"Series III - Egitto - Villaggio di contadini" On the back of the postcard is printed: "A beneficio dell' Associazione Nazionale per soccorrer I Missionari italiani (riconosciuta in Ente Morale - Segretariato Generale: Torino , Via Accademia delle Scienze)" A series of flat roofed mud brick dwellings are set close to a river. Some animals, people and piles of firewood are in front of the huts.
"No 26 - Missions des Pères Blancs - Sahara. Le Père de Foucauld dans I intérieur de son réduit en pisé â Tamanrasset." Father Foucauld is sitting outside a small adobe house. He is sitting on a short round wall in front of the building. Some steps lead up to the roof of the building in the background.
"Benguella [Benguela]. Escola-régia - A primeira Communhão em 1908." A large group of children poses for the camera with a hut on a tall platform in the background. The girls wear white dresses and headcoverings.
"En Kabylie. - In Kabijlenland." A girl leans against a rock outside as she poses for the camera. She is wearing traditional clothes. There is a handwritten note on the front of this postcard, and an address on the back.
"6. Le premier signe de la croix d'une petite Angolaise" A missionary priest is sitting on a chair showing a small girl how to hold her hands to make the sign of the cross. A thatched-roof hut is in the background.
"Soeurs Missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique. Saint-Charles Birmandreis (Alger). Afrique Equatoriale - Un petit dégourdi." A girl poses for the camera. She is smiling and holding a stick in both her hands. There are trees behind her.
"Agoué (Dahomey) [now Benin] - Jeunes filles noires faisant la dentelle au fuseau. Congrégation des Soeurs de N.-D. des Apotres pour les Missions Africaines - Vénissieux (Rhône)" Four young girls are making lace with a bobbin as a missionary sister looks on and sews lace together.
"Angola. Filant la toile pour la Mission. Congrégation de Saint Joseph de Cluny, 21, Rue Méchain, Paris" Two nuns and several young women are using hand-held sticks to spin fibers into thread.
"Séminaire, 4, Rue Driant, Eckmühl. - Oran (Algérie). - Cour du Grand Séminaire." The Grand Seminary building rises behind a courtyard full of trees and a fountain. Part of the roof is not shingled, but instead has a fence so that it may be used as a porch.