Cochleaureati means"laurelled with the spoon." The wooden spoon was originally presented to the junior whose name appeared last on the list of appointees for the Junior Exhibition and later to the most popular member of the class. D. L. Davies was the engraving of the printed image. (Loomis Havemeyer, Out of Yale's Past, pages 24-32.)
Alternative Title:
Folder Title: Miscellany on the Wooden Spoon Exhibition: tickets, menus, clippings, etc.
Illustration in Frederick Brian Keller's 1980 Yale dissertation, "Late Precambrian Stratigraphy, Depositional History, and Structural Chronology of Part of the Tennessee Blue Ridge," Geology Department.
Alternative Title:
Folder Title: Late precambrian stratigraphy, depositional history, and structural chronology of part of the Tennes...