Title from item., Date inferred from printmaker's street address; Garnett Terry occupied various numbers on Paternoster Row from 1770 to 1796. See British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark at top and bottom., Text within banners surrounding central image, clockwise from upper right: Toupees; Wholesale & Retail; Cushion's; Braids; Perfumery; Wigs., and For further information, consult library staff.
Title from item., Title continues: Rooms fitted up with gilt leather, Indian pictures, or prints &c. great variety of screens, looking-glasses, brackets, gerandoles & picture frames gilt or plain, at the lowest prices; Indian pictures & paper hangings for exportation., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On leaf 57 of an album of trade cards and invitations.
Title from item., Title continues: Scower and dye all sorts of silks and sattins, rich brocades, wrought beds, tapestry, carpets, and all sorts of bedding. Painted taffitys discharg'd and dyed of any colour. N.B. Linen beds & negligees or gowns clean'd and glazed whole & gentlemens cloaths cleand wet or dry., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On leaf 35 of an album of trade cards and invitations.
Title from item., Title continues: ... who furnishes house with the most fashionable aricles in any of the above branches, on the shortest notice., Date of publication based on printmaker's death date., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on top and bottom., Text surrounded on three sides with images of metal housewares with captions below: Variety of plated goods ; Iron chests & book cases ; Compleat sets of camp kitchen furniture ; Smiths work in general., and Part of a collection of 10 trade cards and tickets housed together in a box.
Title from item., Title continues: Makes & sells all sorts of confectionary, wholesale and retail at the most reasonable rates., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On leaf 29 of an album with spine title: Trade tokens and bookplates.
Title from item., Title continues: Wholesale & retail at reasonable rates viz. silk gowns, scarlet cloaks, market womens cloaks, all manner of stuffs in the piece, russells, stuffs damasks, cambletts, cambletees, prunell's , callamancoe's, Irish stuffs, joans, spinning & made in the gentelest manner, likewise gives ready money for womens apparel rich or plain, N.B. At the above place are sold ladies beavers, mens hatts new or second hand by the maker John West., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On leaf 49 of an album of trade cards and invitations.