Title from item., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Place of publication derived from publisher's street address., Above image: Actualités.; 2., Published in Le Charivari., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Mon. Martinet, 172, r. Rivoli et 41 r Vivienne and Lith. Destouches, 28 r. Paradis Pre Paris
Subject (Topic):
Homeopathy, Sick persons, Competition (Psychology)., and Physicians
Title etched below image., Date supplied by curator., In margin lower left: 410., After Robert Dighton., See Print00748., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Printed for Bowles & Carver, No. 69 St. Paul's Church Yard
Subject (Topic):
Medical consultation, Medical care, Cost of., Drugs, Prescribing, Drugstores, Mortars & pestles, Medicines, and Physicians
Title etched below image., Below title: Published as the Act directs, 4 June 1793, This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Title & inscriptions are on a piece of paper pasted into place over title A Comical Case.
Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles, No. 69 St. Paul's Church Yard, London
Subject (Topic):
Medical consultation, Medical care, Cost of., Drugs, Prescribing, Drugstores, Mortars & pestles, Medicines, and Physicians
Hudibras with his hat in hand approaches a lawyer who sits in an elaborately carved chair on a rise. In front of the lawyer are his two clerks at a low table, at his side, shelves of books and papers. On the right in the foreground is a carved figure of Justice holding scales. In the background on the left two women stand in the doorway. In the left foreground are two dogs, one of whom watches the action attentively while the other lies with its head turned away
Title engraved above image., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered '12' in upper left corner., Eighteen lines of verse in three columns, below image: To this brave man the Knight repairs For counsel in this law affairs; ... As heart can wish, and need not shame The proudest man alive to claim., Copy of no. 515 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1., See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 93., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, History, Clerks, Dogs, Justice, Law offices, Lawyers, and Women
Hudibras confronts the astrologer Sidrophel in an apothecary's laboratory; on his desk is a globe, an ink well with quill pen, a book and sheets of paper with a horoscope; from the ceiling and wall hang a stuffed crocodile (from which hangs a shell-shaped lantern with a high flame), swordfish, turtle, a bat, frogs, a snake, and other creatures; to left, a cupboard door is open to reveal a skeleton with an owl on its shoulder; on the floor, are a glass jar containing a homunculus or foetus, another globe decorated with the signs of the Zodiac, various scientific instruments including a telescope, a quadrant and plumb line, and a cat and a mouse-trap. Sidrophel has an amulet around his neck, "Homo sacarus museo Cheru[...]."
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and Sidrophel
Title engraved above image., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered "8" in upper left corner., Fifteen lines of verse in three columns, below image: Then Hudibras, with face and hand, Made signs for silence which obtained, ... O'th sudden clapp'd his flaming cudgel Like Linstock to the horse's touch-hole., Copy of no. 511 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1., See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 89., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, History, Amulets, Astrologers, Cats, Dead animals, Fighting, Globes, Mousetraps, Owls, Pharmacists, Scientific equipment, and Skeletons
Hudibras is beaten with clubs by two masked men dressed as devils; a third man with mask in hand gestures to the young widow in the doorway on the left. A fourth, smaller masked man holds a large torch as he lights the way in the room. Ralpho hides behind a curtain on the far left. The room is decorated with a large wardrobe, an oval portrait, and large mirror; a footstool and urn in the right corner partially seen in the right corner
Title engraved above image., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered "9" in upper left corner., Eighteen lines of verse in three columns, below image: No sooner was the come t' himslef But on his neck a sturdy elf ... And that which was proved true before Prove false again? Two hundred more., Copy of no. 512 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1., See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 90., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
A riotous scene in a country village where a shrewish wife and hen-pecked husband are mocked by their neighbors, cuckold's horns and a petticoat are held aloft while "rough music" is played; Hudibras rides into the crowd to protest at what he describes as a Devil's Procession
Alternative Title:
Hudibras and the Skimmington
Title engraved above image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras and the Skimmington., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered "7" in upper left corner., Copy of: Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1, no. 510., Copy of: Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 88., Eighteen lines of verse in three columns, below image: Then Hudibras, with face and hand, Made signs for silence which obtained, ... O'th sudden clapp'd his flaming cudgel Like Linstock to the horse's touch-hole., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
"Hudibras and Ralpho are in the stocks, the knight's boots, sword and pistols taking the place of the fiddle; a sympathetic widow, accompanied by her maid, addresses Hudibras while villagers gather round to mock, and a small boy urinates on Ralpho's foot"--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved above image., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered "6" in upper left corner., Lettered below image in three columns: "She vow'd she would go see the sight And visit the distressed knight; ... Do's not so well become a Soldiers.", See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 87., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, History, Children, Peasants, Servants, Stocks (Punishment), Urination, and Widows
Hudibras has arrested the fiddler with a wooden leg and is leading him to prison (seen on the right) while Ralpho attaches his violin to the stocks; a ragged child with a hoop, a well-dressed woman, and two young man look on (left).
Title engraved above image., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered '4' in upper left corner., Caption below image in three columns, begins: "Ralpho dsipatch'd with speedy hast, And having ty'd Crowdero fast ... To dungeon they the wrtch commit, And the survivor of his feet.", Copy of no. 507 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 1., See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 85., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
Puritans, Children, Couples, Criminals, Games, Horses, People with disabilities, Violins, Women, Stocks (Punishment), and History
A copy (cropped) of Hogarth's fifth plate: Hudibras is sprawled on the ground with Trulla, a large country-woman, astride him fending off angry villagers, including a cobbler and a butcher who are wielding clubs; to the left, Ralpho is flanked by a man with a rope (mostly cropped from this image) and another who holds a sword
Alternative Title:
Hudibras vanquished and protected by Trulla and Hudibras vanquished by Trulla
Title engraved below image., Title from Paulson: Hudibras vanquished by Trulla., From a series of twelve prints after Hogarth and issued by Robert Sayer. Publisher name from first print in series., Date of publication based on publisher's name and address in imprint statement on the first plate in this series. Robert Sayer moved to 53 Fleet Street in 1760, and from 1777 onward he formed partnerships that caused him to trade under different names (Sayer & Bennett, Sayer & Co., etc.); see British Museum online catalogue. He acquired the Hogarth plates from Overton and re-issued them and copies in 1768. See Paulson., Numbered "5" in upper left corner., Fifteen lines of verse in three columns, below image: Mean while the other campions Yerst In hurry of the fight disperst ... This stopt their fury, and the Basting Which towards Hudibras was hasting., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, volume 1, nnumber 508, Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 86., and From a set of twelve prints, all with two sewing holes along left edge.
Robert Sayer
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England.
Subject (Name):
Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680.
Subject (Topic):
History, Puritans, Butchers, Crowds, Fighting, Peasants, Shoemakers, and Women