Relief shown pictorially., Coordinates not present on map and are approximated., and Inset views: Deadwood Public School -- Deadwood street scene -- Deadwood Flouring Mill Co.
Detailed plan of the grounds, buildings, and gardens at Strawberry Hill, as viewed from above. The boundaries of Horace Walpole's property are delineated with a red dotted line, and the roads and properties immediately adjacent are shown. Some features, including the River Thames at the bottom of the drawing, are labeled in ink within the drawing itself; other features are labeled with capital letters that are explained in a key below. A scale for the drawing is included beneath the key
Titled by the artist in ink at bottom of sheet., Attribution to John Carter and date range for production from curator., and Mounted on page 2 (formerly A) of Horace Walpole's extra-illustrated copy of his: A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 12.
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Horace 1717-1797 and Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
Subject: Image of the French colony of Aigleville, Texas, now part of Alabama. Men, women and children are gathered outside, all seen wearing French clothing or military uniforms. At center, a man in uniform stands under a tree with a sign reading "Aigleville." He holds a young child in his arms. A woman kneels on the ground near him holding an infant, while a young girl holds a bunch of bananas and hands them to the man. Other men are seen moving wheelbarrows, carrying items on their backs and sawing logs. A large metal pot is seen at right over an open flame
Advertised as published by Basset in April, 1820 in Recueil des actes administratifs, Volume 20, Tours, 1820, p. 190. Erroneously dated 1830 by Library of Congress.
A Paris chez Basset rue St. Jacques no. 64. Déposé au bureau
Subject: View of the French settlement of Aigleville, Texas, now part of Alabama. At center a young woman sits on a log holding a baby, while at right center, a man steps over the log to embrace a young man. At left, a man is seen taking letters out of a trunk on the ground, and a young boy is seen holding letters in his hands. At right, a man stands with a shovel underneath a palm tree with a sign attached to it reading "Place [covered]rengo." In the background, men are seen sawing and chopping wood, and working by a stream
BEIN WA Prints +117: Imperfect: damp-stained. Hand-colored. and Advertised as published by Basset in April, 1820 in Recueil des actes administratifs, Volume 20, Tours, 1820, p. 190. Erroneously dated 1830 by Library of Congress.
A Paris chez Basset rue St. Jacques no. 64. Déposé au bureau
Reproduction of 1852 painting by A.F. Tait that depicts two trappers, men of European descent, and four Native American men fighting on horseback on a plain with tall grass; one of the trappers in center foreground wears a buckskin fringed jacket, aims his rifle; the other trapper driving the pack animals away from the scene. The first trapper is shown with a percussion cap and ball rifle, steer powder horn, and an arrow lodged into his camp blanket. Native American men to right in middle ground are armed with bows and arrows. Top half of image is sky
Alternative Title:
Keep your distance
Below image: Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1853, by N. Currier, in the Clerk’s Office of the District-Court of the Southern District of N.Y. and Title from caption below image.
Volume of etchings, engravings, and four drawings by amateur artists, collected and heavily annotated by Horace Walpole and assembled and bound by him around 1774. Artists included are: C.W. Bampfylde, Lady Beaumont, Miss C.S. Blake, the Earl of Buchan, the Countess of Burlington, Hon. Richard Byron, Emma Crewe, Lady Cunynghame, the Countess of Drogheda, Lord Grantham, Eliza Gulston, E. Haistwell, Sir William Hamilton, Mary Hartley, Georgina Keate, Ellis Cornelia Knight, Lady Elizabeth Montagu, the Duchess of Newcastle, Viscountess of Polwarth, Sir Thomas Reeve, Catherine St. Aubyn, the Earl of Sunderland, J. Tobin, Caroline Yorke (engravings from drawings by her mother Mrs. Agneta Yorke), and others; some of the engravings are after the work of Lavinia Countess Spencer and Lady Diana Beauclerk
Title from item., Bound in red morocco, gilt, with Horace Walpole's coat of arms on sides. Bookplate of John Waldie, Hendersyde., and With three additional title pages, formerly thought to have been printed at Strawberry Hill Press: Etchings by Isabella Byron, daughter of William Lord Byron, and second wife of Henry Harcourt, fourth Earl of Carlisle; Etchings by Lady Louisa Augusta Greville, eldest daughter of Francis Earl of Brooke and Warwick; Etchings by George Simon Harcourt Viscount Nuneham, eldest son of Simon Earl of Harcourt.
Volume of etchings, engravings, and four drawings by amateur artists, collected and heavily annotated by Horace Walpole and assembled and bound by him around 1774. Artists included are: C.W. Bampfylde, Lady Beaumont, Miss C.S. Blake, the Earl of Buchan, the Countess of Burlington, Hon. Richard Byron, Emma Crewe, Lady Cunynghame, the Countess of Drogheda, Lord Grantham, Eliza Gulston, E. Haistwell, Sir William Hamilton, Mary Hartley, Georgina Keate, Ellis Cornelia Knight, Lady Elizabeth Montagu, the Duchess of Newcastle, Viscountess of Polwarth, Sir Thomas Reeve, Catherine St. Aubyn, the Earl of Sunderland, J. Tobin, Caroline Yorke (engravings from drawings by her mother Mrs. Agneta Yorke), and others; some of the engravings are after the work of Lavinia Countess Spencer and Lady Diana Beauclerk
Title from item., Bound in red morocco, gilt, with Horace Walpole's coat of arms on sides. Bookplate of John Waldie, Hendersyde., and With three additional title pages, formerly thought to have been printed at Strawberry Hill Press: Etchings by Isabella Byron, daughter of William Lord Byron, and second wife of Henry Harcourt, fourth Earl of Carlisle; Etchings by Lady Louisa Augusta Greville, eldest daughter of Francis Earl of Brooke and Warwick; Etchings by George Simon Harcourt Viscount Nuneham, eldest son of Simon Earl of Harcourt.
"A procession of Queen Caroline on a carriage through central London, with six horses pulling the carriage to the left, followed by another coach, two cavalries in the right foreground, the public along the street in the background, all cheering towards the Queen."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on page 19 of: George Humphrey shop album.
Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street, London
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821.
Subject (Topic):
Parades & processions, Carriages, Crowds, Cheering, and Cavalry
"A realistic view of the House receding in perspective to the Throne, above which is inset an oval bust portrait of Bartolomo Bergami, wearing a cluster of five decorations, see British Museum Satires no. 13810. Eighteen figures and objects are numbered referring to the key in the lower margin. Counsel are in a line across the foreground on each side of the centre figures, who are Gurney the short-hand writer and Majocchi facing the interpreter. The Queen is inconspicuously seated behind Brougham, next a smaller lady who must be the tall Lady Anne Hamilton. Eldon is at the Table in front of the Woolsack. On the Table is 13 Green Bag [see British Museum Satires no. 13735]."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text below image. and Date of publication from British Museum catalogue.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Bergami, Bartolomeo Bergami, Baron., Bergami, Bartolomeo Bergami, Baron,, Gurney, William Brodie, 1777-1855., Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron, 1778-1868., Hamilton, Anne, Lady, 1766-1846., Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, 1751-1838., and Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords
Subject (Topic):
Scandals, Trials (Adultery), Government officials, Judicial proceedings, Queens, and British