 3 inches wide, 1 foot 7 inch. 1/2 high."--Below image, lower right.
Bretherton, James, approximately 1730-1806, printmaker
Published / Created:
[approximately 1780?]
Call Number:
Folio 75 B87 770 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Page 129. Bunbury album.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Landscape, with rolling hills dotted with trees in the distance, a cloud-filled sky above. Several houses sit at the base of the hills, in the middle distance at left; a field separates the houses from a river, which curves from the left towards the center foreground, a forest extending from its right bank to the edge of the image. Scraggly shrubs and small trees are seen in the immediate foreground; a stag stands in the lower right corner of the image
Title devised by curator., Date of publication supplied by curator., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on page 129 of: Bunbury album.
"Pastoral landscape with the Arch of Constantine; in the foreground, at right, an artist sketching with a companion on a fallen tree-trunk, beyond cattle and figure crossing a stream, followed by two figures on a donkey accompanied by a figure on foot, beyond at centre the Arch, and at left the Colosseum."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a later state
Title supplied by cataloger based on description of a later state in the British Museum; see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1872,1012.4705., Etched outline state of one of two hundred plates that were later issued in bound volumes entitled: Liber veritatis. Or, A collection of two hundred prints ... / after the original designs of Claude le Lorrain ... executed by Richard Earlom ... London : Published by the proprietor, John Boydell, [1777-1819]., Plate numbered in lower left corner: No. 115., Watermark: VI., and Imperfect; plate numbering has been erased from sheet.
Published Sepr. 1st, 1775, by John Boydell, engraver in Cheapside
"Landscape with the Finding of Moses; shepherd reclining on rocks in foreground, a group of women on the shore of a river beyond, a tower and bridge in mid-distance."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
From the original drawing in the collection of the Duke of Devonshire
Title from descriptive catalog at beginning of bound volume., Text below image: From the original drawing in the collection of the Duke of Devonshire., One of two hundred plates that were later issued in bound volumes entitled: Liber veritatis. Or, A collection of two hundred prints ... / after the original designs of Claude le Lorrain ... executed by Richard Earlom ... London : Published by the proprietor, John Boydell, [1777-1819]., Plate numbered in lower left corner: No. 48., and Watermark.
Published Septr. 1st, 1774, by John Boydell, engraver in Cheapside