40. - Madagascar - Un Vieux Catechiste (56 ans de services) et toute sa famille. Missions des. PP. Jesuites a Tananarive. An elderly catechist stands outdoors with his family gathered around him., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "L'Oeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi soutient les Missions catholiques du monde entier. Env oyez votre offrande par Cheques Postaux : Paris 618-25 Lyon 72-71" "Propagation de la Foi, Lyon, 12, Rue Sala Paris : bien noter nouvelle adresse : 5, Rue Monsieur (VIIc)"
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., La Nigrizia Illustrata Serie II. "8. - Catechista in alta montagna" This color-tinted postcard depicts a catechist instructing three other men next to a field of grain, some of which has been placed in conical shocks. Mountains rise in the background., and The back of the card has no handwriting. Printed at the edge of the correspondence section is "l'Istituto Missioni Africana di Verona evangelizza vastissime Missioni nell'Africa Centrale."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., La Lecon du Catechiste ("The Lesson of the Catechist") Twenty-three students are sitting on stools outside attending a class taught by an indigenous man. The front of the postcard also contains information about the Catholic mission agency: "Missions des P.P. du Saint-Esprit.", and The back of the postcard is blank and contains information about the publisher: "Phototypie J. Bienaime, Reims."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Madagascar. - Cote Est - Fenerive - Catechistes et Catechumenes. Two rows of young catechists and catechumens are shown standing or sitting outdoors. Behind them, thick foliage can be seen., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., An indigenous man in a white robe is outside instructing six young men in how to make the sign of the cross. They all have their right hands on their foreheads., and The back of the postcard is blank with information about the Catholic mission agency: "Missions des Peres Blancs" and a caption: "56. - Catechiste apprenant a faire le signe de la croix (Uganda)"("Catechists learn to make the sign of the cross") and also information about the publisher: "Ern. Thill, Bruxelles."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Lagos (Nigeria) - Catéchisme d'adultes ("Adult Catechism") A group of women dressed in traditional clothing are standind and sitting posed outside with a missionary sister. There is also information about the mission agency: "Congrégation des Soeurs de N.-D. des Apotres pour les Missions Africaines - Vénissieux (Rhône)., and The back of the postcard is blank.
19. Mission Africaines, 150, Cours Gambetta, Lyon - Vicariat Apostolique du Togo. Groupe de chrétiens de Lomé (" Group of Christians Lomé ") A group of men, women, and children are sitting and standing posed outdoors., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains information regarding the priter: "A. Michel, édit., 30 bis, Pl. Bellecour, Lyon"
A missionary priest and a class of catechists are sitting and standing outside posed near a brick building., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains the caption: "60.- Le Pere Raes avec les catechistes de Kasongo (Haut-Congo)." ("The Priest Raes with the catechists of Kasongo") and also contains information about the Catholic mission agency: "Missions des Peres Blancs." The back of the postcard also contains information about the printer: "Ern. Thill, Bruxelles."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the postcard is blank and contains information about the Catholic mission agency and also a caption: "52. - Ecole des catechistes (Uganda). Missions des Peres Blancs" and also information about the publisher: "Ern. Thill, Bruxelles.", and Two men and several children are standing in the open area in a mission courtyard. The children are wearing traditional clothing and the catechists are wearing white robes.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Congo Francais - Une framille Catholique Mpongwee Two men and a woman are depicted outdoors, the woman seated and the men flanking her on either side. The men wear Western clothing, with waistcoats and watch fobs, while the woman is dressed in a patterned wrap., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed in the correspondence section is "Missions des peres du St-Esprit" "La Congregation du St-Esprit vouee au Salut de la race noire evangelise le tiers de l'Afrique, les Antilles et une grande partie de l'Amerique. Elle se consacre aux races et oeuvres les plus abandonnees."