Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the postcard is blank and includes information about the mission agency: "Mission des RR. PP. Jesuites.- Congo Belge. Sie 2. No 14." and also the caption: "Casques de Bapende" The back also includes information about the publisher: "Helio Ch. Bulens, S.A., 14, rue Kessels, Brux. III.", and Two men are standing outside posed for the portrait. They both have bead designed hair, and are also wearing necklaces.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., L'Etable de Bethleem?...Non, debuts de Mission pres de Soubre (Cote d'Ivoire). ("The Stable of Bethlehem? -- No, the beginnings of a Mission close to Soubre (Ivory Coast).") Two small thatched-roof buildings stand beside a dirt road. On one building is written "Eglise Catholique." In between the buildings a man and a child are standing. Postcard issued by "Missions Africaines.", and The back of the postcard is blank and contains printed information about the publisher: "Procure des Missions Africaines - 11, rue Crillon - PARIS (IVe) - Cheques Postaux: 1816-60." The back also contains information about the printer: "Helio Lorraine - Nancy."
5. - Togo. - Une Halte au pays des Kabures- Missions Africaines de Lyon Two traveling missionary fathers are resting with the Kabure tribe. The two missionary fathers are sitting behind a table with food on it while the tribe members are standing and sitting on the ground nearby. The front of the postcard also contains the caption: "Coll. Propagation de la Foi (Coll. Propragation of the faith)" and also information about the printer: "Imp. Reunies de Nancy"., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains information about the Catholic mission agency: "l'Oeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi soutient les Missions catholiques du monde entier. Envoyez votre offrande par Cheques Postaux: Paris, 618-25 Lyon, 72-71. Propagation de la Foi, Paris, 20, Rue Cassette (VIe) Lyon, 12, Rue Sala
"Missions des Peres Oblats" "Au pays des neiges et des glaces." "33. La peche sous la glace." Two Catholic missionary fathers draw a net from a hole cut in the ice of a snow-covered lake. The back of the postcard has printed on it "Abonnez-vous 'aux Petites Annales de Marie-Immaculee' Revue mensuelle illustree, 75, rue de l'Assomption, Paris, XVI" and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., RUNGU. - La Riviere. ("RUNGU. - The River.") Two missionary fathers along with a dog stand on the shore of a river full of rocks and white water. Postcard issued by Mission Dominicaine du Congo Belge., and The back of the postcard has a handwritten note in French and contains printed information about the publisher: "Edition des 'Missions Domincaines' - Paris." The back also contains information about the printer: "Imprimeries Reunies de Nancy."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Missions d'Extreme Nord Canadien - Serie VI "L'Eveque en tournee apostolique conduit son canot d'ecorce." A Catholic bishop and another priest paddle a canoe near a stony shore. On the back of the postcard is printed "Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculee. Oeuvre des Missions O. M. I. - 75, Rue de l'Assomption - Paris (XVIc) Abonnez-vous aux Petites Annales des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculee Revue Mensuelle - 10 fr. C. C. 99.99 Paris"
"Missions Esquimaudes - Serie XI" "Les missionnaires en costume local." Two Catholic missionary fathers shake hands while wearing indigenous fur clothing. On the back of the postcard is printed "Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculee. Oeuvre des Missions O. M. I. - 75, Rue de l'Assomption - Paris (XVIc) Abonnez-vous aux Petites Annales des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculee Revue Mensuelle - 10 fr. C. C. 99.99 Paris" and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
A large brick house is shown framed by forest, with a pair of Catholic missionary fathers standing in front of it., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed at the bottom of the correspondence section is "Dominicaansche Missie in Belgisch-Congo" "Niangara : De residentie van Monseigneur Lagae."
"Aux Glaces Polaires" "Mgr Turquetil et le P. Girard en habits esquimaux." Two Catholic missionary fathers are shown wearing indigenous fur clothing. Both wear large crucifixes around their necks. The back of the postcard has printed on it "Abonnez-vous a la Revue Apostolique des Missionnaires Oblats de M. I. revue mensuelle : 8 fr., C/P 7340, Lyon." and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.