Green's Juvenile Drama and Harlequin and the giant helmet
"The only juvenile edition published, correctly marked with the stage directions.", Consists of three sheets 51 x 76 cm. and one sheet 38 x 51 cm. folded into a booklet 19 x 26 cm., Based loosely on Horace Walpole's novel and on William Bradwell's 1840 pantomime., Consists of scenery and characters (in b&w) to be used in a toy theatre., Contains three title pages, each with varying dates: 1854, 1841, 1841. The date April 1, 1837 appears on the back., A modern reprint (ca 1987) of the 1854 original; sold by Pollock's Toy Theatres, Covent Garden, London., and "Green's Juvenile drama". Harlequin and the Gian Helmet. With dialogue.