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1. "The inexpressible air of dignity, the incomprehensible je-ne-scais-quoi of elegance ... [graphic]
- Creator:
- Gillray, James, 1756-1815, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [9 March 1803]
- Call Number:
- Auchincloss Gillray v. 11
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The Marquis of Blandford walks in profile to the left. on a flagged pavement. He is stiffly erect, a cane held horizontally in his right. hand, his left. arm hanging vertically. He has sloping shoulders and long arms, and wears a double-breasted tail-coat with a high collar and modified Jean-de-Bry sleeve (see BMSat 9425) with Hessian boots."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title from first line of quoted text below image., Title continues: ... "which appertains solely to men of high fashion." Vide Lord Chesterfields Letters., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on leaf 3 of volume 11 of 12.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. March 9th, 1803, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
- Subject (Name):
- Marlborough, George Spencer Churchill, Duke of, 1766-1840
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > "The inexpressible air of dignity, the incomprehensible je-ne-scais-quoi of elegance ... [graphic]
2. A Gallic idol [graphic]
- Creator:
- Barth, J. S., active 1797-1808, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- 20 Augt. 1803.
- Call Number:
- 803.08.20.01+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "A symbolical bust of Napoleon, dressed as a Roman emperor, is on a rectangular base on which are title and inscription : 'Symbolical of the Effects produced by that Cause which the enlightened [image of a fox] in [the] Eighteenth Century sagaciously predicted would ultimately prove a Stupendous Monument of Human Wisdom!!!' The head is turned in profile to the left; the features are conventional but express ferocity, with glaring eye and fierce frown. It wears a fantastic helmet wreathed with laurel from which blood drips. The wreath is entwined by serpents, whose (three) heads are clustered at the back with words in large letters issuing from their jaws: 'Rapine', 'Lust', 'Murder'. The word 'Invasion' issues in the same manner from the mouth. Above the wreath the helmet is encircled by a band on which are quasi-zodiacal signs: a scorpion, a sickle, a crescent, an arrow, a caduceus, a goat-like monster. On the helmet sits a grinning Devil, playing a fiddle and spreading his webbed wings over the idol's head, while from under one wing Death, a skeleton, peers out; he holds a javelin poised to strike and a cup of poison inscribed 'Jaffa' [see British Museum Satires No. 10063]. The shoulders are covered by drapery, drawn aside to reveal (rotten) ribs and a torn and bleeding heart which is transfixed by a dagger and a barbed spear. A scroll floats from the dagger inscribed 'Wilsons Narrative'; the spear has a scroll inscribed 'British Press' and is surmounted by a cap of Liberty. Fragments torn from the heart are inscribed 'Acre' [see British Museum Satires No. 9412], 'Egypt' [see British Museum Satires No. 9250, &c], and 'Irel[and]', while in the middle of the heart is a triangular patch: 'England'. The heart is surmounted by a crown made of blood-stained daggers with a central fleur-de-lis."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title from text in image., With an accompanying sheet of letterpress text describing: The crest, The helmet, and The heart., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top edge.
- Publisher:
- Published by R. Cribb and Printed by Cox and Baylie, Great Queen Street
- Subject (Geographic):
- France, Great Britain., Great Britain, and France.
- Subject (Name):
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Wilson, Robert, Sir, 1777-1849.
- Subject (Topic):
- Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, Proposed invasion of England, 1793-1805, Foreign relations, Devil, and Skeletons
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A Gallic idol [graphic]
3. A Scotch poney commonly call'd a Galloway [graphic].
- Creator:
- Gillray, James, 1756-1815, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [4 June 1803]
- Call Number:
- Auchincloss Gillray v. 11
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Lord Galloway, short, bulky, and ugly, rides in profile to the left. He wears a wrinkled Jean-de-Bry coat (see BMSat 9425), with a star, round hat, and top-boots, and uses a gold-headed cane as a riding-switch."--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Scotch poney commonly called a Galloway and Scotch pony commonly call'd a Galloway
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Mounted on leaf 9 of volume 11 of 12.
- Publisher:
- Publish'd June 4th, 1803, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
- Subject (Name):
- Galloway, John Stewart, Earl of, 1736-1806
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > A Scotch poney commonly call'd a Galloway [graphic].
4. A cat in pattens [graphic]
- Creator:
- Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, artist
- Published / Created:
- [1803]
- Call Number:
- 803.00.00.05+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "A grotesquely ugly old maid, wearing pattens, walks preceded by a small poodle, clipped in an exaggeration of the French manner, and followed by a black foot-boy in livery, who holds on a skewer a lump of 'Cat's Meat'. He carries an umbrella under his arm. Her dress is blown back against her skinny form; her hands are in a large muff, and she wears a fur tippet over a tight bodice defining shoulders, round to deformity. Her profile is hideously sub-human. She walks with a fixed stare, not looking at a half-naked beggar (right) with a patch over one eye and supported on a crutch who holds out his hat for alms. Behind is a blank wall, above which are a church spire and old-fashioned gabled houses."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title below image., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint., For a later state see Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 9, no. 11973., A 1811 edition described in: Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. ii, p. 237., and Mounted to 49 x 32 cm.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Topic):
- Black people, Beggars, Dogs, Servants, and Single women
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A cat in pattens [graphic]
5. A catamaran, or, An old maids nursery [graphic].
- Creator:
- Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [1 March 1811]
- Call Number:
- Auchincloss Rowlandson v. 11
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "An old hag leans back in an armchair of antique pattern; she is beset with cats which swarm round her, and turns her head with a macabre smile to kiss one on the mouth; her left hand rests on a cat standing on the table beside her. Two sit in her lap, another scrambles up her skirts. On a cushion on the floor are two large cats and two kittens; two others lap from a bowl. Others scramble and fight on the back of her chair. A pretty young woman stands (right) holding a cat which is tightly wrapped up, and feeding it from a spoon. The cats are large and muscular, with a trace of bull-dog. On the table are a box of 'Rappe', a decanter of 'Ratafia' with a glass, a large bowl of 'Cat Lap', and a paper: 'Essay on Old Maids'. Behind are ancient stone walls, and windows with escutcheons on which are cats. The woman's shoes are of archaic pattern"--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Old maids nursery
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Reissue, with year in imprint statement altered from "1803" to "1811." See British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., For the original issue from 1803, see: Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, page 42., and Mounted on leaf 46 of volume 11 of 14 volumes.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. March 1st, 1811, by T. Rowlandson, N. 1 James St., Adelphi
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > A catamaran, or, An old maids nursery [graphic].
6. A diver [graphic]
- Creator:
- Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, printmaker, artist
- Published / Created:
- [6 April 1803]
- Call Number:
- Print00785
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "A naked, bald, and grotesquely obese man stands on the tips of his toes about to plunge, or rather topple, into a bath, in which he admires, Narcissus-like, his own absurd reflection. He is poised on a platform projecting over the bath; behind him stands a comely young woman, watching in astonishment. A flesh-brush is beside her, another is on a seat on the opposite side of the bath, where a print of Narcissus is on the wall. An ugly old woman's head looks through a small rectangular aperture up m the wail; she is much amused at the scene. On the wall is a placard: 'Glowcocks Bagnio Cold and Hot Baths Cupping Sweating and otherwise cleansing the body performed here Lodgings for Gentlemen.'"--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image. and Sheet trimmed with plate mark on top edge.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. April 6, 1803, by R. Ackermann, N. 101 Strand, London
- Subject (Name):
- Narcissus (Greek mythological character),
- Subject (Topic):
- Prostitution, Public baths, Obesity, Therapeutic baths, Bathing, Nudes, and Signs (Notices)
- Found in:
- Medical Historical Library, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library > A diver [graphic]
7. A fowl with the gravy to it [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [8 August 1803]
- Call Number:
- 803.08.08.01
- Image Count:
- 1
- Abstract:
- A group of men dining around a table, one pouring gravy into the pocket of another
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Plate numbered '309' in lower left corner., From he Laurie & Whitlle Droll's series., Other prints in the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls were executed either by Isaac Cruikshank or Richard Newton., Two lines of text below title: Old man. Hey Hey; what are you doing, do you mean to pick my pocket. O no Sir, only observing you put a fowl there, I have taken the liberty to help you to a little gravy, as it would be dry eating of itself., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
- Publisher:
- Publish'd Augt. 8, 1803 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
- Subject (Topic):
- Eating & drinking, Joking, and Servants
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A fowl with the gravy to it [graphic].
8. A great man on his hobby horse a design for an intended statue on the Place La Liberteʹ at Paris. [graphic]
- Creator:
- Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [1803]
- Call Number:
- 803.04.00.01+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Napoleon, immensely elongated, bestrides a prancing horse on the summit of a globe on which 'Swisserla[nd]', 'Germany', and 'Italy' are marked, the upper part only being within the design. Napoleon, in profile to the left, holds a drawn sword inscribed 'Vive La Republique'. The horse is crowned; its collar is inscribed 'Power', the tail-strap 'Libertas'. Below the title: 'A Design for an Intended Statue on the Place la Liberté at Paris.'"--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Design for an intended statue on the Place La Liberteʹ at Paris
- Description:
- Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on two sides., Printmaker and imprint from British Museum catalogue., and Temporary local subject terms: Consulate.
- Publisher:
- Thomas Williamson
- Subject (Name):
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A great man on his hobby horse a design for an intended statue on the Place La Liberteʹ at Paris. [graphic]
9. A great man on the turf, or, Sir Solomon in all his glory [graphic]
- Creator:
- Gillray, James, 1756-1815, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [7 July 1803]
- Call Number:
- Auchincloss Gillray v. 11
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The Duke of Bedford [Identified in the House of Lords Gillray Collection as Mr Norton.] stands directed to the right., his head in profile, on a mound watching a race. He wears riding-dress with spurred top-boots and holds a riding-switch. Three horses race in the background; the contours of the ground, and the horizon, are fringed with crowds of tiny cheering figures; some follow the race on foot or horseback. Clouds complete the design."--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Sir Solomon in all his glory
- Description:
- Title etched below image. and Mounted on leaf 13 of volume 11 of 12.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. July 7th, 1803, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
- Subject (Name):
- Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1766-1839
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > A great man on the turf, or, Sir Solomon in all his glory [graphic]