“Madagascar ̶ Forgeron Malgache.” A blacksmith and assistant are shown at work while a crowd of interested locals look on. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Société des Missions Evangéliques, 102, Boulev. Arago Paris.” There are several lines of handwriting in French on the back.
“Collection Guichard. 47. ̶ Congo Français. – Brazzaville. Après la Bénédiction de la Chapelle de Mindouli.” Clergy and congregants are shown outside a new church after the blessing service. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
“7. De ‘Jacques’ wordt ingezegent en te water gelatin te Mpala (Opper-Congo). Missionarissen van Afrika (Witte Paters). 7. Lancement et bénédiction du Baron Jacques à Mpala (Haut-Congo). Missionnaires d’Afrique (Pères Blanc) 1.” Missionary sisters and fathers are shown at a waterfront during a blessing ceremony before a journey. Local people watch nearby. The caption is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée. - Bangalore [Bengaluru] (Hindoustan [Hindustan]). - Bénédiction de l'Ecole." Missionaries pose with children outside a large building with stone arches for the blessing of their school. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans."
"Indes. - 2. Un santal de la mission de Patna visant dans le haut du palmier un singe qui grignote ou un oiseau qui se repose." A young man aims a bow and arrow at the top of a tree. He is standing on top of a boulder. This postcard was printed in Lyon, France.
"Missions Salésiennes. 2. N'est-il pas élégant ce petit pont d'Assam!" A boy walks across a small bridge made of bamboo. A stamp on the back of the card reads, "Cercle Missionnaire Du Sanatorum Du Clerge - Thorenc -"
"Les Capucins français aux Indes (4e Serie) La Mission du Sacré Coeur au Rajputana [Rajasthan]. 5. - Un scout du collège St-Anselme d'Ajmer." A boy dressed in a scout uniform poses for the camera. He is holding a flag and wearing a hat and stands in front of a garden. Additional information directs donations to Paris, France.
"13. - Indes. - Ganapali, le Dieu ventru à tête d'éléphant - Missions des PP. Jésuites au Maduré." Three boys and a man sit around a statue of a god with a large belly and an elephant head. Additional information on the back directs donations to Paris and Lyon, France.
"La formation des futurs Sauveurs de l'Inde. - Le Petit Séminaire de Mgr Rossillon (Diocèse de Vizagapatam [Vishakhapatnam])." Boys and young men gather around an elderly missionary with a long beard. They are students and he is their teacher.
"Les Capucins francais aux Indes (4e Série). La Mission du Sacré Coeur au Rajputana [Rajasthan]. 6. Des scouts à l'exercise dans la cour du collège - A droite : l'abside de la cathédrale." Boys prepare to do exercises with guns in the yard outside a building with a missionary. The apse of a cathedral is slightly visible to the right. Additional information on the back directs monetary offerings to Paris, France. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.