Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Text includes quotes from A. Pinard and Théophile Roussel., In lower center: Offert par Nestlé., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Comité National de l'Enfance, Imp. Darboy -- Paris, and Mark J. Weinbaum,
Subject (Topic):
Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding promotion, Infant formulas, Mothers, and Infants
Plate 11 of Wheatley's Cries of London. This plate shows a ballad seller with strip ballads, selling her wares to two men on the sidewalk beside a building with two large columns; around them are two women, one holding a child, and a small boy feeding a dog
Alternative Title:
Chanson nouvelles deux sols le livret
Title from item., With the imprint statement: London Pubd, as the Act directs 1st. March 1796 by Colnaghi & Co. (late Torres) No. 127 Pall Mall., and Engraved after Francis Wheatley, who first exhibited his series of oil paintings depicting London street-sellers at the Royal Academy between 1792 and 1795.
Subject (Topic):
Copperplates, Ballads, Dogs, Infants, Mothers, and Street vendors
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Text describes risks to a baby's health, including hereditary illness, bad milk, contaminated food, excessive heat or cold, lack of air and sun, and contagions of all kinds., In lower center: Offert par Nestlé., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Comité National de l'Enfance and Imp. Darboy -- Paris
Subject (Topic):
Infants, Mortality, Infant formulas, Health and hygiene, Mothers, Fear, and Graphs
Three West Indian washer women sit or stand in or near a stream. The one on land balances a basket of clean wash on her head and has a baby strapped to her back
Alternative Title:
West India washer-woman
Title from caption below image, in French and English., "This plate is dedicated to Sir John Frederick, Bart. by his most obliged and devoted servt. A. Brunias."--Dedication following title., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
Chez Depeuille, rue St. Denis, la boutique attenant St. Jacques l'Hopital, No. 416 et au Palais Royal, au Pavillon près le bassin
Three West Indian washer women sit or stand in or near a stream. The one on land balances a basket of clean wash on her head and has a baby strapped to her back
Alternative Title:
West India washer-woman
Title from caption below image, in French and English., "This plate is dedicated to Sir John Frederick, Bart. by his most obliged and devoted servt. A. Brunias."--Dedication following title., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark on lower edge, resulting in loss of imprint statement., and Printed on laid paper; hand-colored.
Chez Depeuille, rue St. Denis, la boutique attenant St. Jacques l'Hopital, No. 416 et au Palais Royal, au Pavillon près le bassin
Title and place of publication from item., Date derived from style of work., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Imp. Clément, Passage Ménilt. 7, Paris
Subject (Topic):
Breakfast cereals, Patent medicines, Mothers, Infants, Physicians, and Food
Title from item., Printmaker and date from copy in the Musée Carnavalet, G.10015., In upper margin: Dialogues Parisiens. 33., In image lower right: 297., Published in Le Charivari., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
mon. Martinet, 172 r. Rivoli et 41, r Vivienne and Lith. Destouches, 28 r. Paradis Pre Paris
Subject (Topic):
Alcoholism, Drinking of alcoholic beverages, Diet, Daughters, Mothers, and Champagne (Wine).
Title from item., Date derived from French Republican calendar date: le 17. Floréal, An9. de la République., Place of publication from item., Below text: Les Notes explicatives ont été rédigées par le Cen. Chaussier. Professeur de l'Ecole de Medecine., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Se vend a Paris chez l'Auteur, rue Dominique No. 238. Mairie du 10 Arondissement and Déposé à la Bibliothèque Nationale le 17. Floréal, An9. de la République
Subject (Topic):
Smallpox vaccine, Smallpox, Vaccination, Cows, Dairy workers, and Mothers
Title and publisher from item., Date supplied by curator., Includes logos of Credit Agricole and OCP., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Association Nationale des Edutiants en Pharmacie de France ; Pharmaciens sans Frontières, [1989]., and Imp. Eurographic
Subject (Topic):
Pharmacists, Drugs, Gifts, Mothers, Children, and Medicine