Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Missione del Kenya - Serie III - Vegetazione Equatoriale. "30 - Vegetazione equatoriale di prodotti nostranei". A small child stands between two large cabbage-like vegetables, the leaves stretching as wide as the child is tall., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed at the top of the correspondence section is "Istituto - Collegio Internazionale Della Consolata per le Missioni Estere - Torino (17) Corso Ferruccio, 16 "La Consolata" periodico mensile - Abbonamento L. 5 annue".
"Funeral of baby Mac Clellan burned in graveyard at - Pang Chuang" Photo shows a funeral service for a missionary child. Adults and children are present, most of them Western and in Western dress. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
3. - Congo Francais Brazzaville - Un Cocotier de la Mission. Several adults and children stand beneath a palm tree, including a child wearing a white dress and a pith helmet. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and Preparing for procession to the grave. Children are milling around the street. To the left, several paper figures carrying flags are visible.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and This color postcard shows five adults and a dozen young children are gathered outdoors, playing musical instruments and singing. On the back of the postcard is printed "The Mission to Lepers, 7 Bloomsbury Square, London, W. C. 1" "Choir of Child Patients at the Leprosy Home and Hospital, Chandkhuri, India."
"Missions Salesiennes Congo Belge I 3. Joyeux ebats." Several children bathe in a river. The back of the postcard is blank. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Missions Salesiennes. Congo Belge I. 3. Joyeux ebats." A number of boys bathe in a river. The back of the postcard is blank. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Kisubi (Uganda).- Les Premiers Communiants Approximately fifty children are outside by a large thatched building, sitting in groups in circles learning from a missionary sister and her assistants., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains information about the Catholic mission agency: "Seours Missionaires de N.D. d'Afrique- Saint Charles, par Birmandreis (Alger)" The same photo is used in another postcard captioned "La Classe aux petit Negres."
"This is the way we brush our teeth." Four small children outdoors, brushing their teeth and holding cups in which to spit. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
A Chinese woman uses two baskets to carry the children, held by a bar across her shoulders. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.