Chamisso, Adelbert von, 1781-1838 Choris, Louis, 1795-1828 Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Eyriès, J. B. B. (Jean Baptiste Benoît), 1767-1846 Gall, F. J. (Franz Joseph), 1758-1828
Published / Created:
Call Number:
EEcd 815D
Image Count:
Contains music., In the present issue all the plates are colored. The number of plates is given as 110 by Quérarn. La France littéraire. Brunet and Graesse. The Catal. général ... du Département de la marine et des colonies, t. III, p. 217, quotes, 103 plates, one portrait and one map; the Bibliographie de la France, 105 plates and three maps., In this copy parts VI-VII are bound before part I; according to the "Avis au reliour" at end of the volume, this is the correct order. Part VII lacks p. 1-2 (half-title?). With three additional leaves at end: list of subscribers, in two states, 2l.; "Avis au relieru" and errata, 1l., Issued in 22 livraizons, 1821-23. The 21st livraison ("21e et derniére livr") 1822 was followed by a "22e et derniére livraison," 1823: the latter (2 maps with text) is wanting in some copies. The work is divided into 7 parts, paged separately and published in the following order: I. San Francisco et ses habitants. II. Iles Sanswich. III. Iles Radak. IV. Iles Aléontiennes. V. Iles Mariannes et Philippines. VI. Craverséc de Cronstadt au Chili. VII. Kamtchatka, le golfe de Kotzebue et la terre des Tchouktchis., and Text by J.B.B. Eyries.
Impr. de Firmin Didot,
Subject (Name):
Kotzebue, Otto von,--1787-1846 and Ri︠u︡rik (Brig)
Subject (Topic):
Craniology, Natural history, Views, and Voyages around the world
Chamisso, Adelbert von, 1781-1838 Choris, Louis, 1795-1828 Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832 Eyriès, J. B. B. (Jean Baptiste Benoît), 1767-1846 Gall, F. J. (Franz Joseph), 1758-1828
Published / Created:
Call Number:
EEcd 815D
Image Count:
Contains music., In the present issue all the plates are colored. The number of plates is given as 110 by Quérarn. La France littéraire. Brunet and Graesse. The Catal. général ... du Département de la marine et des colonies, t. III, p. 217, quotes, 103 plates, one portrait and one map; the Bibliographie de la France, 105 plates and three maps., In this copy parts VI-VII are bound before part I; according to the "Avis au reliour" at end of the volume, this is the correct order. Part VII lacks p. 1-2 (half-title?). With three additional leaves at end: list of subscribers, in two states, 2l.; "Avis au relieru" and errata, 1l., Issued in 22 livraizons, 1821-23. The 21st livraison ("21e et derniére livr") 1822 was followed by a "22e et derniére livraison," 1823: the latter (2 maps with text) is wanting in some copies. The work is divided into 7 parts, paged separately and published in the following order: I. San Francisco et ses habitants. II. Iles Sanswich. III. Iles Radak. IV. Iles Aléontiennes. V. Iles Mariannes et Philippines. VI. Craverséc de Cronstadt au Chili. VII. Kamtchatka, le golfe de Kotzebue et la terre des Tchouktchis., and Text by J.B.B. Eyries.
Impr. de Firmin Didot,
Subject (Name):
Kotzebue, Otto von,--1787-1846 and Ri︠u︡rik (Brig)
Subject (Topic):
Craniology, Natural history, Views, and Voyages around the world
Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas, 1740?-1794 Denon, Vivant, 1747-1825 Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, 1732-1806 Saint Non, Jean Claude Richard de, 1727-1791 Saint-Aubin, Augustin, 1736-1807
Published / Created:
Call Number:
EEdha 777T
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Description des royaumes de Naples et de Sicile. and Voyage pittoresque.
"Précis historique des révolutions de Naples et de Sicile," by Bhamfort: v. 1, p. [1]-56. and Plates are proofs before letters.
Impr. de Clousier,
Subject (Geographic):
Italy--Description and travel, Italy--Description and travel--Early works to 1800, Naples (Kingdom)--Description and travel, and Sicily (Italy)--Description and travel
Bourrit, Marc-Théodore, 1739-1819 Saussure, Horace Bénédict de, 1740-1799 Saussure, Horace Bénédict de, 1740-1799. Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des environs de Genève Saussure, Nicolas Thédore de, 1767-1845
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1998 +200
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Books, Journals & Pamphlets
Alternative Title:
Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des environs de Genève. and Voyages de Saussure
Errata: v. 1, p. XXXVI., Illustrations by M.T. Bourrit, Théodore de Saussure and others., Includes index., and T. 1, p. 385-392 (signature 3C) wanting. Misbound: t. 1, signatures 3E and 3K misbound. Manuscript annotations of Jean André de Luc (1763-1847).
Chez Samuel Fauche, imprimeur et libraire du roi.,
Subject (Geographic):
Alps--Description and travel--Early works to 1800 and Geneva (Switzerland)--Description and travel--Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Luc, J. A. de--(Jean André),--1763-1847--Ms. notes and Saussure, Horace Bénédict de,--1740-1799--Presentation inscription to M. De Luc
Subject (Topic):
Geology--Alps--Early works to 1800 and Physical geography--Alps--Early works to 1800
George Gibbs notebooks of scientific observations of the Pacific Northwest,
Container / Volume:
Box 1 | Folder 3
Image Count:
Three holograph notebooks containing diary entries relating to travel; barometrical recordings; and observations on the languages and customs of the Indians and the flora and fauna of Washington Territory and the Pacific Northwest written while Gibbs was working on the U.S. Army railroad survey and the survey of the International Boundary Commission. The first two notebooks contain a few miscellaneous drawings. The volumes are entitled "Indian Tribes 1853-1854," "No. II Journal & Notes, N.W.B.S. 1855-1858," and "Washington Territory Miscellaneous, Chiefly Natural History [ca. 1857]."
Subject (Geographic):
Northwest, Pacific--Description and travel, Northwest, Pacific--Surveys, Washington (State)--Description and travel, and Washington (State)--Surveys
Subject (Name):
Gibbs, George,--1815-1873 and Northwest Boundary Commission, 1857-1869
Subject (Topic):
Indians of North America--Northwest, Pacific--Languages, Indians of North America--Northwest, Pacific--Social life and customs, Indians of North America--Washington (State)--Languages, Indians of North America--Washington (State)--Social life and customs, Natural history--Northwest, Pacific, Natural history--Washington (State), Pacific railroads--Explorations and surveys, Surveyors--Northwest, Pacific, and Surveyors--Washington (State)--lcsh