Other prints in the series were designed and etched by either Tim Bobbin or Thomas Sandars., Title assigned by cataloger., Plate from: Human passions delineated in above 120 figures ... by Timo. Bobbin. Manchester : John Heywood, 1773., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Fighting -- Containers: jug., and Watermark: 1816.
Title devised by cataloger., Other prints in the series were designed and etched by either Tim Bobbin or Thomas Sandars., Plate from: Human passions delineated in above 120 figures ... by Timo. Bobbin. Manchester : John Heywood, 1773., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Beverages: ale -- Practical jokes -- Containers: jugs -- Tankards -- Food: cheese -- Utensils: knives., and Mounted on verso is description in verse of the image: Plate 32. A pitcher fill'd with nappy ale old Hodge and Roaf did hide ...
Title assigned by cataloger., Other prints in the series were designed and etched by either Tim Bobbin or Thomas Sandars., Plate from: Human passions delineated in above 120 figures ... by Timo. Bobbin. [Manchester] : John Heywood, 1773., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Old women -- Drinking -- Beverages: gin -- Punch -- Beverages: flip -- Dishes: punch bowl -- Glass: wine glasses., Watermark: 1816., and Mounted on verso is description in verse of the image: Plate 33. What various ways we diff'rent mortals press, to that fam'd goal, the world calls hapiness ...
publish'd as the act directs, June 1773. and [printed 1816]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title from item., Other prints in the series were designed and etched by either Tim Bobbin or Thomas Sandars., Printing date of 1816, based on watermark., Plate from: Human passions delineated in above 120 figures ... by Timo[thy] Bobbin. Manchester : John Heywood, 1773., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Drinking -- Contentment -- Glass: wine bottle -- Corkscrews -- Containers: jug., and Mounted on verso: description in verse of the image: Plate 37. Behold, ye wordlings! whence true pleasure springs not from much wealth, or from the smiles of kings ...
Title assigned by cataloger., Other prints in the series were designed and etched by either Tim Bobbin or Thomas Sandars., Plate from: Human passions delineated in above 120 figures ... by Timo. Bobbin. [Manchester] : John Heywood, 1773., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Opulence -- Poverty., and Mounted on verso is description in verse of the image: Plate 38. The court and country here depicted are; one's fat and jolly; t'other's poor and bare ...
Bretherton, James, approximately 1730-1806, printmaker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Bunbury 773.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Alternative Title:
Overthrow of Doctor Slop
Title, printmaker, artist, and publication information from lettered state in the British Museum catalogue., Early state before letters. For a later state published 3 Feb. 1773, see no. 5215 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., One of a series of prints illustrating Laurence Sterne's novel Tristram Shandy., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
On a street in front of a church (right), possibly referencing the one built by George Whitfield in Tottenham Court Road and a tavern (left)with a sign identifying it as "The Old Goat New Revived", a make follower of Whitefield dressed in a quasi-Puritan dress, is assailed by two women. On the right an old woman touches his arm and points to the church with a volume, unlabeled in this working proof but later lettering "Whitefield's Hymns". On the left, a pretty, young woman lures him toward the public house. He eyes the young woman as he holds up his one hand deprecatingly toward the older woman
Title and date from British Museum catalogue., Finished print lettered with title and inscriptions: "J. Collet pinxt. / J. Goldar sculpt. / London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 Fleet Street & Jno. Smith No. 35, Cheapside, as the Act directs Jan. 1. 1773.", Sheet trimmed to plate mark., No. 52 in a bound in a collection of 69 prints with a manuscript title page: A collection of drolleries., and Bound in half red morocco with marbled paper boards and spine title "Facetious" in gold lettering.
Robt. Sayer & Jno. Smith
Subject (Name):
Whitefield, George, 1714-1770.
Subject (Topic):
Churches, Temptation, Signs (Notices), and Taverns (Inns)