Two young women in gigantic hats, pouter pigeon bosoms, long hair, and with skin-tight skirts face each other with pleased expressions in an outdoor setting
Title etched below image., Printmaker identified by Grego as Rowlandson disguising his identity with James Sayers's signature., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Beneath the design are etched four lines: Both bums and rumps are now no more. With merry thoughts the fair are blest. Their beauties now you may explore. All bare and therefore all expresst., and Temporary local subject terms: Ladies' costumes -- Hipless fashion.
"An election mob in which Townshend and his supporters, as butchers, are violently attacking the populace with cleavers and marrow-bones. They wear aprons with butchers' steels dangling from the waist. George Hanger (right), his hat decorated with three ostrich feathers and the coronet of the Prince of Wales, raises a cleaver in both hands and threatens two constables with staves who fall backwards, wounded or terrified. He is in violent action, one foot rests on the unconscious body of a sailor whose face is gashed and bleeding. In the sailor's hand is a flag with a ship and the words 'Royal Navy'; on this Townshend, who uses his marrow-bone and cleaver as a musical instrument, not as weapons, is trampling. Behind Hanger, Fox, climbing above the crowd, is violently smashing the sign of 'The King's Head' (a bust portrait of the King) which is over a door inscribed 'Martin'. In the foreground a woman half-lying on the ground tries to protect her screaming infant from a cleaver and bone brandished by Sheridan. On the extreme left Lord Derby attacks a kneeling sailor with a wooden leg. Behind Sheridan, Burke raises a cleaver in both hands, and behind him the Duke of Norfolk waves a flag inscribed 'Townsend and Liberty'. Behind is a dense crowd brandishing cleavers and bones, while others attempt to escape. On the right are houses inscribed 'James Str[eet]', the houses of Covent Garden are indicated on the left."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Text right of title: Price 1 s., and Mounted to 32 x 44 cm.
Pubd. July [...]th. by H. Humphrey, New Bond St.
Subject (Geographic):
England and Westminster
Subject (Name):
Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Coleraine, George Hanger, Baron, 1751?-1824, and Great Britain. Parliament
Subject (Topic):
Elections, 1788, Axes, Butchers, Crowds, Political elections, Riots, Sailors, British, Signs (Notices), and Taverns (Inns)
Title from item., Thirty lines of verse below design., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted to 37 x 27 cm.
Published by W.M. Omer July 29th 1788 Little Mays Buildings St. Martins Lane London
"Indian men and women kneel before a large rectangular pedestal on which stands a golden calf with the head of Hastings. Three Indians lie on the pedestal at Hastings's feet, making gestures of despair and entreaty. From his mouth protrudes a sword (left) inscribed 'The Brand of Devastation'. On his back sits Wilkes facing the tail (right) which he lifts with one hand; in the other is the cap of 'Liberty' in which he catches large jewels excreted by the Golden Calf. He wears a livery gown and says: "Who would not wipe a Calf's Backside, To gain the Sparks of Eastern Pride". At the Calf's feet lie a crown, sceptre, and orb, with (?) scimitars. On the ground and on the extreme left a well-dressed man stands before an altar holding a knife which drips blood over the altar; he says, pointing to an Indian who lies at his feet, stabbed through the heart: 'When British Judges rule the Coast, The Natives must obey, No palliative means we boast, By G------you die or pay'. In the foreground (right) stand Thurlow and a military officer. The Chancellor, who wears his wig and robe, is blindfolded; in his right hand he holds erect the 'Sword of Justice', which is being taken from him by the officer who holds a diamond against the blade. In Thurlow's left hand is a bag inscribed 'Gold Moors'; he says: "Which Powerful God my wavering mind controuls, And my Sage Brows with Golden bands infolds, 'Tis Mammons self I can be Just no more, Take thou the Sword give me the Golden Store". The officer, who wears a wallet or haversack inscribed 'Diamonds', says: "So shall we Triumph while the Diamond's smile, Can melt the Soul and Justice's beguile." Three Indians who kneel in the foreground below the pedestal of the Golden Calf are offering money (a bag inscribed 'Gold Moors') and jewel-boxes to Hastings."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Children of India worshipping the golden calf
Title etched below image., Possibly after John Boyne according to Andrew Edmunds., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top edge., and Mounted to: 56 x 62 cm.
Publish'd May 15, 1788, by J. Berry, No. 129 Oxford Road
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Wilkes, John, 1725-1797, and East India Company.
Subject (Topic):
Impeachment, Adoration, Ceremonial objects, Corruption, Idols, Justice, and Liberty
"A procession of bishops and clergy march from left to right. headed by a prelate, evidently Archbishop Markham, on a prancing horse, holding a drawn sword. After him walk two boy choristers chanting from an open music book held between them. One sings "O Lord our God, Arise", the other, "Scatter our Enemies". Next come three bishops: a lean ascetic who carries their standard, between two who are stout and gross. On the standard, which is attached to a crozier, is "To Arms O Israel", and a mitre between two crossed croziers. The prelate on the standard-bearer's left sings, "Give us good Beef in Store", the other, who carries a musket on his shoulder, sings "When that's gone, send us more". Behind them a fat bishop sings "And the Key of the Cellar Door", while the cleric next him, who wears an academic gown and cap, sings "That we may drink". Behind, the mitres of more bishops are visible, and a man in academic cap and gown, who sings, "From Labour & Industry - Good Lord deliver us"."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state of similar composition
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Later state, with traces of aquatint and without original imprint. Cf. No. 5553 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Publication date based on publisher's street address. See British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Watermark: Russell & Co. 1797., and Impression from a worn plate; publication line is faint and almost illegible.
"A procession of bishops and clergy march from left to right. headed by a prelate, evidently Archbishop Markham, on a prancing horse, holding a drawn sword. After him walk two boy choristers chanting from an open music book held between them. One sings "O Lord our God, Arise", the other, "Scatter our Enemies". Next come three bishops: a lean ascetic who carries their standard, between two who are stout and gross. On the standard, which is attached to a crozier, is "To Arms O Israel", and a mitre between two crossed croziers. The prelate on the standard-bearer's left sings, "Give us good Beef in Store", the other, who carries a musket on his shoulder, sings "When that's gone, send us more". Behind them a fat bishop sings "And the Key of the Cellar Door", while the cleric next him, who wears an academic gown and cap, sings "That we may drink". Behind, the mitres of more bishops are visible, and a man in academic cap and gown, who sings, "From Labour & Industry - Good Lord deliver us"."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state of similar composition
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Later state, with traces of aquatint and without original imprint. Cf. No. 5553 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Publication date based on publisher's street address. See British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., 1 print : etching on wove paper ; plate mark 25.0 x 35.7 cm, on sheet 26.8 x 37.4 cm., and Mounted on leaf 6 of volume 1 of 12.
"The interior of a bare and plainly furnished room in a country inn; a number of middle-aged and plainly dressed men stand waiting for dinner to be served. Through a door in the back wall a serving-boy enters with a tureen, followed by a stout woman carrying a turkey, who is followed by a man-servant. A man (left), wearing spurred jack-boots, stands in profile to the left to hang his hat on a peg. He faces a framed notice: 'Club Law Ist no Journeyman or Apprentice must belong to this society 2nd No Jokes in this society but practical ones, or forfeit 3d. 3d Any Gentleman as gives another Gentleman the lie before strangers to forfeit 6d. 4th Any Gentleman as behaves ungenteel to be fined 3d and turn'd out. 5t All fines to be spent in punch W.C. Secretary.' In the centre two men, one wearing top-boots, the other in quasi-military dress, face each other, grinning. A third, with a pen and ink-horn at his buttonhole, tries to insinuate himself into the conversation. On the right a stout man stands at a table before a punch-bowl and a sugar-basin: his hands are folded and his eyes closed as if in prayer. Beside and behind him a man with a bottle of 'Rum' in one hand sniffs at a bottle of '[Bra]ndy'. An irate man (left) stands at the end of the table, watch in hand. Above the door a picture of a mounted huntsman hangs askew. On the wall are (left) hats and sticks, (right) a map of the world in two hemispheres."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and "Eamus. Quo ducit Gula."--Below title.
Publish'd June 26th, 1788, by W. Dickinson, engraver, No. 158 Bond Street
George III, plainly dressed and wearing a broad-brimmed hat, stands in profile to the right, addressing a pretty young woman (Hannah Lightfoot?) seated on a stile, a bucker at her feet. They are under a large tree on whose trunk is fixed a sign pointing 'To Cheltenham Spa'. A path from the stile leads to the village of Cheltenham in the background. Behind the tree Queen Charlotte watches the conversation, her hand pointing near her cheek. On a hill (left) is a pavilion on wheels
Title etched below image., Four lines of verse inscribed in two columns on either side of title: Did you know the Lad that Courts you He not long need sue in Vain Prince of Songs of Dance of Sports: You Scarce will meet his like again. Midas., and Watermark: J Whatman.