Menteşzâde, Abdürrahim, -1716 منتشزاده عبد الرحيم
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Turkish MSS suppl. 255
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Illuminated manuscript on paper of Fetāvā-yı ‘Abdürraḥīm Efendi by Menteşzāde ‘Abdürraḥīm Efendi, a collection of fetvās (legal opinions). Includes a table of contents (ff. 1a-11a). Extensive marginal commentary throughout including responses to legal questions
Alternative Title:
Fetāvā-yı Yaḥyā Efendi, Fetāvā-yı Minḳārīzāde, and Fetāvā-yı ‘Aṭā’ullāh
In Ottoman Turkish with some Arabic., Title assigned by cataloger., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Layout: Single column of 33 lines. Catchword on each verso., Script: Nasta‘līq., Binding: Brown leather over paper pasteboards, gold-tooled and painted, with central mandorla and pendants covered in embossed paper, now damaged., Decoration: Illuminated text frames throughout, rubrication., Pagination added by a later hand to folios bearing text, with f. 12a numbered p. 1, f. 13a numbered p. 2, and so on., Contemporary manuscript notes on related legal opinions tipped in (ff. 47-48, 181-182)., Contemporary manuscript annotations in at least three hands, including notes on Fetāvā-yı ʻAbdürraḥīm Efendi (front pastedown, recto front flyleaf) and on legal matters (recto front and rear flyleaves). Protective charm against bookworms: Yā Kebīkec (يا كبكج) (ff. 1a, 12a)., and Accompanied by notes on legal questions (2 leaves).
Subject (Geographic):
Turkey, Connecticut, and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Fatwas, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Turkish, Islamic law, and Manuscripts, Turkish
Manuscript, on paper, of Ustuvani Mehmet Efendi, a treatise on Islamic jurisprudence which also discusses principles of faith, worship, and prayer
In Ottoman Turkish and Arabic., Title from text heading (f. 1b)., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Layout: Single column of 11 lines. Catchword on each verso., Script: Naskh., Binding: Flap binding, blind-tooled leather, repaired and rebacked. Covers with blind-tooled central mandorla and other decoration; spine in six compartments with blind-tooled flowers., Decoration: Text frames throughout, rubrication., Mathematical calculations in contemporary hand on front pastedown. Pen trials on rear pastedown., and Some loss of text due to repairs.
Vocabularies, Arabic-Turkish-Italian (in Arabic letters); apparently based upon al-Shudhūr al-dhahabīyah wa-al-qiṭaʻ al-Aḥmadīyah fī al-lughah al-Turkīyah of Ibn Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ., Followed by 1 leaf of notes, and Copied in A.H. 1143 (A.D. 1731).
Alternative Title:
Shudhūr al-dhahabīyah fī al-lughah al-Turkīyah wa-al-ʻArabīyah and شذور الذهبية في اللغة التركية والعربية
Available on microfilm, In Arabic, Turkish, and Italian (in Arabic letters)., For Ibn Muḥammad Ṣālih's work see also British Museum, Turkish Mss., pp. 150-51; and Munich catalog 768, which agrees with the British Museum copy., The incipit is the same as in Ibn Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ's work, but the latter is divided into 4 rukns, not faṣls, and has an extensive introduction, etc., Incipit: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm. Kitāb al-Shudhūr al-dhahabīyah fī al-lughah al-Turkīyah wa-al-ʻArabīyah. al-Ḥamdu lillāh alladhī sharrafa al-insān wa-zayyanahu bi-al-nuṭq wa-al-lisān ...", Fair naskhī, in red and black., Islamic binding, in brown., Colophon: "Wa-kāna al-farāgh minhu yawm al-khāmis ʻashar min shahr Kānūn al-Thānī, min shuhūr sanat wāḥid wa-thalāthīn wa-sabʻimiʼah wa-alf, al-muwāfiq li-niṣf Rajab, sanat 1143.", and Translation of the colophon: "Completed on 15 January, 1731, corresponding to the middle of Rajab, 1143 [of the Hijrah]."
Subject (Name):
Mawlānā ibn Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ.
Subject (Topic):
Arabic language, Italian language, and Turkish language
Manuscript, on paper, of a mec'mua containing prayers and mystical poems: (1) unidentified Sufi theological text, ff. 1b-20b; (2) Münācāt-ı der tevhīd-i yā Rabbī teālā 'azze ve celle (مناجات در توهيد يارى تعالي عز و جل), ff. 21b-30b; (3) 'İbtidā-i Ġazeliyāt-ı fī ḥarf-i elif (ابتدائي غزليات في حرف الألف), ff. 31a-70a; (4) unidentified poem, ff. 71b-76a
Alternative Title:
Ṭariḳat-ı Bektāşiyye'den Divān-ı Ṣāfī and طريقات بكتاشيهدن ديوان صافي
In Ottoman Turkish and Arabic., Title assigned by cataloger. Variant title from contemporary manuscript annotation at head of text., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Layout: Single column of 15 lines (ff. 1b-20b). Double columns of 15 lines (ff. 21b-76a). Catchword on each verso., Script: Nasta‘līq., Binding: Modern three-quarter binding in light brown leather with marbled paper over paper pasteboards., Decoration: Rubrication., and Manuscript annotations in a later hand include a prayer (f. 90b) and a petition (f. 91b). Protective charm against bookworms: Yā Kebīkec (يا كبكج) (f. 1b).
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Turkish, Sufi poetry, Turkish, and Sufism
Collection of treatises on magic, astrology, alchemy and Sufism: 1. On the magical qualities of the letters of the Arabic alphabet, their numerical values and their categorization into fire, air, water and earth letters, in Ottoman Turkish (folios1a-2a). 2. Talisman (folio 2a), in Arabic. The copyist (Tawakkulī Muṣṭafá) claims to have seen this talisman in the year 1162 Hijrī (1748/1749) and copied it in Jumād Thānī, 1175 Hijrī (1761/1762). 3. Miftāḥ Kitāb Sāmūr Hindī (Key to the book of the Indian Sāmūr" (folios 2b-22a), by Darwīsh Fatʹḥ Allāh Rūmī (could not be identified), in Ottoman Turkish, an elaborate work on numerology with magic squares. The alleged author "Sāmūr Hindī" (or "Shaykh Sāmūr") could not be identified (probably a fictitious name). Copied in Jumād Awwal, 1188 Hijrī (July/August, 1774). Name of copyist and place of copying not mentioned. 4. Chronology (Silsilah "Chain") of some Sufi order in Ottoman Turkish (folio 22b). 5. Sketch of the zodiac with several magical astronomical tables "zāyirjahs" (folios 23a-26b). 6. Alchemy recipes (27a-29b) on how to convert base metals into gold, in Arabic and Ottoman Turkish. Copied in Shaʻbān 1187 Hijrī (October/November 1773) by Tawakkulī Muṣṭafá. Place of copying not mentioned. 7. Second collection of alchemy recipes (folios 30b-33a). The author wrote at the beginning of these recipes that they were given to him by Sharīf Sayyidī Ḥasan of Diyār Bakr (Diyarbakır, Turkey) in the year 1172 Hijrī (September/October, 1758), at the rate of two words a month. The alleged Sharīf lived after that for fourteen years and died in Muḥarram 1185 Hijrī (April/May, 1771) before being able to finish the alchemy process. 8. Taswīdah (folio 33b), a short alchemy recipe copied on 22 Rajab, 1230 Hijrī (30 June, 1815) by ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad Luṭfī.
In Arabic and Ottoman Turkish., Title of the codex supplied by cataloger., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Incipit of the Talisman : "Aqsamtu ʻalaykum ayyuhā al-arwāḥ al-ʻulwīyah wa-al-suflīyah al-mustakhrajūn min taksīr hādhihi al-ḥurūf al-sharīfah al-muwakkalūn wa-al-ḥākimūn ʻalayhā, yā Fakhāʼīl, yā Khaḍāʼīl ...", Incipit of Miftāḥ Kitāb Sāmūr Hindī: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm. al-Ḥamdu lillāh alladhī aẓhara dhawāt al-ʻālimīn bi-amrihi al-qadīm, wa-nawwara al-ʻārifīn bi-tilāwat asmāʼihi al-ʻaẓīm, wa-al-ṣalāh al-dāʼimah ʻalá muẓhir al-dhāt Nabīyih Muḥammad Dhī al-wajh al-karīm wa-ʻalá ālihi wa-awlādihi alladhīna uẓhirū min ʻālam al-rūḥ ilá ʻālam al-jism bi-al-faḍl al-ʻamīm ...", Secundo folio of Miftāḥ Kitāb Sāmūr Hindī: amīdh darkah bayn., Incipit of Alchemy recipes: "Mabqalah qarībah. Taʼkhudh ʻalá barakat Allāh, taʼkhudh min shaʻr ithnay ʻashar ūqiyah wa-min wa-min [repeated] al-ṣābūn [ṣābūn] al-ḥukamā qadr thalāthīn, yaʻnī thamāniyah wa-tisʻīn dirham, tusḥaq farādah thumma tusḥaq maʻa baʻḍ saḥqan balīghan ...", Secundo folio of Alchemy recipes: fī muddat laylah., Incipit of Second collection of alchemy recipes: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm wa-ṣallá Allāh ʻalá Sayyidinā Muḥammad wa-ālihi wa-ṣaḥbihi wa-sallam. Talaqqaynā hādhihi [hādhā] al-ʻilm min Sharīf Sayyidī Ḥasan min Diyār Bakr fī sanat1172, ibtidāʼ kull shahr kalimatayn. ʻĀsha baʻda dhālika arbaʻat ʻashar sanah ḥattá kamulat asmāʼuhā ramzan. Wa-lam kamulat kulluhā, yaʻnī tarkībuhā. ʻAinda al-tarkīb tawaffā [tuwuffiya] fī Muḥarram sanat 1185.", Secundo folio of Second collection of alchemy recipes: ʻalá kānūn ʻalá nār., Incipit of Taswīdah: "Khudh ʻalá barakat Allāh taʻālá min al-kibrīt al-mistakkāwī ūqīyah wa-min al-zinjafr ūqīyah ...", 15 x 20.5 cm; written surfaces: vary ; lines per page vary., Binding: In brown cloth modern binding., In good naskh script in different hands, in black ink on white paper; headings, keywords and markings in red; catchwords., Title of Miftāḥ Kitāb Sāmūr Hindī from folio 2b., On folio 34a an ownership statement: "Ṣāḥibī wa-mālikī Nuʻmān Afandī Madanī al-Ḥanafī, khādim al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf. 1246 Hijrī (1830/1831)., Colophon of the Talisman: "Tammat. Naqaltuhu min risālah taḥrīran fī Jumāda Thānī sanat 1175, wa-raʼaytuhu fī sanat 1162, thumma naqaltuhu fī Jumād Thānī [signature] Tawakkulī Muṣṭafá.", Translation of the colophon of the Talisman: "It is completed. I copied it from a treatise in Jumād Thānī, 1175 [December 1761/January 1762], having seen it in 1162 [December 1748/January 1749] and copied it in Jumād Thānī [signiture], Tawakkulī Muṣṭafá.", Colophon of Miftāḥ Kitāb Sāmūr Hindī: Colophon missing. Ends with numerical calculations., Colophon of of Alchemy recipes: Colophon missing. Ends with: "... wa-in kāna yafḍulu fīhi shayʼ udmushu marratan ukhrah [ukhrá] ḥattá lā yafḍula fīhi min al-māʼ shayʼ wa-yaṣīr mithl al-isfīdāj dawwim minhā ʻalá 6 qamar yaṣīr ibrīzan kāmilan.", and Colophon of Second Alchemy recipes. Colophon missing. Ends with: "... wa-in lam yaghūṣ shammiʻhu bi-waznah min al-miftāḥ, shayʼ fa-shayʼ jarribhu, wa-in waqf awḍiʻ ʻalayh min al-miftāḥ waznah wa-qaṭṭirhu wa-rudda al-qāṭir ʻlayh thāniyan wa-thālithan, wa-ammā thālith marrah lam yaḥmil qābilat qizāz yaṭlīh raṣāṣ aw ṣīnī hindī, hādhā nuqṭat al-ḥāriqah ʻalá al-dhahab wa-al-fiḍḍah."
Subject (Topic):
Alchemy, Astrology, Magic, Magic squares, Numerology, Sufism, and Talismans
Zīj (astronomical tables) of Ulugh Beg, 1394-1449 (a Persian astronomer), in Arabic and Ottoman Turkish, presented to the Sultan ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Khān ibn Aḥmad Khān (Abdülhamid I Sultan of the Turks, 1725-1789), in 1193 Hijrī (1779 or 1780). Name of copyist and place of copying not mentioned
In Arabic and Ottoman Turkish., Title from folio 1a., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Incipit: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm. al-Ḥamdu lillāh alladhī khalaqa al-arḍ wa-al-samāwāt wa-zayyanahā bi-al-kawākib al-thawābit wa-al-sayyārāt wa-qaddara manāzil li-yuʻlama bi-hā ʻadad al-sinīn wa-ḥisāb al-awqāt, wa-al-ṣalāh wa-al-salām ʻalá Rasūlihi Muḥammad ṣāḥib al-muʻjizāt wa-muẓhir al-ḥikam wa-al-āyāt wa-ʻalá ālihi wa-aṣḥābihi al-muqīmīn bi-aḥsan al-taqwīm wa-al-aḥkām al-bayyināt ...", Secundo folio: Ulugh Bik ribāṭ., 17 x 22.5 cm; written surface: 11 x 16.5 cm; lines per page vary., Binding: Unbound., In small naskh script, in black ink on white paper, headings and markings in red; some notes on the margins; some wormholes., and Colophon: Colophon missing.
Subject (Name):
Abdülhamid I, Sultan of the Turks, 1725-1789. and Ulugh Beg, 1394-1449.