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- Creator:
- Rafn, Carl Christian, 1795-1864
- Published / Created:
- 1850-52.
- Call Number:
- Bw3 05
- Container / Volume:
- t.1
- Image Count:
- 552
- Description:
- Ed. by C.C. Rafn, F. Magnússon, P.A. Munch, J. Sigurðsson, B. Snorrason, S. Egilsson and others. and Introduction and notes in French; sagas in Icelandic and Latin except Eymundar saga, which is in Icelandic and Latin with a French translation by Christian Jules de Méza.
- Publisher:
- De l'imprimerie des frères Berling
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia and Soviet Union.
- Subject (Topic):
- History, Scandinavians, and Varangians
- Found in:
- Sterling Memorial Library > Antiquités russes d'après les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves
- Creator:
- Voront︠s︡ov, Mikhail Semenovich, kni︠a︡zʹ, 1782-1856
- Published / Created:
- 1870-95.
- Call Number:
- Bw21 265
- Container / Volume:
- [41] Index / 1870-1895
- Image Count:
- 264
- Description:
- Vols. have also special t.p., Vols. have also title Archives du prince Woronzow., Edited by P. I. Bartenev., Imprint varies: Moskva, Univ. tip. (M. Katkov), Russian and French., and Accompanied by index: Rospisʹ soroka knigamʹ Arkhiva kni︠a︡zi︠a︡ Voront︠s︡ova, sʹ azbuchnymʹ ukazatelemʹ lichnykhʹ imenʹ / sostavil Petrʹ Bartenevʹ. Moskva, 1897 (Yale's v. 41), and, Azbuchnyĭi ukazatelʹ ko vtoroĭ i tretʹeĭ knilam Arkhiva kni︠a︡zi︠a︡ Voront︠s︡ova. Moskva, 1872.
- Publisher:
- Tip. A. I. Mamontova
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia
- Subject (Name):
- Voront︠s︡ov family.
- Subject (Topic):
- History and History, Military
- Found in:
- Sterling Memorial Library > Arkhiv kni︠a︡zi︠a︡ Voront︠s︡ova
- Creator:
- Imperatorskai︠a︡ publichnai︠a︡ biblīoteka (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
- Published / Created:
- 1873.
- Call Number:
- X687 873
- Container / Volume:
- t.2
- Image Count:
- 790
- Alternative Title:
- Ecrits sur la Russie en langues étrangères
- Description:
- BEIN Z2519 I48 (LC): Stamp: ex libris J.B. Koncius. Bookplate: V&P Lada-Mocarski.
- Publisher:
- Imprimerie de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia
- Subject (Name):
- Imperatorskai︠a︡ publichnai︠a︡ biblīoteka (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
- Found in:
- Sterling Memorial Library > Catalogue de la section des Russica, ou, Ecrits sur la Russie en langues étrangères
- Creator:
- Imperatorskai︠a︡ publichnai︠a︡ biblīoteka (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
- Published / Created:
- 1873.
- Call Number:
- X687 873
- Container / Volume:
- t.1
- Image Count:
- 868
- Alternative Title:
- Ecrits sur la Russie en langues étrangères
- Description:
- BEIN Z2519 I48 (LC): Stamp: ex libris J.B. Koncius. Bookplate: V&P Lada-Mocarski.
- Publisher:
- Imprimerie de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia
- Subject (Name):
- Imperatorskai︠a︡ publichnai︠a︡ biblīoteka (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
- Found in:
- Sterling Memorial Library > Catalogue de la section des Russica, ou, Ecrits sur la Russie en langues étrangères
- Creator:
- Terner, F. G. (Fedor Gustavovich), 1833-1906
- Published / Created:
- 1859.
- Call Number:
- Nte95 R7 859t
- Image Count:
- 368
- Publisher:
- Librairie ínternationale de l'Office du Nord
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia. and Russia
- Subject (Topic):
- Serfdom and Politics and government
- Found in:
- Sterling Memorial Library > Études sur la question de l'abolition du servage en Russie ...
- Creator:
- Macartney, George Macartney, Earl, 1737-1806
- Call Number:
- OSB MSS 181
- Container / Volume:
- Box 1
- Image Count:
- 60
- Abstract:
- The papers are almost entirely concerned with Macartney's embassy to Russia in 1764-1767, and include notes, memoranda, drafts of the trade treaty he negotiated, and a final copy; accounts of travel in Russia and general descriptions of the country, including a treatise on the natural history of Siberia and fossils found there; descriptions of principal figures of the Russian Court and of court protocol; and copies of correspondence and The collection also contains a printed copy of a 1762 decree by Catherine II concerning Alexis Bestoucheff-Rumin; and a dispatch sent by Russia to China in 1792 during Macartney's mission in Peking. Accompanied by a microfilm of the Macartney Papers in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
- Description:
- George Macartney was born in Ireland and educated at Trinity College. In 1764, Lord Holland proposed him as envoy extraordinary to Saint Petersburg for the negotiation of a trade treaty. Knighted before departing England, Macartney returned in 1767 after concluding the treaty and receiving the Polish Order of the White Eagle. He spent much of the remainder of his career in colonial governorships, including that of Madras, and took his seat in the Irish Parliament in 1788. In 1792 he was sent as plenipotentiary on a mission to Peking, and upon his return from China undertook negotiations with the exiled Louis XVIII in Verona. Macartney thereafter retired from public life due to ill health. and In French and English.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain., Great Britain, Russia., Russia, and Siberia (Russia)
- Subject (Name):
- Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 1729-1796. and Macartney, George Macartney, Earl, 1737-1806.
- Subject (Topic):
- Diplomatic and consular service, British, Diplomatic and consular service, Russian, Diplomats, Commerce, Foreign relations, Politics and government, Court and courtiers, and Description and travel
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > George Macartney papers, 1764-1792 (bulk 1764-1767).
- Creator:
- Drahomaniv, Mykhaĭlo Petrovych, 1841-1895
- Published / Created:
- 1878.
- Call Number:
- Hta21 D78
- Image Count:
- 52
- Publisher:
- Georg
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia
- Subject (Topic):
- Ukrainian literature, History and criticism, Politics and government, and History
- Found in:
- Sterling Memorial Library > La littérature oukraïnienne proscrite par le Gouvernement russe : Rapport présenté au Congrès littéraire de Paris (1878)
- Creator:
- Dashkova, E. R. (Ekaterina Romanovna), kni︠a︡gini︠a︡, 1743-1810
- Published / Created:
- 1859.
- Call Number:
- DK169 D3 A31
- Image Count:
- 538
- Description:
- Translation of Mémoires de la princesse Daschkoff.
- Publisher:
- Trübner & Co.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia and Soviet Union
- Subject (Name):
- Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 1729-1796.
- Subject (Topic):
- History and Court and courtiers
- Found in:
- Sterling Memorial Library > Zapiski kni︠a︡gini E. R. Dashkovoĭ, pisannyi︠a︡ ei︠u︡ samoĭ