Volume 2, opposite page 153. Some account of London.
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still image
Title devised by curator., Unsigned; artist unidentified., Probably drawn after a print entitled "Polito's Royal Menagerie, Exeter 'Change, Strand", published in 1811 as plate 2 in volume 8 of Ackermann's The repository of arts, literature, fashions, &c.; see Yale Center for British Art call no.: L 212 (8vo)., and Mounted opposite page 153 in volume 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Pennant, T. Some account of London. London : Printed for R. Faulder, 1793.
Volume 1, page 127. Catalogue of the classic contents of Strawberry Hill collected by Horace
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still image
Interior view of the temporary wooden structure built for the Strawberry Hill Sale of 1842. Several dozen men in top hats and some women sit or stand around a long table on the left; the auctioneer George Robins sits on a platform on the right, holding a gavel
Title devised by curator., Signed by the artist in lower left corner of image., and Bound in as page 127 in volume 1 of Thomas Mackinlay's extra-illustrated copy of A catalogue of the classic contents of Strawberry Hill collected by Horace Walpole.
Subject (Name):
Robins, George Henry, 1777-1847, and Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
Volume 2. Original drawings of heads, antiquities, monuments, views, &c. by George Vertue and
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still image
Title devised by curator., Date of production based on sitter's death date. This portrait was completed shortly before Locke's death, according to a contemporary annotation in ink on verso: This is a portrait of Mr. John Lock, author of the Letters on Toleration, the Essay on Human Understanding, on Coinage, & many other valuable pieces, sketch'd from a painting & afterwards (not long before his decease) finished up from the life, by George Vertue., One of eight portrait drawings that were probably among the works purchased by Horace Walpole at the Vertue sale of 1757. A volume of ca. 50 additional drawings from this collection, now bound in red morocco, has Walpole's manuscript title-page: Original drawings of heads, antiquities, monuments, views, &c. by George Vertue and others., and Laid down on a wash-line mount, with a border of gold paint around the drawing.
Title in pencil on mount lower left., Signed and dated in charcoal at lower right., Mounted with poem in manuscript signed Trilussa., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Page 4 after The press at Strawberry Hill to ... the Duke of Clarence. Poems - Strawberry-Hill
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still image
Title devised by curator., Statements of responsibility written in pencil below image; the artist Mundare is unidentified., Copy of a portrait by Romney, which was commissioned by Horace Walpole in 1778 and kept in the Breakfast Room at Strawberry Hill. See: Kidson, A. George Romney: a complete catalogue of his paintings. New Haven : Published for The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art by Yale University Press, 2015., Mounted below is a separate sheet (10.0 x 14.7 cm) containing eight lines of verse, in Thomas Kirgate's hand, beneath the heading: Written on the back of Lady Craven's picture, by Lord Orford., and Mounted on page 4 after The press at Strawberry Hill to ... the Duke of Clarence, in a volume with the binder's title: Poems - Strawberry-Hill - 1757-1789.
Subject (Name):
Craven, Elizabeth, 1750-1828,, Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797., and Strawberry Hill Press (Twickenham, London, England)
Page 185. Portfolio containing 50 drawings by Lady Diana Beauclerk and her daughter Mary, Miss
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still image
Title devised by curator., Unsigned; artist unidentified., Date based on death date of Horace Walpole, who assembled the collection in which this drawing is found., Mounted above on the same page is a pen and ink drawing of nearly the same scene., and Mounted on page 185 in a volume containing Horace Walpole's extra-illustrated copy of his Description of the villa of Horace Walpole (Hazen 2523) and his Catalogue of pictures and drawings in the Holbein Chamber at Strawberry-Hill (Hazen 2619.4). Part of the collection: Portfolio containing 50 drawings by Lady Diana Beauclerk and her daughter Mary, Miss Sebright, Miss Knight, Mrs. Damer, John Gooch, Samuel Lysons, Sir Edward Walpole, and Thomas Walpole (Hazen 3641).
Fäsch, Johann Ludwig Wernhard, approximately 1738-1778, artist
Published / Created:
[not after 1778]
Call Number:
Folio 33 30 Copy 11
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still image
Drawing of a man and woman, standing across from one another and apparently engaged in conversation. The man, standing on the left and facing right, gestures toward the woman with his left hand; he wears a blue jacket and breeches, has a holstered sword on his left hip, and holds a tricorne in his right hand. The woman, standing on the right and facing left, wears a purple and green dress and holds a fan(?) in her right hand. Possibly a depiction of a scene from a play
Title devised by curator., Artist attribution from manuscript note on paper label mounted below the set of drawings: Drawn by Fesch., Place of production based on artist's main city of activity; date of production based on artist's death date., One of four small drawings of English and French comedians mounted together on one page. Horace Walpole presumably kept similar drawings by Fäsch in his bedchamber at Strawberry Hill., Mounted on page 113 of Richard Bull's copiously extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 13., and For further information, consult library staff.
A full-length portrait of a man wearing a long jacket and hat. The outlines of his body and clothing are cut from a single sheet and defined using a pinpricks, with watercolor additions to the jacket and hat. The man's face, the bag of money he holds, and the platform he stands on are drawn entirely in watercolor on the mount
Title and approximate date of production from dealer's description. and Artist unidentified. The pinprick portion of the design may derive from a commercial pattern, as nearly identical examples are known (but finished differently).
Fäsch, Johann Ludwig Wernhard, approximately 1738-1778, artist
Published / Created:
[not after 1778]
Call Number:
Folio 33 30 Copy 11
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Drawing of a man, standing and turned towards the left. He wears a long white coat, open and unbuttoned, his blue waistcoat and breeches visible beneath. In his outstretched right hand is a tricorne; in his left hand, pulled in close to the hip, is a walking stick. Possibly a depiction of an actor in performance
Title devised by curator., Artist attribution from manuscript note on paper label mounted below the set of drawings: Drawn by Fesch., Place of production based on artist's main city of activity; date of production based on artist's death date., One of four small drawings of English and French comedians mounted together on one page. Horace Walpole presumably kept similar drawings by Fäsch in his bedchamber at Strawberry Hill., Mounted on page 113 of Richard Bull's copiously extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 13., and For further information, consult library staff.