"Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus." Three children with belongings strapped to their backs are walking down a path with walking sticks. Additional information indicates that this postcard was published in Belgium.
"A group of the little ones in Pundita Ramabai's Home. They hold in their hands their portion of rice." Young boys and girls are standing in a group. This postcard was from the "Illustrated Missionary News." There is a handwritten note on the back.
"Missions Salésiennes. Indes II. 5. Diocèse de Krishnagar - Classe en plein air." Children look up from their desks in an outdoor classroom at the Diocese of Krishnagar.
"Mission du Maduré [Madura]. 20. - Le Teppakoulam, étang sacré de Siva l'église du collège de Trichinopoly [Tiruchchirappalli]." Three young children and two slightly older children stand and sit beside the Teppakoulam sacred pond. The tower for the church college of Siva is in the background, as well as other surrounding buildings. Additional information indicates that this postcard was published in Paris, France.
"Karachi: Communion générale des enfants. Algemeene Communie der kinderen." Many children stand on the steps of a memorial. Above them is a tower and a statue of jesus. A few missionaries are also pictured. Additional information reads, "Congregatie der Dochters van het Kruis te Luik." This postcard was printed in Brussels.
"Les Capucins francais aux Indes. La Mission du Sacré-Coeur au Rajputana [Rajasthan]. Des Bhils, les enfants de la Jungle, auprès de leur missionnaire." Three children dressed in traditional clothing gather around a male missionary. Additional information on the back directs monetary offerings to Paris, France.
“Mission des Religieuses Ursulines de Thildonck. Missie der Religieuzen Ursulinen van Thildonck. Cusine des enfants. Cueillette du Sag (condiment pour riz). Kinder keuken. Plukken van Sag (spiecerij voor de rijst.)” Young people are shown throughout the branches of a large tree picking sag that will be served with rice. A brick building and person are seen below the tree. The name of the publisher, “Ern. Thill, Bruxelles. “ is printed on the back of the card. There are several words handwritten in Dutch on the back.
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie Immaculée. - "Nos petits Indiens". -9. Cueillette d'oranges - Soeur Agnès." Young children are picking oranges with a missionary. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans."
"Indes - Couvent De Seremban - Dames de St. Maur. - Bébés au temps de la récréation." Children and babies play outside, supervised by nuns. Additional print on the front and back of the postcard asks for donations for the baptisms of children in India.