Title devised by curator., Devised title and artist attribution based on Horace Walpole's notes on facing leaf: This book belonged to Mr. Pope, and the drawing is by him. Horace Walpole, 1766. It is a view of Twickenham Church from his own garden., Date of production based on artist's death date., and Drawn on front flyleaf in volume 1 of Alexander Pope's copy of: Homeri opera quae extant omnia. Amstelaedami : Ex officina Wetsteniana, MDCCVII [1707].
Page 196. Portfolio containing 50 drawings by Lady Diana Beauclerk and her daughter Mary, Miss
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still image
Title devised by curator., Statement of responsibility and date written in ink on verso, in a contemporary hand. This annotation is written over a design in pencil and wash, presumably part of a larger drawing which is now mostly trimmed away., and Mounted on page 196 in a volume containing Horace Walpole's extra-illustrated copy of his Description of the villa of Horace Walpole (Hazen 2523) and his Catalogue of pictures and drawings in the Holbein Chamber at Strawberry-Hill (Hazen 2619.4). Part of the collection: Portfolio containing 50 drawings by Lady Diana Beauclerk and her daughter Mary, Miss Sebright, Miss Knight, Mrs. Damer, John Gooch, Samuel Lysons, Sir Edward Walpole, and Thomas Walpole (Hazen 3641).
A view from Richmond of the Twickenham bank of the Thames, showing (left to right) Pope's villa, Lady Ferrers' summer house, Cross Deep, and Dr. Batty's house (later Poulett Lodge).
Alternative Title:
Pope's villa, Twickenham
Title and date assigned by curator., Unsigned; attributed to Augustin Heckel., and Previously attributed to Johann Heinrich Mü̈ntz (1727-1798) and inscribed on the wash line mount 'J H Muntz / Pope's Villa Twickenham'. Also on the mount in lower right corner is the ownership stamp 'Scipio' (Henry Scipio Reitlinger).
Subject (Geographic):
Twickenham (London, England) and Thames River (England),
Title from curator. and This record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Volume 1, page 35. Original drawings of heads, antiquities, monuments, views, &c. by George Vertue
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still image
Title devised by curator., Date supplied by cataloger., Beneath image is the ink annotation "Two heads of Archbp. Juxon", which refers to this drawing and another portrait drawing mounted on the same page., Laid down on an ink line mount., and Mounted on page 35 in a volume of ca. 50 drawings that was assembled from works purchased by Horace Walpole at the Vertue sale of 1757. Now bound in red morocco, this volume has Walpole's manuscript title-page: Original drawings of heads, antiquities, monuments, views, &c. by George Vertue and others.
Volume 1, page 35. Original drawings of heads, antiquities, monuments, views, &c. by George Vertue
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still image
Title devised by curator., Signed "R.W. f." in lower left corner; artist with the intials "R.W." is unidentified., Date supplied by cataloger., With a faint and mostly illegible pencil annotation below image, which includes the name "Juxon" and the date "1633"., Another portrait drawing is mounted on the same page, beneath which is the ink annotation: Two heads of Archbp. Juxon., and Mounted on page 35 in a volume of ca. 50 drawings that was assembled from works purchased by Horace Walpole at the Vertue sale of 1757. Now bound in red morocco, this volume has Walpole's manuscript title-page: Original drawings of heads, antiquities, monuments, views, &c. by George Vertue and others.
Page 190. Collectanea Cantabrigiensia, or collections relating to Cambridge, university, town, and
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Resource Type:
still image
Full-length depiction of a woman facing right, kneeling on a cushion with hands pressed together in prayer, a book open on a stand in front of her
Title devised by curator., Unsigned; artist unidentified., Date of production based on publication date of the volume in which the drawing is found., With note in pencil below image: North isle of Chipenham Chapel, painted [?], no inscript[ion?]., Tipped in at page 190 in an extra-illustrated copy of Francis Blomefield's Collectanea Cantabrigiensia, or collections relating to Cambridge, university, town, and county ..., and Temporary local subject terms: Women in literature and art.