A sour looking wife, her face covered in carbuncles, chastises her abject-looking husband for keeping her waiting. The wife sits before a clock which reads 8:30. Behind her chair is hidden a wine glass and a wine bottle labelled "Nants". She says: "Here have I been sitting up for you these four hours without anything to comfort me Mr. Fillpot. I will not suffer it." He responds: "Don't be angry, you beauty! I have only been drinking your health with Squir Guzzle 'pon honor."
Title etched below image., Series title and series number etched above image., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Earlier state of print described in Grego, v. 2, page 14.
Pubd. October 1, 1799, by R. Akerman, No. 101 Strand
A sour looking wife, her face covered in carbuncles, chastises her abject-looking husband for keeping her waiting. The wife sits before a clock which reads 8:30. Behind her chair is hidden a wine glass and a wine bottle labelled "Nants". She says: "Here have I been sitting up for you these four hours without anything to comfort me Mr. Fillpot. I will not suffer it." He responds: "Don't be angry, you beauty! I have only been drinking your health with Squir Guzzle 'pon honor."
Title etched below image., Series title and series number etched above image., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Earlier state of print described in Grego, v. 2, page 14., 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 21.6 x 19.3 cm, on sheet 25.2 x 21.2 cm., and Window mounted on leaf 2 of volume 7 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. October 1, 1799, by R. Akerman, No. 101 Strand
Design consists of eight panels arranged in two horizontal rows, with lines of text etched in the top portion of each panel. In the upper left, an intoxicated woman in an arm chair, says "May we have in our arms what we love in our hearts. No tax upon gin! Here we go up, up, up, and there we go down, down, down!" The next shows a man prostrate on his back holding a lantern, with words above, "Bless me, is that the sun of the moon I see above there!" On the wall behind him a print with the title "The good woman" etched above the figure of a woman without a head. Third, a bare chested gravedigger looks up from his work in horror as a woman loses control of the pail of water on her head. Above them are the words, "Hollo! Damn your blood you old Faggot, where are you coming to?" The final panel in the top row shows an obese well-dressed woman vomiting, a bottle of "Comfort for the Cholick" in her left hand. The words etched above her head: "Too much of a good thing!". First on the left of the second row: a large, young woman with bare breasts and generally disheveled and quesy look on her face, walks on a cobblestone street; behind her in the distance a man shakes a cleaver in her direction. Above her the words, “I am a little sickish or so, but no matter, I've given Sal her gruel? She drink gin with me! Blast me she could as soon swallow the fat landlady!” The next panel shows a unconscious woman being carried on a man's back. The text above them reads, “She's got her quantum, by jingo, she smells as sweet as a daisy! But no matter, I'll get the blunt in the morning from her old goat of a keeper. 'Upon my conscience and soul he will have a precious bedfellow of her to night! In the third panel, bottom row, an old woman with spectacles bumps into a large rock, causing her to drop her bottle of gin and a bloody nose. Etched above her head are the words, “What's that for you sawcy reascal! Here, Watch! Watch! Watch! Lord a mercy upon me what a blow! My poor head spins like a top!” In the final panel, a military officer escorts a well-dressed young woman along a street as he brandishes a club. Above them is etched, "Stick, close, my dear, Charlotte. Hold up your head, my lily of the valley. I am as sober as a judge. Woman and wine for ever, damn me!”
Title from caption below images., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Watermark: Russell & Co. 1799., and Mounted on modern secondary support.
Pub. by Willm. Holland, No. 50 Oxford Street
Subject (Geographic):
St. Giles in the Fields (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Social conditions, Couples, Gin, Gravedigging, Intoxication, Spouses, and Watchmen