"A stout naval officer (right) is attacked by a taller and slimmer officer (left), who siezes him by the coat and raises his cane to strike. A civilian stands between them holding back the aggressor. The stout officer, Captain Vancouver, wears an enormous sword; a fur mantle hangs from his shoulders inscribed 'This Present from the King of Owyhee to George IIId forgot to be delivered'. From his coat-pocket hangs a scroll which rests on the ground, part being still rolled up: 'List of those disgraced during the Voyage - put under Arrest all the Ships Crew - Put into Irons, every Gentleman on Board - Broke every Man of Honor & Spirit - Promoted Spies - ' His left foot is on an open book: 'Every Officer is the Guardian of his own Honor. Lord Grenvills Letter'. From the pocket of the civilian (Vancouver's brother) projects a paper: 'Chas Rearcovers Letter to be publish'd after the Parties are bound to keep ye Peace.' Vancouver's assailant, Lord Camelford, says: "Give me Satisfaction, Rascal! - draw your Sword, Coward! what you won't? - why then take that Lubber! - & that! & that! & that! & that! & that! & - Vancouver, staggering back, with arms outstretched, shouts: Murder! - Murder! - Watch! - Constable! - keep him off Brother! - while I run to my Lord-Chancellor for Protection! Murder! Murder! Murder". Behind him, on the ground, lies a pile of shackles inscribed 'For the Navy'. Two very juvenile sailor-boys stand together (left) watching with delight. On Vancouver's right is the lower part of a shop (right) showing a door and window in which skins are suspended. Round the door are inscriptions: 'The South-Sea-Fur-warehouse from China. Fine Black Otter Skins. No Contraband Goods sold here.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Caneing in Condiut Street, Caneing in Conduit Street, and Caning in Conduit Street
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching in sepia ink on wove paper ; plate mark 25.1 x 35.2 cm, on sheet 27.4 x 39.5 cm., and Mounted on leaf 26 of volume 9 of 12.
Pubd. Octr. 1st, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Vancouver, George, 1757-1798 and Pitt, Thomas, Baron Camelford, 1775-1804
Subject (Topic):
Fighting, Hides & skins, Otters, Sailors, British, and Whipping
A gallows separates the design into two compartments. A sign in the center reads "Roberspierre, Marat, Santerre." The crossbar reads "Held up to infamy and posterity." Another sign hangs from the left arm and reads "Paine's Rights of Man." The sign on the right side reads "Classical lectures on the Roman History.", The scene on the left half is labelled at the top "Old England" and depicts naval and commercial prosperity under the bright skies. Three columns labelled Virtue, Honor and Loyalty stand over the words British Constitution; at the base of the drawing are the words "is basis, the happiness of the people.", and The scene on the right half is labelled at the top "New France", and in contrast, all is death and destruction: cities in ruins, bodies hanging from gallows, a bloody guillotine along with other instruments of torture. Flowing from the guillotine into a shaft underground are discarded fragments: religion, pubk. credit, monarchy, laws, trade, honor, loyality, virtue, art ...
Alternative Title:
Things as they are
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., On verso: offset impression of Opening of the budget, or, John Bull giving his breeches to save his bacon / James Gillary. Cf. 796.11.17.01+., and Mounted to 45 x 64 cm.
Pubd. Novr. 12th, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809.
Subject (Topic):
Democracy, Gallows, Guillotines (Punishment), Liberty cap, Revolutions, French, Ruins, Ships, and History
A gallows separates the design into two compartments. A sign in the center reads "Roberspierre, Marat, Santerre." The crossbar reads "Held up to infamy and posterity." Another sign hangs from the left arm and reads "Paine's Rights of Man." The sign on the right side reads "Classical lectures on the Roman History.", The scene on the left half is labelled at the top "Old England" and depicts naval and commercial prosperity under the bright skies. Three columns labelled Virtue, Honor and Loyalty stand over the words British Constitution; at the base of the drawing are the words "is basis, the happiness of the people.", and The scene on the right half is labelled at the top "New France", and in contrast, all is death and destruction: cities in ruins, bodies hanging from gallows, a bloody guillotine along with other instruments of torture. Flowing from the guillotine into a shaft underground are discarded fragments: religion, pubk. credit, monarchy, laws, trade, honor, loyality, virtue, art ...
Alternative Title:
Things as they are
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; sheet 36.9 x 62.7 cm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on three edges., and Mounted on leaf 13 of volume 4 of 12.
Pubd. Novr. 12th, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809.
Subject (Topic):
Democracy, Gallows, Guillotines (Punishment), Liberty cap, Revolutions, French, Ruins, Ships, and History
Title engraved above image., Printseller's announcement following publication statement: Folios of caracatures [sic] lent out for the evening., and Temporary local subject terms: Interiors: poverty-stricken room -- Fireplaces -- Furniture: chair with one arm -- Containers: pitcher -- Dishes -- Architectural details: casement window -- Reference to the House of Commons -- Drama: critics.
Pubd. June 21, 1796, by S.W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly, corner of Sackville Street
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark resulting in loss of plate number and placing instructions., "Plate no. 18.", Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Eccentric excursions, or, Literary & pictorial sketches of countenance character & country in ... England & South Wales, 1796., and Temporary local subject terms: Old Bailey -- Symbols: figure of Justice.
Pubd. by Allen & West, 15 Paternoster Row
Subject (Topic):
Judges, Juries, Lawyers, Spectators, and Witnesses
"Pitt as an alchemist, but dressed as usual, sits in his laboratory blowing a furnace with bellows formed of a royal crown. The furnace heats a large glass retort in which the House of Commons is being dissolved: the galleries are collapsing, the Speaker's chair is breaking, he and the clerks are asleep, the broken mace drops from the table, the books fly into the air and ascend with documents, &c, into the curving neck of the retort: 'Coke', 'Acts', 'Statutes', 'Rights of Parliament', 'Magna Charta', 'Bill of Rights', a cap of 'Libertas', the scales of Justice are flying upwards. The Ministerial members applaud; the Opposition are dismayed. Sheridan and Fox, though tiny, are conspicuous on the front bench. A stream of vapour issues from the mouth of the retort containing tiny grovelling figures of abject members who fill both sides of another House of Commons above and behind the alchemist's head, and prostrate themselves before a miniature Pitt, who sits on a throne which replaces the Speaker's chair, and is inscribed 'Perpetual Dictator'. He sits arrogantly, holding a sceptre; his legs are those of a bird of prey (cf. BMSat 7478), one foot is planted on 'Mag[na] C[harta]' and 'Acts of Parl[iament]'. His throne is surmounted by his crest, a stork holding an anchor, with the addition of a crown on the bird's head. A smaller retort on the extreme left, inscribed 'Aqua Regia', adds its vapour to that produced by Pitt. (Aqua Regia, used punningly, with a double meaning, is a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids which converts metals, even gold, into chlorides.) Pitt (the Alchemist) and the figures he is evoking, as well as the ministerialists in the dissolving House, wear the blue coat with red facings of the Windsor uniform. He sits in profile to the right on the model of a high rectangular building, 'a bastille', having a row of windows on the top story only; it is a 'Model of the new Barracks'. From his pocket hangs a paper: 'Receipe - Antidotus Republica'. On the right of the circular furnace is a coal-scuttle, inscribed 'Treasury Cole' (cf. BMSat 6213), and overflowing with guineas. On the other side is a pestle and mortar in which is Britannia's shield, about to be broken up. From the roof hang emblems of nefarious wizardry: a crocodile, a headsman's axe, a scorpion, a bull's head, a locust (cf. BMSat 8669), an asp issuing from an egg, a bat. On the wall are three rows of large jars, some with inscriptions: 'Ointment of Caterpillars' (beside Pitt's head, cf. BMSat 8676), '[Univer]sal Panacea', 'Oil of Influence', 'Extract of British Blood', 'Spirit of Sal: Machiavel.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Alchymist producing an aetherial representation
Title etched below image., Temporary local subject terms: Parliament dissolutions -- Alchemists -- Allusion to Treasury -- Uniforms: Windsor uniform., and Watermark: J Whatman.
Pubd. May 21st, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
"Pitt as an alchemist, but dressed as usual, sits in his laboratory blowing a furnace with bellows formed of a royal crown. The furnace heats a large glass retort in which the House of Commons is being dissolved: the galleries are collapsing, the Speaker's chair is breaking, he and the clerks are asleep, the broken mace drops from the table, the books fly into the air and ascend with documents, &c, into the curving neck of the retort: 'Coke', 'Acts', 'Statutes', 'Rights of Parliament', 'Magna Charta', 'Bill of Rights', a cap of 'Libertas', the scales of Justice are flying upwards. The Ministerial members applaud; the Opposition are dismayed. Sheridan and Fox, though tiny, are conspicuous on the front bench. A stream of vapour issues from the mouth of the retort containing tiny grovelling figures of abject members who fill both sides of another House of Commons above and behind the alchemist's head, and prostrate themselves before a miniature Pitt, who sits on a throne which replaces the Speaker's chair, and is inscribed 'Perpetual Dictator'. He sits arrogantly, holding a sceptre; his legs are those of a bird of prey (cf. BMSat 7478), one foot is planted on 'Mag[na] C[harta]' and 'Acts of Parl[iament]'. His throne is surmounted by his crest, a stork holding an anchor, with the addition of a crown on the bird's head. A smaller retort on the extreme left, inscribed 'Aqua Regia', adds its vapour to that produced by Pitt. (Aqua Regia, used punningly, with a double meaning, is a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids which converts metals, even gold, into chlorides.) Pitt (the Alchemist) and the figures he is evoking, as well as the ministerialists in the dissolving House, wear the blue coat with red facings of the Windsor uniform. He sits in profile to the right on the model of a high rectangular building, 'a bastille', having a row of windows on the top story only; it is a 'Model of the new Barracks'. From his pocket hangs a paper: 'Receipe - Antidotus Republica'. On the right of the circular furnace is a coal-scuttle, inscribed 'Treasury Cole' (cf. BMSat 6213), and overflowing with guineas. On the other side is a pestle and mortar in which is Britannia's shield, about to be broken up. From the roof hang emblems of nefarious wizardry: a crocodile, a headsman's axe, a scorpion, a bull's head, a locust (cf. BMSat 8669), an asp issuing from an egg, a bat. On the wall are three rows of large jars, some with inscriptions: 'Ointment of Caterpillars' (beside Pitt's head, cf. BMSat 8676), '[Univer]sal Panacea', 'Oil of Influence', 'Extract of British Blood', 'Spirit of Sal: Machiavel.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Alchymist producing an aetherial representation
Title etched below image., Temporary local subject terms: Parliament dissolutions -- Alchemists -- Allusion to Treasury -- Uniforms: Windsor uniform., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 36.4 x 26.2 cm, on sheet 40.8 x 27.1 cm., and Mounted on leaf 10 of volume 4 of 12.
Pubd. May 21st, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
"Two dogs with human faces hang from a gibbet inscribed 'not Paid for'; two others stand beneath, looking up at them with complacent triumph, these are 'To be Paid for'. The gibbet is formed of two uprights with a cross-bar. The pendent dogs who face each other in profile with expressions of despair are Sheridan (left) and Fox (right); their necks are linked by a chain. Fox has a fox's brush (as in BMSat 8796). He urinates upon Dundas who is immediately beneath him, facing Pitt. Dundas is a fat mongrel, Pitt a lean greyhound (as in BMSat 8797)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Ten lines of verse in two columns below title: New grievances so thickly come, and taxes fall so hard sir ..., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Taxes: allusion to the Dog Tax, April 1796 -- Gibbets., and Mounted to 48 x 34 cm.
Pubd. April 12th, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, and Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811
"Two dogs with human faces hang from a gibbet inscribed 'not Paid for'; two others stand beneath, looking up at them with complacent triumph, these are 'To be Paid for'. The gibbet is formed of two uprights with a cross-bar. The pendent dogs who face each other in profile with expressions of despair are Sheridan (left) and Fox (right); their necks are linked by a chain. Fox has a fox's brush (as in BMSat 8796). He urinates upon Dundas who is immediately beneath him, facing Pitt. Dundas is a fat mongrel, Pitt a lean greyhound (as in BMSat 8797)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Ten lines of verse in two columns below title: New grievances so thickly come, and taxes fall so hard sir ..., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Taxes: allusion to the Dog Tax, April 1796 -- Gibbets., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; sheet 36.8 x 25.4 cm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on left edge., and Mounted on leaf 6 of volume 4 of 12.
Pubd. April 12th, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, and Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811
A fashionably dressed woman sits (left) in profile, in an upright chair, while a carriage waits for her as seen through the window of the well-appointed sitting room. Her loose dress, high to the neck, has two embroidered slits to reveal the breasts. A pretty, buxom nurse holds out an infant, who eagerly sucks the breast thus conveniently laid bare. She wears a turban with two erect feathers, and short sleeves; her gloved right hand holds a closed fan. On the wall behind her is a large picture, 'Maternal Love': a seated woman suckles an infant. Through a high sash-window is seen a corner of the waiting coach, a footman holding open the door, a fat coachman on the box. The coach, hammer-cloth, and the lady's chair are decorated with a baron's coronet. A patterned carpet covers the floor
Alternative Title:
Convenience of modern dress
Title etched below image.
Pubd. Feby. 15th, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Topic):
Breast feeding, Carriages & coaches, Clothing & dress, Coach drivers, Hats, Infants, Jewelry, Interiors, Mothers, Parlors, Rugs, and Servants