Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the postcard is blank and contains the caption: Zambèze- Au coucher du Soleil à Senanga" ("At sunset in Senanga") The back also contains information about the mission agency: Société des Missions Evangéliques. 102, Bd Arago, Paris- XIVe." There is also information about the printer: "Cliché M. CL. Delahaye.", and Two children are standing in a canoe that is on the shore of the Zambezi river.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Missions du Sud- Afrique- Série VIII Two children dressed in traditional clothing are standing outside holding hands., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains information about the mission agency: "Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculée. Oeuvre des Missions O.M.l. - 75. Rue de l'Assomption. - Parie (XVIe). Abonnez-vous aux Petites Annales des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculée Revue Mensuelle 10 fr. C./C. 99-99. Paris."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Missions du Sud- Afrique- Série VIII Two young children dressed in traditional clothing are standing inside a pot, posed for the portrait., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains information about the mission agency: "Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculée. Oeuvre des Missions O.M.l. - 75. Rue de l'Assomption. - Parie (XVIe). Abonnez-vous aux Petites Annales des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculée Revue Mensuelle 10 fr. C./C. 99-99. Paris."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Missions du Sud- Afrique- Série VIII Two small children are standing together in a basket., and The back of the postcard is blank and also contains information about the mission agency: "Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculée. Oeuvre des Missions O.M.l. - 75. Rue de l'Assomption. - Parie (XVIe). Abonnez-vous aux Petites Annales des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculée Revue Mensuelle 10 fr. C./C. 99-99. Paris."
8. Bénin- Mission d'Ekiti Ifaki ("Christian children in Ado Ekiti") Two children wearing traditional clothing are standing posed together in the forest. There is also information about the mission agency: "Mission Africaines, 150, Cours Gambetta, Lyon", Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank and includes information about the publisher: "Phototypie M Lescuyer, 16, Rue Des Remparts- D'Ainay- Lyon."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the postcard is closely covered with handwriting and is stamped and postmarked. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Elizabeti" "Filipo" "Mission des RR, PP, Jesuites au Kwango. Kwango-Missie-der EE PP Jezuiten in Kongo.", and Two children, a girl and a boy, are shown seated for portraits. Each photograph is inset in its own cartouche.
226. Madagascar - Sur les bords du Mangoro. Two dugout boats are shown in the foreground, grounded on the shore of a small lake. On the far shore, a village can be seen. A man stands in one of the boats., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed at the bottom of the correspondence section is "Pour 'L'Oeuvre des Pretres Malgaches' 79. Avenue de Breteuil, Paris XVc - Ch. Post. 567-39 Paris."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Les petits affames du Pere Paquet a Bethel., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Poids des petits affames: 6 ans - 15 lbs. 9 ans - 23 lbs." "Voici les victimes de la terrible famine qui vient de nous frammer au Basutoland. Des milliers et des milliers d'enfants sont a peu pres dans le meme cas qu'eux. En face de tant de misere je sais que chacun de vous se dira. Je veux moi aussi faire ma part pour empecher ces pauvres petits de mourir de faim. Et notre Seigneur vous dira comme autrefois : "Toutes les fois que vous l'avez fait a l'un de ces petits, c'est a moi que vous l'avez fait" (Matt 25,40)" "Envoyes vos aumones: R. P. Paquet, O. M. I. Mission de Bethel Post Office Quthing Basutoland (South Africa)"
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Missions Esquimaudes - Serie IX "Une bonne charge de mousse, bois du nord... le bebe est par-dessus le marche." Two girls walk across a stony plain, carrying bundles of moss suspended from tumplines on their heads. On the back of the postcard is printed "Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculee. Oeuvre des Missions O. M. I. - 75, Rue de l'Assomption - Paris (XVIc) Abonnez-vous aux Petites Annales des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculee Revue Mensuelle - 10 fr. C. C. 99.99 Paris"