26. Congo Francais - Ecole des Filles. ("26. French Congo - School of the Girls.") Four missionary sisters and forty indigenous girls stand in front of a brick school house. Many of the girls wear matching skirts. Postcard issued by the "Mission Catholique de Brazzaville.", Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank.
6. Jeunes eleves des Soeurs - Kisantu - Kleine leerlingen der Zusters. ("Young students of the Sisters") Seven young girls wearing similar designed dresses, pose outside by a large plant., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard contains a handwritten note in French and also contains information about the mission agency: "Mission du Kwango. Kwango - Missie."
25. - L'Apprentie-Maman et sa Petite Soeur. ("25. - The Apprentice-Mom and her Small Sister." ) A young girl carries her baby sister on her back by means of a large cloth wrapped around her torso. The two children have their backs to the camera and look over their right shoulders., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains a printed title: "HAUTE-VOLTA - 25. - L'Apprentie-Maman et sa Petite Soeur - A mother-to-come and her little sister." The back also contains information about the publisher: "Missions des Peres Blancs - Missions of the White Fathers - Librairie Missionnaire - 26, rue Vavin - Paris VIe - Peres Blancs, Notre-Dame du Bon Conseil, Bonnelles (S.-&-O.)"
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Missions du Sud- Afrique- Série VII A young girl is standing outdoors with a baby attached to her back by blanket. The girl is holding a stick, and standing by a shack built from branches and straw., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains information about the mission agency: "Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculée. Oeuvre des Missions O.M.l. - 75. Rue de l'Assomption. - Parie (XVIe). Abonnez-vous aux Petites Annales des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculée Revue Mensuelle 10 fr. C./C. 99-99. Paris."
183. Madagascar - Porteuse d'eau Hova A young girl is shown carrying a large clay water vessel on her head., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "L'Oevre des Pretres Malgaches" "79, Avenue de Breteuil, Paris XVc" "Ch. post. 567 39 Paris"
"Congregation de Saint-Joseph de Cluny, 21, Rue Mechain, Paris" "Brazzaville (Congo Francais) A ma marraine de France, mon plus gracieux sourire." A young girl is shown wearing a printed dress and holding a flower in hand. The back of the postcard is blank. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
A young girl poses for a portrait wearing a headdress and other pieces of ceremonial clothing., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains a printed title: "Missions Maristes d'Oceanie - Petite fille en costume de fete (Samoa)." ("Marist Missions of Oceania - Small girl in a festival costume (Samoa).") The Marists were a Catholic missionary order.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., J'ai 4 ans...Je m'appelle Antoinette - Je suis chretienne grace aux Soeurs Bleues. ("I am 4 years old... I am called Antoinette - I am a Christian thanks to the Soeurs Bleues.") A little girl wearing a white patterned dress stands in a field and holds out her hands. Postcard issued by "Les Soeurs Bleues de Castres Au Gabon (A.E.F.).", and The back of the postcard is blank and contains printed information about the mission agency: "Les Soeurs de l'Immaculee-Conception de Castres (Tarn) travaillent depuis 1847 en Afrique, a la regeneration de la femme noire au Senegal et au Gabon. Depuis 1904 elles exercent aussi leur zele en Amerique du Sud, au Matto-Grosso (Bresil) et en Rep. Argentine - Lisez et propagez nos Annales: 'L'Immaculee' - Ab: 10 fr. - Etc. : 15 fr. - Cheq. Post. Mme Godar-Toulouse 260-35." ("The Sisters of the Immaculate-Conception of Castres (Tarn) have worked since 1847 in Africa, with the regeneration of the black woman in Senegal and Gabon. Since 1904 they have also exerted their zeal in South America, in Matto-Grosso (Brazil) and in the Rep. of Argentina. - Read and propagate our Annals: 'The Immaculate one' - Ab: 10 FR. - Etc: 15 FR. - Cheq. Post. Mrs. Godar-Toulouse 260-35.") The back also contains information about the printer: "A. Joinard, editeur, 4. rue du Buisson Saint-Louis, Paris (Xe)."
8 - MISSION D'ABYSSINIE - Petite musulmane en costume de fete. ("Small Moslem woman in a festival costume.") A young girl poses by herself wearing a large belt made of shells and beads as well as a beaded head covering with a diamond shaped ornament that hangs over her forehead., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Les Pretres du Sacre-Coeur en Afrique" "Elle est belle ma robe!", and The tinted postcard depicts a young girl wearing a pale blue dress with a frilled skirt. She leans against a fallen log in the forest.