Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., C.M.S. Missionaries travelling in West Africa (Church Missionary Society) A caravan of missionaries and indigenous assistants are making their way down the road in the middle of forest with the missionaries' supplies., and The back of the postcard is blank.
38. Une Caravane. - Kisantu - Eene Karavan. ("A Caravan") A line of people are walking along carrying bundles and baskets on their heads., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank and also contains information about the mission agency: "Mission du Kwango. Kwango- Missie."
China Records Project Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection
Container / Volume:
Box 64 | Folder 1
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The carcasses of numerous animals killed during a hunting trip are laid out on display. Two boars, a large number of birds, and what appears to be several fawns are among the kills. The photograph was taken in January of 1922. Written on the back of the photo: "2 pigs were killed later"., and This photo is from the papers of Emery Ward Ellis, a missionary serving the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Tehchow, Shantung from 1904-1927.
A red-capped cardinal reviews assembled indigenous Catholic seminarians. In the background, a building is visible., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed on it is "Seminarites Indigenes du Diocese de KOUDOUGOU (Haute-Volte [Burkina Faso]) Afr. Occ." "Comme le desait SS. Pie XII dans son Enxyclique "Fidei donum" certains Eveques d'Afrique "sont contraints faute d'argent, a refuser l'entreee de leur Seminaire a des jeunes gans pleins de generosite et d'espoir."" "L'Eveque de Koudougou est de ceux-la. Maigre les lourdes dettes qu'il a deja pour la pension de ses Seminaristes, il continue a en admettre de noveaux; mais it est oblige, charque annee, de restreindre le nombre des admissions." "La Pension d'un Petit-Seminariste coute 45.000 F (450 NF) par an." "Celle d'un Grand-Seminariste 125.000 (1.250 NF) par an. Mais les dons les plus minimes sont recus avec reconnaissance." "Contribuer meme partiellement, a l entretien d'un futur Pretre c'est s'asseurer pour l'avenir une large part a toutes les Messes qu'il celebrence et a tout son apostolat." "CCP Eveche de Koudougou (Hte-Volta) OUAGADOUGOU 45 ou Procure des Peres Blancs 24 Avenue de Launay NANTES".
"Process #4: Carding with cards made by hand by the students." Male students, some wearing masks over their mouths and noses, card wool. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Misison des R.R. P. P. Jesuites au Kwango. Kwango-Missie der E. E. P. P. Jezuiten in Kongo" "Kisantu Menuisiers noirs et leur travaux. Zwarte schrijnwerkers bij hun werk." Two inset photographs show young carpenters displaying their woodwork outdoors. The back of the postcard is blank. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Missionsforbundets Kongomission. No 9. Slojdskolan vid Mukimbungu. A male clergy and a group of boys are outside working with wood in front of benches., and The back of the postcard contains a handwritten message.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Congo - vicariaat. Nieuw-Antwerpen : Hoe een prauw vervaardigd wordt te Bosu-Modanda. Several carpenters ply tools on a large downed log amid the forest., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed at the edge of the correspondence section is "Eigendom der "Missien van Scheut"."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Missions des peres Blancs "Un atelier de menuiserie dans le Centre Africaine." A missionary father stands among carpenters working at their benches., and The back of the card is blank.