Title from item., Title continues: Sell all sorts of mercery goods, vizt. Genoa & Dutch velvets, rich brocades, damasks & paduasoys, figur'd & plain sattin, flower'd & plain tabby, armozeens & ducapes, sergedusoys, mantuas, tobin'd strip'd & plain lutestrings, sarsenets & persians, poplins & broglios, tobin'd strip'd & plain Irish stuffs, silverest & messinets, Venetian & corded poplins, stuff damasks & camblets, callimanco's stuffs, &c. Likewise variety of Norwich crapes bombazeens, and black silks. N.B. As we keep a large sortment of half silks entire new fancies, of various kinds. Ladies, &c, may depend of being used upon the best terms & at the very lowest prices., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On leaf 38 of an album of trade cards and invitations.
A trade card illustrated with craftsmen engaged in the activities of their trade as carpenters and architects as well as furnishing funerals
Alternative Title:
Benjamin and John Osgood carpenters, at the Rising Sun ...
Title from item., Date suggested by dealer., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on secondary sheet. For further information, consult library staff.
Benjamin & John Osgood
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Topic):
Architects, Carpenters, Undertakers and undertaking, Carpentry, Equipment, Saws, and Tools
Title from item., Title continues: Makes & sells at the lowest prices, all sorts of large & small plate, both wrought & plain, rings and all manner of jewellers [blurred], also makes & mends watches. NB The utmost value given for secd hand plate, watches, rings, old gold and silver lace., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On leaf 61 of an album with spine title: Trade tokens and bookplates.
Title from item., Title continues: Makes copper and brass plates, in the neatest manner., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On leaf 54 of an album with spine title: Trade tokens and bookplates.
Title from item., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of text from bottom edge., and On leaf 135 of an album with spine title: Trade tokens and bookplates.
Title from item., Title continues: Makes & sells razors, scissors, lancets, penknives, fleams & pruning knives, all sorts of knives & forks & likewise hones, strops, also silver, mettal & steel buckles, of all sorts, steel snuffers, cork screws & curling irons, silver & stone buttons, snuff boxes, tweezer cases, watch chains, & mettal & steel seals. N.B. Old razors, scissors, lancets & penknives carefully ground & sett., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On leaf 31 of an album with spine title: Trade tokens and bookplates.