"A man in quasi-fashionable dress with spurred top-boots and knee-breeches gapes oafishly at a print-shop window, while a little boy, respectably dressed, takes a purse from his breeches-pocket, having already twitched a handkerchief from the coat-tail pocket which hangs inside out. Behind (right) a lady stares through an eye-glass. In each pane of the curved window of a corner-shop (Berthoud's?) is a print. One of the Devil faces a portrait of the 'Duke of Wellington'; these are 'The Pair Half a Crown' [cf. BM Satires Nos. 13826, 15646]; 'Up to every thing' is a tall soldier, taking the hand of a woman at a first-floor window; 'A Loan' is BM Satires No. 14993; 'Man of Taste' is a man at the counter of a ham and beef shop (cf. BM Satires No. 13127); 'Remember the Post Boy your Honor', scene in an inn yard. There are other prints, one is a double sheet: 'Joe Lisle Play upon words'. There is a Paul Pry (not resembling Liston, cf. BM Satires No. 15138), and against the pickpocket's head is a print of an empty gibbet."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image. and Watermark: J. Whatman Turkey Mill 1827.
Published by Berthoud & Son, 65, Quadrant
Subject (Geographic):
England and London
Subject (Topic):
Boys, City & town life, Merchandise displays, Pickpockets, Prints, Stores & shops, and Witnesses