Title, date, and place of publication from item., In lower margin: U. S. Government Printing Office : 1942-O-485813 ; WH 3., One of a series of WWII posters produced for the U.S. Public Health Service showing the "big lunk" doing all the right healthy things to keep on the job for the war effort., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Federal Security Agency, U.S. Public Health Service and U.S. Government Printing Office
Subject (Topic):
World War, 1939-1945, Recreation, Sailors, and Bowling
Title, publisher, and date from item., In lower margin: U.S. Government Printing Office: 1943-O-544267 ; U.S. Department of Agriculture--War Food Administration ; 9., and A medallion at center has an image of a family, and inscription: U.S. needs us strong ; Eat the basic 7 every day.
U. S. Department of Agriculture -- War Food Administration and U. S. Government Printing Office
Subject (Topic):
Accidents, Prevention, World War, 1939-1945, Nutrition, and Families
Title from item., In lower margin: U. S. Government Printing Office : 1945 O-637277., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Linen mounted.
War Food Administration and U. S. Government Printing Office
Subject (Name):
Women's Land Army (United States).
Subject (Topic):
Agriculture, World War, 1939-1945, War work, Harvesting, Agricultural laborers, and Peach trees
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Text from poster: Keep clean to stay healthy ; America needs you on the job ; Other workers need towels, please make one do., In lower margin: Form No. 1180 ; Printed in U.S.A., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Scott Washroom Advisory Service
Subject (Topic):
World War, 1939-1945, War work, Paper towels, Hygiene, and Tanks (Military science).
Title from item., Date from copy in Smithsonian, accession number 1980-32-1186., Subject: Red Cross nurse holding one end of stretcher., and In margin lower right: Form N.Y. 18 Second War Fund.
American Red Cross
Subject (Geographic):
United States.
Subject (Topic):
World War, 1914-1918, War work, Nurses, Litters, and Explosions
Title from item., Publisher and date from item., Text above title: Distribution: Continental: AAF (2); AGF (2); ASF (Dir of Mil Tng) (2); A (1); CHQ (1); D (1); Special Distribution. Overseas: AFPAC, IB & China Theaters only: T of Opns (1): A (1); CHQ (1); D (1); B (1); R (1); AF (1); W (1); G (1); S (1). For explanation of distribution formula, see FM 21-6.: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1945-O-677157. WD Poster 8-2b, Dec 45.--"If You Are in This Area Look Out for Scrub Typhus Fever.", and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
United States War Department and Government Printing Office
Subject (Topic):
Typhus fever, Tsutsugamushi disease, World War, 1939-1945, Soldiers, Maps, and Tropical forests
Title from item., Date derived from dates of World War II., Below image: Caring for a war workers' children is a national service., In lower margin: Issued by the Ministry of Health ; MH 17., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Verso stamped: British Information Service, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City.
Printed for H.M. Stationery Office and Lowe & Brydone Printers Ltd, London, N.W.10 51-2206
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
World War, 1939-1945, Children, War work, Working mothers, and Older people
Title from item., Publisher and date from item., Below title: Be sure your clothing is properly impregnated. Do it this way., Text below image: Distribution: Continental; AAF (2); AGF (2); ASF (Dir of Mil Tng) (2); A (1); CHQ (1); D (1); Special Distribution. Overseas: AFPAC, IB & China Theaters only. T of Opns (1); A (1); CHQ (1); D (1); B (1); R (1); Bn (1); AF (1); W (1); G (1); S (1). For explanation of distribution formula, see FM 21-6.: WD Poster 8-2d, Dec 45.--"Impregnation Gives Protection" (Scrub Typhus Fever).: Government Printing Office 1945 O-677156., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
United States War Department and Government Printing Office
Subject (Topic):
Typhus fever, Tsutsugamushi disease, World War, 1939-1945, Soldiers, Laundry, and Tropical forests
Title and date from item., Text below image: Distribution: Continental: In accordance with Part II, ASF Cir. No. 313, 1944 and Section I, ASF Cir. No. 181, 1944. Overseas: T of Opns (10); Depts (10); SvC (10); Bose Comds (10); Island Comds (10); Def Comds (10); Sectors (10); Base Sectors (10); Armies (1); Corps (1); D (1); B (1); R (1); Sep Bn (1).: U.S. Government Printing Office: 1944-O-619219., and Below image right: Approved War Department Graphic Training Aid 8-7: War Department, 12 October 1944: Reproduction without permission prohibited.
United States War Department and United States Government Printing Office
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Military, World War, 1939-1945, Hygiene, Military hygiene, Gay military personnel, Bathtubs & showers, Bathing, Soap, Soldiers, and Dog tags