Manuscript on parchment of Michael Glomer, Panegyricus in Cosmum Medicem (Cosmo I de' Medici, Duke of Florence, 1537-1574), with a prologue and an introductory poem in 10 verses
In Latin., Script: copied by a single scribe writing Humanistica Cursiva Formata. Headings in large calligraphic Capitalis., and Binding: 19th century. Quarter binding, brown leather and blueish marbled paper in a diagonal pattern over cardboard. Gold-tooled spine with gold-tooled inscriptions: "GLOMER / PANEGYRI" , "M.S. / MEMBR / DEL / S. XVI", and a crown above the initials "F.S". Gilded edges.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Glomer (?), Michael. and Medici, Cosimo de', 1389-1464.
Subject (Topic):
Laudatory poetry, Latin (Medieval and modern) and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of Aristoteles, Poetica, anonymous Latin translation of chapters 1-7. On f. 2r the translator has replaced Homer and Empedocles, cited by Aristotle, by Virgil and Lucretius ("Nihil tamen commune est Virgilio et Lucretio nisi carmen").
In Latin and Greek., Watermark: coat of arms with a bend, surmounted by a star and with a roundel depending from it, not in Briquet., Script: Copied by one scribe in small Humanistica Cursiva Libraria; words in Greek written by the same hand., Undecorated., and Binding: Sewn on a gilded leather thong; no cover.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Classical literature, Literature, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of an atlas produced by the Genoese cartographer Battista Agnese (1514-1564) in Venice
In Latin and Italian., Script: inscriptions in black or red ink in Humanistica Cursiva under Gothic influence, and in Capitalis (the latter sometimes in gold)., Shield in yellow and blue with "Cosmo-Grra-Phia" in red. The maps show varying degrees of colouring., An atlas produced by the Genoese cartographer Battista Agnese (1514-1564) in Venice. Includes 23 maps in various colors, with many representations of people, ships, and landmarks., and Binding: de luxe binding, 19th or 20th century, by Rivière & Son: gold-tooled red morocco over pasteboard; gold-tooled title on spine:"PORTOLANO / DA / BATTISTA / AGNESE", and at the bottom: "1559".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Agnese, Battista, active 16th century.
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, Cosmography, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscript maps, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript portolan chart, on parchment, for the western Mediterranean, showing the coasts of North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and the British Isles
In Latin., Damaged: coastline of Greece missing; severe fading., and Decoration: illustrations of five emblematic rulers and one of the Virgin Mary at the top of the portolan; three compass roses and strapwork.
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single late Beneventan hand, probably that of a nun, containing a collection of 27 prayers by Saint Thomas Aquinas and others for use at Mass
In Latin., Ff. 74v-75r contain 20 lines of a prayer: "O sacro sanctissimo ochino di pieta," in an Italic script., Layout: single columns of 14 lines., Script: late Beneventan miniscule., Decoration: Extensive. Many small capitals alternately blue and gold with penwork in red and purple. 30 three-line and rwo-line initials either in burnished gold with purple penwork or dark blue with red penwork; very large illuminated initial on opening page with leafy design and burnished gold outlined in red enclosing formal floral pattern, with full-length bar extending into upper and lower margins., Binding: 16th century limp parchment. Cover is made from a 15th-century portolan chart of part of the Adriatic coast of Apulia (Schøyen Collection title: Portolan map of the Adriatic Coast of Apulia in the kingdom of Napoli from Rinaldo south as far as Port Badisco, including Otranto and inland towns with little hills.) 230 mm x 160 mm (flattened). Lettering of portolan in small humanist hand., and Binding: green gilt quarter morocco folding case, Aquarius, 1995, with Schøyen Collection bookplate.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Renaissance, and Portolan charts