"An old sow lies exhausted on a pile of straw outside a sty roofed with dilapidated thatch. She is beset by thirty-two voracious piglets with human heads. [The identifications are those of Miss Banks, confirmed by Lord Holland. The identifications of Wright and Evans are incomplete; Ellenborough is called the Speaker.] John Bull, a clumsy yokel in a smock, holding a pitchfork, looks over the low stone wall surrounding the sty. He exclaims: "O Lord - O Lord! - well! - I never had such a Litter of hungry Pigs in all my life before! - why, they's beyond all count! - where the devil do they think I shall find Wash & Grains for all their Guts? - zookers, why they a drain the poor old Sow to an Otomy! - 'e'cod She'll make but bad Bacon for Boney, when they's all done sucking o' her - !!!' In the centre of the struggling mass of pigs is Fox with Grenville on his left. and Grey on his right. He bestrides the Duke of Clarence, whose hind-quarters only (clad in blue and buff) are visible, and supports his right. hind-leg on the back of the Prince of Wales, who is in back view but wearing a ribbon and unmistakable. Grey also clambers over the Prince. On Grenville's l. is his fat nephew, Lord Temple. The head next Grenville is that of Sidmouth, across whose back Lord Henry Petty scrambles open-mouthed. Above Petty, Sheridan scrambles avidly over the sow; Erskine, in his Chancellor's wig scampers over the sow's hind leg. Lauderdale, whose body is chequered to indicate tartan, is behind Grenville, next him (l.) is Vansittart; on the left of the latter is a group of three plump pigs one with the head concealed, the others smiling with complacent anticipation; they are Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn and his two brothers, see BMSat 9760, &c. Behind them (l.) three pigs scamper towards the sow (l. to r.): Tierney, the Duke of Bedford, and Lord Derby. Behind again, and on the extreme left. are five rather smaller animals: George Walpole, Adair (half cut off by the margin), Burdett, Horne Tooke wearing clerical bands, and Lord Carlisle. On the r. of Grey and the Prince are Lord St. Vincent, with a foreleg on the Prince, Courteney, a foreleg on Grey, Lord Spencer who has secured a teat, and Windham who clambers downwards from the sow's shoulder. Between Courteney and Spencer is a pig whose head is concealed, 'not meant for any body'. Climbing up the farther side of the sow and on the r. are Lord Ellenborough in his wig, Lord Fitzwilliam, and Moira who scampers on the creature's back."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
New litter of hungry grunters sucking John-Bulls-old-sow to death
Title etched below image., Watermark, partially trimmed: J. Whatman 1817., and Mounted on leaf 16 of volume 6 of 12.
Pubd. March 5th, 1806, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street, London
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos, Duke of, 1776-1839, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquess of, 1780-1863, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of, 1759-1839, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Vansittart, Nicholas, 1766-1851, Williams-Wynn, Watkin, 1772-1840, Wynn, Charles Watkin Williams, 1775-1850, Wynn, Henry Watkin William, 1783-1856, Tierney, George, 1761-1830, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1766-1839, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Carlisle, Frederick Howard, Earl of, 1748-1825, Walpole, George, 1761-1830, Adair, Robert, Sir, 1763-1855, Tooke, John Horne, 1736-1812, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, Spencer, George John Spencer, Earl, 1758-1834, St. Vincent, John Jervis, Viscount, 1735-1823, Courtenay, John, 1738-1816, Ellenborough, Edward Law, Baron, 1750-1818, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Windham, William, 1750-1810, and Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Earl, 1748-1833
"Fox and Lord Henry Petty stand at the door of a ramshackle tenement house; a distressed family look down at them from an open casement window over the door. Petty's hand is on the knocker; he holds a large open book and shouts "Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!" Behind his ear a pen. The book, on which Fox puts both hands, is inscribed: 'New Taxes, Property Tax 10 per Cent, Small Beer Tax, Tax on Servant Maids, Iron tax [scored through], new Malt Tax, new Window Tax, new Stamp Tax, Hats, Salt, Tobacco, Shoes, Shirts, stock[ings]'. Between door and window is a board: 'John-Bull, - late Dealer in the Shop-below; - Moved Upstairs: NB - Porter-age done; Shoes clean'd &c.' The angry John, much dishevelled, holds open the window to shout down: "Taxes? - Taxes? - Taxes? - why how am I to get Money to pay them all? - I shall very soon have neither a House, nor Hole to put my head in." Fox answers: " - a house to put your \ "head in? - why what \ "the Devil should you want \ "with a House? - hav'nt \ "you got a first-Floor-Room \ "to live in? - & if that is too \ "dear, can't you move into \ "the Garret or get into the \ "Cellar? - Taxes must \ "be had, Johnny! - come \ "down with your Cash \ "its all for the good \ "of your dear \ "Country!" In Fox's coat pocket is a large money-bag inscribed 'Poundage'. Behind John stands woman holding an infant in each arm, another child gnaws a bone; two others one with a skull-like head, look from the window. On the ground floor (l.) is a shuttered window placarded 'This Shop to Let Enquire of the Tax Gatherer'. The window above it has been bricked up to escape the tax; a lean cat looks from the casement under the eaves. From the window above John Bull (a corner only visible) hang a ragged shirt and stockings. A lamp projectine from the house (a corner one) is broken. Against the wall beside the door (r.) is a pump at which are three ragged children: a little boy pumps, another kneels to put his mouth to the gushing water, while a little girl with a raw turnip eagerly waits her turn. On the pump are two inscriptions: 'New Brewery for the Benefit of the Poor - C.J. F - in ye Chair - Resolved . . .' and 'Erected 1806 C.J Volpone [cf. BMSat 9892, &c.] - Overseer'. By the children lie a hoop-stick and a hoop from a barrel and inscribed 'Whitbreads Entire' [cf. BMSat 10421, &c.]. On the left. are barrels inscribed 'Home-Brew'd Small-Beer Ten Shillings a Barrel Duty'. Across the road (l.) is a pawnshop with the sign of the three balls: 'Broad-bottom Pop-Shop' [see BMSat 10530]. In the upper windows of the prosperous shop are piles of moneybags inscribed 'Pension' and 'Sinecure'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Friend of the people and his petty new tax gatherer paying John Bull a visit
Title etched below image. and Mounted on leaf 25 of volume 6 of 12.
Pubd. May 28th, 1806, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806 and Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquess of, 1780-1863
V. 1. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"An auction of paintings held by tiny men with huge heads."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Plate numbered "N. 7" in upper right corner., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 1., Also issued separately., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 24.6 x 34.7 cm, on sheet 25.6 x 41.8., Watermark: 1817., and Leaf 6 in volume 1.
V. 1. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"An auction of paintings held by tiny men with huge heads."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Plate numbered "N. 7" in upper right corner., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 1., Also issued separately., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark: J Whatman.
Title etched below image., Part of a series of reduced copies published by Fores in 1806 and etched primarily by Charles Williams., Printmaker inferred by cataloger based on other prints in the series., Plate numbered '18' in lower left corner., Three lines of descriptive text below title: Humbly submitted to the fair sex, as a great curiousity!!! and necessary to be worn by all ladies who have any regard for their health, in the cold season of the year., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Watermark.
Two prostitutes stand on a street identified as the notorious Gunpowder Alley; the one woman on the right with crossed-arms turns her head to talk to a short man. On the left, a man in a shop with a sign over the door "Booth's Best British Gin" pours a glass for a woman who stands at the counter. On the wall behind the two women are posters: "Leakes slavation exploded one small pill is a dose ..." and "Globe Insuranc. Lives & Property saved from Fire."
Title etched below image., Attributed to Rowlandson by Grego., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted on leaf 34 of volume 8 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. April 7th, 1806, by T. Rowlandson, N. 1 James Street, Adelphi
"Heading to engraved verses: 'Sung by Mr Fawcett, at Covent Garden, in the Popular Farce of We Fly by Night.' In a bare farmhouse room a married couple in a truckle-bed quarrel violently. The man kneels on the bed, threatening his wife with his fists. An infant cries in a cradle, its forehead marked with an oblong patch. The moon shines through an uncurtained casement. Check curtains hang against the wall to screen the upturned bed in daytime. The verses relate that the pair agreed to apply for the (Dunmow) flitch of bacon, but quarrelled violently as to whether it should be fried or boiled. As a result 'all the little Clarks, Were mark'd with a rasher of bacon.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Flitch of bacon
Title from item., Place of publication follows publisher's street address., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls, plate numbered: 419., Six numbered verses below title: The spruce Mr. Clark, Was a young Essex spark ..., One line of text above design: Sung by Mr. Fawcett, at Covent Garden, in the popular farce of We fly by night., and Printed not before 1814 based on watermark.
Publish'd April 1, 1806 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
A night scene (or early morning) in a London street. A countryman responds to the advances of two young prostitutes, one of whom takes a handkerchief from his coat-pocket. They are lit by the lantern hanging in a watchman's box; the aged watchman sleeps, leaning his arms on the half-door. Behind, in shadow, are the houses. Below the title: Careful Observers, studious of the Town, Shun the Misfortunes that disgrace the Clown. Gay's Trivia.--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Original imprint statement partially burnished out and scratched through but legible., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., For a description of the original imprint see no. 10646 Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8., and Mounted to 39 x 28 cm.
Pubd. April 20, 1806, by T. Rowlandson, James St., Adelphi
A night scene (or early morning) in a London street. A countryman responds to the advances of two young prostitutes, one of whom takes a handkerchief from his coat-pocket. They are lit by the lantern hanging in a watchman's box; the aged watchman sleeps, leaning his arms on the half-door. Behind, in shadow, are the houses. Below the title: Careful Observers, studious of the Town, Shun the Misfortunes that disgrace the Clown. Gay's Trivia.--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Original imprint statement partially burnished out and scratched through but legible., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., For a description of the original imprint see no. 10646 Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8., 1 print : etching with stipple on laid paper, hand-colored ; sheet 33.8 x 24.1 cm., Bottom left corner of sheet missing., and Mounted on leaf 35 of volume 8 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. April 20, 1806, by T. Rowlandson, James St., Adelphi
"George III, in back view, seated at a writing-table, tries to fend off members of the new Ministry who beset him with conflicting plans and proposals. He exclaims "What, What, What! [his habitual phrase] all Wrong! all Wrong." On his right Fox is seated, but falls back dismayed, his chair collapsing; he holds 'Proposals for a General Peace', saying, "I am certain John Bull will like my plan better than any of them, sign mine." Next him is Ellenborough, in wig and gown, his left hand on the back of Fox's chair, which (perhaps) he is causing to fall; he proffers a 'Plan of a New Mode of Justice', and says: "The only specimen among them of a knowledge of the Subject, Sign this." (The inclusion of the Lord Chief Justice in the Cabinet was much objected to, on constitutional grounds, see 'Ann. Reg.', 1806, pp. 28-33, and BMSat 10563.) Moira, in regimentals, kneeling on a chair on the extreme right., leans forward, one hand on Ellenborough's shoulder, to present a 'Project for improveing of Ordinance'; he says: "By St Patrick now, if you was to put the whole of them together you would not be able to make a bit of sense out of them, this is the only one for John Bull." Windham, next Ellenborough, faces the King, presenting a paper inscribed 'War on the Continent', and saying, "I say nothing more or less than that they are all bad but this". Behind him Tierney stands, profferring a blank paper; he says: "Only look at mine & you'll be convinced its quite the thing." The others are on the King's l. Sheridan, a pendent to Fox, leans forward with his paper: 'Manager of the Finan[ces]'; he says: "Here sign this, this is the only good plan of management, all complete nonsense compared with this" [the hopeless confusion and debt in which the finances of Drury Lane were involved by Sheridan's management are satirized]. He wears, under his laced coat, the chequered waistcoat and breeches of Harlequin, see BMSat 9916. Behind him is Grenville, his partly obscured paper inscribed on the; he says: "This is the only well digested plan pro bona [sic] Publico, you may depend upon it." Petty's paper is blank; he says: "This petty effusion of Ideas you'll find full of weighty argument on every subject I assure you." Erskine (the arch-egotist, see BMSat 9246, &c), in wig and gown, and with the Purse of the Great Seal, leans forward with a blank paper to say: "This is the only learned plan among them, which I have arranged, I' I' I." Sidmouth stands on the extreme left., clutching, but not proffering, a paper; he flinches from we clamouring Ministers, saying, "If this is the Union of Parties, I'll be disunited.""--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Principles of democracy too prevalent
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Printseller's announcement following imprint: Folios of caricatures lent out for the evening., Sheet trimmed to edge of plate mark on two sides., and Watermark: Strasburg Lily.
Pubd. March, 1806 by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Ellenborough, Edward Law, Baron, 1750-1818, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Tierney, George, 1761-1830, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, and Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844