Going fixed for the purpose and Colonel electioneering
Title from caption below image., Nine lines of prose below title: B. "Where did you spring from, Colonel?" Col. "O! I've just crept out from the cane to see what discoveries ..., Description based on imperfect impression; text in upper right margin has been erased from sheet., and Watermark, partially trimmed: J. Whatman Turkey Mill.
Published May 21st, 1839, by R. Ackermann at his Eclipse Sporting Gallery, 191 Regent Stt
I have a notion that the brute is going to make the best of his way out and leave me to shift for myself
Title from text above and below image., Caption title continues: ... I have a notion this is not the hard way the man told us of., Publication date from unverified data from local card catalog record., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Hunting -- Dogs -- Accidents -- Streams.
My dear fellows I have a notion that I am committing some sort of trespass here
Title from text above and below image., Title continues: ... you will excuse me I just want to ask if you know which way the hounds are gone., Publication date from unverified data from local card catalog record., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Cold frames -- Horses -- Greenhouses -- Rakes.