Manuscript, on paper, of Apocalypse (Book of Revelations), here attributed to John the Apostle, and commentaries. Also contains the lives of Barlaam and Joasaph
Alternative Title:
Apokalip︠s︡isʺ svi︠a︡tago Īōanna Bogoslova and Апокалиѱисъ свꙝтаго Іѡанна Богослова
In Church Slavic., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Layout: second text: single columns of 25-26 lines., Script: polustav (semiuncial)., Decoration: Rubrication in red and orange. Running heads. 117 full-page miniatures., Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled and stamped calf over wood boards, with clasps. Cloth tabs at chapter openings in Apocalypse, with commentaries., Barlaam and Joasaph incipit: Mt︠s︡a noębrę vʺ Ḟī dnʹ. Zhītīe prpbnȳkhʺ ot︠s︡ʺ Varlaama pūstȳnnika i Ioasafa t︠s︡revicha Velikīę Indīi., and Měsęt︠s︡a noębrę vʺ Ḟī denʹ. Zhītīe prepodobnȳkhʺ otet︠s︡ʺ Varlaama pūstȳnnika i Ioasafa t︠s︡arevicha Velikīę Indīi.
Hodoeporicon Ruthenicum and Hodoeporicon Rvthenicvm
BEIN 2014 2142: Autograph of Joannes Guil: Baro de Küngseckb. [undeciphered] and bookplate of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski. and Title vignette (metal cut); head-pieces; initials.
Typis Matthiae Beckeri, impensis vero Ioannis Theodori & Ioannis Israelis de Bry, fratrum germanorum
Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarii. German and Moscovia der Hauptstat in Reissen
BEIN 2011 +124: Bookplate of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski. Unidentified stamp. Manuscript waste used in binding., Translation by the author from his original Latin edition., Signatures: [superscript pi]A⁴ A-D⁴ E² F-Y⁴ Z²., and Map title: Moscovia Sigmunds Freyherns zu Herberstain, Neyperg und Guetenhag u. verteutscht.
Getruckht zu Wienn in Osterreich durch Michael Zimmerman ...
"Napoleon (right) stands between two Russians; one (left) he strikes on the chin with his fist, saying, "There Sir take that, and tel your Master, I'll thras every one who dares to speak to me I'll thrash all the World D -me I'll, I'll I,'ll be King of the Universe." The injured Russian stares, saying, "Why this is club Law; this is the Argument of force indeed the little Gentleman is Dêrangé." Behind Napoleon (right) an officer in fur cloak and hussar's cap watches with indignation, saying, "The Monarch I represent, will return this insult with becoming dignity." On the left John Bull, jovial and grossly fat, and wearing top-boots, puts his arm across the shoulders of a pugilist, and points to Napoleon, saying, "There my Boy is an Ambassador who will treat with you in your own way, but I say be as gentle with him as you can." The good-looking brawny pugilist, who is stripped to the waist, clenches his fists, saying, "what! is it that little Whipper snapper I am to set too with why I think the first round will settle his hash." [An early use of this phrase which disproves Partridge, 'Slang Dict., tracing it in England to 1825, and in U.S.A. to 1807, suggesting that the English may have learnt it in the war of 1812. It was clearly current in England by 1803] Bonaparte is small and youthful, caricatured chiefly by the disproportionate size of cocked hat and sabre."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
John Bull introducing his new ambassador to the Grand Consul
Title etched below image. and Laid down on modern paper backing and matted to 36 x 46 cm.
Pub. by S.W. Fores, N. 50 Piccadilly, London
Subject (Geographic):
France, Russia., Russia, and France.
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 1777-1825, and Markov, Arkady Ivanovich, 1747-1827
Subject (Topic):
Foreign relations, John Bull (Symbolic character), Boxers (Sports), and Insults
Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarii and Rervm Moscoviticarvm comentarii
BEIN 2001 +95: Imperfect: some loss of marginal ms. notes and illustrations due to bleeding. Hand colored illustrations. Contemporary ms. annotations and corrections, possibly in hand of the author (according to dealer slip in CtY-BR copy). Bookplate: From the collection of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski. Dealer description pasted in., BEIN 2014 +259: Imperfect: leaves IIII and X (first count) wanting; leaf ²E6 (blank) wanting; leaves II-III and leaf VIII (first count) mutilated, with some loss of text; wormed in gutter, with no loss of text; binding broken, with loose pages; edges of leaves reinforced with paper. Variant setting of type for dedication on leaf II (first count); 33 lines on recto, 27 lines on verso. Manuscript note, corrections in text, and inscription of Sigmund Herberstein on title page. Bookplate: From the collection of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski., Imprint from BM STC German., Dedication dated and signed: Viennae Austriae prima Matrij M.D.XLIX. ... Sigimundus liber Baro in Herberstain, Neyperg & Guttenhag., Includes a map and a portrait of the author engraved by Augustin Hirschvogel; portrait includes Hirschvogel's monogram and the date 1547., and Signatures: A-C⁴, ²A-E⁶, ³A-F⁶ ³G²(-³G2).
Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarii and Rervm Moscoviticarvm comentarii
BEIN 2001 +95: Imperfect: some loss of marginal ms. notes and illustrations due to bleeding. Hand colored illustrations. Contemporary ms. annotations and corrections, possibly in hand of the author (according to dealer slip in CtY-BR copy). Bookplate: From the collection of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski. Dealer description pasted in., BEIN 2014 +259: Imperfect: leaves IIII and X (first count) wanting; leaf ²E6 (blank) wanting; leaves II-III and leaf VIII (first count) mutilated, with some loss of text; wormed in gutter, with no loss of text; binding broken, with loose pages; edges of leaves reinforced with paper. Variant setting of type for dedication on leaf II (first count); 33 lines on recto, 27 lines on verso. Manuscript note, corrections in text, and inscription of Sigmund Herberstein on title page. Bookplate: From the collection of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski., Imprint from BM STC German., Dedication dated and signed: Viennae Austriae prima Matrij M.D.XLIX. ... Sigimundus liber Baro in Herberstain, Neyperg & Guttenhag., Includes a map and a portrait of the author engraved by Augustin Hirschvogel; portrait includes Hirschvogel's monogram and the date 1547., and Signatures: A-C⁴, ²A-E⁶, ³A-F⁶ ³G²(-³G2).
BEIN 2014 +260: Imperfect: title page slightly mutilated, and repaired, with no loss of text. Unidentified stamp on title page. Printed label pasted at foot of title page: Musaei, Joannis Baptistae Visi Mantuani. Some manuscript annotations in text. Bookplate: From the collection of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski. Bookseller's label: C.E. Rappaport ... Roma., In Latin., Imprint from colophon., Signatures: a-s⁶ t⁴ u⁶., Title vignette (printer's device); numerous large and small historiated woodcut initials., Illustrated with 8 woodcuts attributed to Jost Amman; 3 woodcut maps, including the originally published map of Russia from Finland to the Caspian, a pictorial version of the same area, and a plan of the walled citadel of Moscow; and a genealogical tree, compiled by Herberstein, and dated 1553, showing descendants of the royal houses of Spain and Austria., and Includes index.
"The Tsar and his sister walking arm-in-arm are stopped by a coarse-looking woman (right) who flings her arms round his neck and kisses him avidly, while a yokel (left) takes the hand of the Grand Duchess. The woman exclaims to a fat friend (right), who watches with a broad grin: "There Sal, I can boast of what none of the Bitches of Billinsgate can, having kissed the Kings Emperor of all the Russian Bears, & he is the sweetest modestest mildest Gentleman I ever Kissed in all my life." The countryman wears a short smock with breeches and wrinkled gaiters, and has the coarse carbuncled features of a John Bull in these prints. He says, grinning: "Dang it when I goes back & tells The folks in our Village of this, Law how they will envy I, ha ha!" The Tsar and his sister smile amiably. Behind (left), another woman runs after a bearded Cossack eager to kiss him. There is a landscape background, probably indicating Hyde Park, cf. British Museum Satires No. 12285."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Blessings of universal peace
Title etched below image. and With S.W. Fores blind stamp: S.W.F.
Pubd. July 11th, 1814, by S.W. Fores, Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Russia and England.
Subject (Name):
Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 1777-1825 and Katharina, Queen, consort of William I, King of Württemberg, 1788-1819
Manuscript diary describing a European tour, principally of Eastern Europe, Russia and Italy. Fairfax devotes much attention to works of art and historical buildings
Satirical print showing Napoleon after the battle of Maloyaroslavets (24 October 1812) during his Russian campaign (‘The Patriotic War’ in Russian parlance). He is vomiting fragments of plans and charts as well as a shattered anchor. In his hand he holds a large medicine bottle of emetic labelled in Russian: ‘Emetic. Pour Mr Napoleon. Heartfelt thank you, if only to take it more often. By order of the Russian army, from the pharmacy near Maly Yaroslavets’.
Alternative Title:
Title supplied by cataloger., Printmaker from dealer's description., and Date of publication inferred from subject of print; the Battle of Maloyaroslavets took place on 24 October 1812.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
Subject (Topic):
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, Campaigns, Vomiting, and Medicines