“Indië – Lahore : De familie van den “Dhobi” (waschman). Indes – Lahore : La familie du “Dhobi” (lessiveur). A family of the Dhobi caste or washermen is depicted. This occupational caste washes the soiled linen from households. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Zusters van Liefde van J.M. Gent. Moederhuis: Molenaarastraat. 50. Onderwijs en werken van Liefdadigheid 64 huizen en Eruopa, Congo, Indië en Ceylon. Sœurs de la Charité de J. M. Gand. Maison Mère: 50, rue des Meuniers. Œuvres d’enseignement et de charité 64 maisons en Europe, Congo, Indes en Ceylan. Photo J Buyens Zwijnaardsche Steenweg, 183, Gent. Tel. 14074.” There is no handwriting on the back.
"Les Capucins francais aux Indes (4e Série). La Mission du Sacré-Coeur au Rajputana [Rajasthan]. 3. - Un Radjah et son fils." A Raja and his son pose for the camera. They are both dressed in royal garments. Additional information on the back directs monetary offerings to Paris, France. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus." A family poses in front of a thatched-roof home with a missionary. The missionary is holding the hand of the father, who is lying down on the ground. This postcard was printed in Brussels.
"Missiën der Paters Capucijnen: Pundjab [Punjab] (Ind.). Een vaste Missiepost." At this mission post of the Capuchin Fathers, men, women, and children are gathered outside buildings made of mud. A missionary stands in their midst. Animals are also around them. Information on the back asks that monetary donations be made to a center in Antwerp in the name of MIssions.
"Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus. Chanoinesses - Missionnaires de Saint-Augustin." A missionary of St. Augustine bandages a girl's ankle in front of a wooden house. Additional information on the back, indicating that the postcard was printed in Belgium, reads "Heverlee-bij-Leuven" and "Ern. Thill, Brussel."
"Petites privilégiées.. - INDES - Mission des Soeurs de St Joseph d'Annecy." A nun is holding a young boy on her hip, while another child stand beside her, holding onto her dress. They are standing in front of a wooden door in a stone building.
"Inde. - Aux pansements Quelques-unes de nos petites malades avec leur infirmière Soeur Marie-Thérèse." The nurse, Sister Mary-Theresa, poses with some of her young patients. One child lays on a bench, another sits on the same bench, and three others stand next to Sister Mary-Theresa. They are all outside. Additional information indicates where the card was printed for the "Congrégation de Saint-Joseph de Cluny, 21, Rue Méchain, Paris." There is a handwritten note on the back.
“ll faut se baisser pour ne pas se heurter, la porte est si basse! A l’interleur de la case point de fenêtre et la Volaille vit en bonne compagnie avec le porc et la marmaille. Pauvres gens!...La mère revient de la pêche et les enfants de la rivière. On va vite écouter la leçon de catechism! Un Case de Brousse. Au profit de la Mission de la Providence à Madagascar.” A country dwelling is depicted with a grass roof and no windows. Villagers are shown in front of the building. There is no handwriting on the back.
"Mission du Maduré [Madura]. Université St Joseph. 25. - Un étudiant Brahme Telougou, sectateur de Siva. Antoni Issar, Brahme Punjab, baptisé à Trichinopoly." The first man pictured is a Telugu Brahmin student and follower of Siva. The second man is Antoni Issar, a Punjab Brahman, who was baptized at Trichinopoly.
"7. - Un jeune néophyte - <<J'ai tout quitté pour être chrétien.>>" A young boy sits in a stone doorway. The caption indicates that he has become a Christian and left his family behind. A stamp on the back of the card reads, "Cercle Missionnaire Du Sanatorum Du Clerge - Thorenc -"