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- Creator:
- Rafn, Carl Christian, 1795-1864
- Published / Created:
- 1850-52.
- Call Number:
- Bw3 05
- Container / Volume:
- t.1
- Image Count:
- 552
- Description:
- Ed. by C.C. Rafn, F. Magnússon, P.A. Munch, J. Sigurðsson, B. Snorrason, S. Egilsson and others. and Introduction and notes in French; sagas in Icelandic and Latin except Eymundar saga, which is in Icelandic and Latin with a French translation by Christian Jules de Méza.
- Publisher:
- De l'imprimerie des frères Berling
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia and Soviet Union.
- Subject (Topic):
- History, Scandinavians, and Varangians
- Found in:
- Sterling Memorial Library > Antiquités russes d'après les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves
- Creator:
- Ulfeldt, Jacob, -1593
- Published / Created:
- MDCVIII [1608]
- Call Number:
- 2014 2142
- Image Count:
- 102
- Alternative Title:
- Hodoeporicon Ruthenicum and Hodoeporicon Rvthenicvm
- Description:
- BEIN 2014 2142: Autograph of Joannes Guil: Baro de Küngseckb. [undeciphered] and bookplate of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski. and Title vignette (metal cut); head-pieces; initials.
- Publisher:
- Typis Matthiae Beckeri, impensis vero Ioannis Theodori & Ioannis Israelis de Bry, fratrum germanorum
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia
- Subject (Topic):
- Description and travel
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Jacobi, Nobilis Dani, Friderici II. Regis Legati, Hodoeporicon Ruthenicum : in quo de Moscouitarum regione, moribus, religione, gubernatione, & aulâ imperatoriâ quo potuit compendio & eleganter exequitur
- Creator:
- Herberstein, Sigmund, Freiherr von, 1486-1566, author
- Published / Created:
- 1549]
- Call Number:
- 2014 +259
- Container / Volume:
- 2
- Image Count:
- 34
- Alternative Title:
- Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarii and Rervm Moscoviticarvm comentarii
- Description:
- BEIN 2001 +95: Imperfect: some loss of marginal ms. notes and illustrations due to bleeding. Hand colored illustrations. Contemporary ms. annotations and corrections, possibly in hand of the author (according to dealer slip in CtY-BR copy). Bookplate: From the collection of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski. Dealer description pasted in., BEIN 2014 +259: Imperfect: leaves IIII and X (first count) wanting; leaf ²E6 (blank) wanting; leaves II-III and leaf VIII (first count) mutilated, with some loss of text; wormed in gutter, with no loss of text; binding broken, with loose pages; edges of leaves reinforced with paper. Variant setting of type for dedication on leaf II (first count); 33 lines on recto, 27 lines on verso. Manuscript note, corrections in text, and inscription of Sigmund Herberstein on title page. Bookplate: From the collection of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski., Imprint from BM STC German., Dedication dated and signed: Viennae Austriae prima Matrij M.D.XLIX. ... Sigimundus liber Baro in Herberstain, Neyperg & Guttenhag., Includes a map and a portrait of the author engraved by Augustin Hirschvogel; portrait includes Hirschvogel's monogram and the date 1547., and Signatures: A-C⁴, ²A-E⁶, ³A-F⁶ ³G²(-³G2).
- Publisher:
- Johann Singriener
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia
- Subject (Topic):
- Description and travel
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Rerum Moscouiticarum comentarii : in hijs comentarijs sparsim contenta habebis candide lector ...
- Creator:
- Herberstein, Sigmund, Freiherr von, 1486-1566, author
- Published / Created:
- 1549]
- Call Number:
- 2001 +95
- Image Count:
- 177
- Alternative Title:
- Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarii and Rervm Moscoviticarvm comentarii
- Description:
- BEIN 2001 +95: Imperfect: some loss of marginal ms. notes and illustrations due to bleeding. Hand colored illustrations. Contemporary ms. annotations and corrections, possibly in hand of the author (according to dealer slip in CtY-BR copy). Bookplate: From the collection of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski. Dealer description pasted in., BEIN 2014 +259: Imperfect: leaves IIII and X (first count) wanting; leaf ²E6 (blank) wanting; leaves II-III and leaf VIII (first count) mutilated, with some loss of text; wormed in gutter, with no loss of text; binding broken, with loose pages; edges of leaves reinforced with paper. Variant setting of type for dedication on leaf II (first count); 33 lines on recto, 27 lines on verso. Manuscript note, corrections in text, and inscription of Sigmund Herberstein on title page. Bookplate: From the collection of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski., Imprint from BM STC German., Dedication dated and signed: Viennae Austriae prima Matrij M.D.XLIX. ... Sigimundus liber Baro in Herberstain, Neyperg & Guttenhag., Includes a map and a portrait of the author engraved by Augustin Hirschvogel; portrait includes Hirschvogel's monogram and the date 1547., and Signatures: A-C⁴, ²A-E⁶, ³A-F⁶ ³G²(-³G2).
- Publisher:
- Johann Singriener
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia
- Subject (Topic):
- Description and travel
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Rerum Moscouiticarum comentarii : in hijs comentarijs sparsim contenta habebis candide lector ...
- Creator:
- Herberstein, Sigmund, Freiherr von, 1486-1566
- Published / Created:
- anno salutis 1556 mense Augusto.
- Call Number:
- 2014 +260
- Image Count:
- 269
- Alternative Title:
- Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarii
- Description:
- BEIN 2014 +260: Imperfect: title page slightly mutilated, and repaired, with no loss of text. Unidentified stamp on title page. Printed label pasted at foot of title page: Musaei, Joannis Baptistae Visi Mantuani. Some manuscript annotations in text. Bookplate: From the collection of Laura K. and Valerian Lada-Mocarski. Bookseller's label: C.E. Rappaport ... Roma., In Latin., Imprint from colophon., Signatures: a-s⁶ t⁴ u⁶., Title vignette (printer's device); numerous large and small historiated woodcut initials., Illustrated with 8 woodcuts attributed to Jost Amman; 3 woodcut maps, including the originally published map of Russia from Finland to the Caspian, a pictorial version of the same area, and a plan of the walled citadel of Moscow; and a genealogical tree, compiled by Herberstein, and dated 1553, showing descendants of the royal houses of Spain and Austria., and Includes index.
- Publisher:
- Ex officina Ioannis Oporini
- Subject (Geographic):
- Russia and Moscow (Russia)
- Subject (Topic):
- Description and travel, Maps, and Geography
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarij Sigismundi liberi baronis in Herberstain, Neyperg, & Guettenhag : Russiae, & quae nunc eius metropolis est, Moscouiae, breuissima descriptio : chorographia deniq[ue] totius imperij Moscici & uicinorum quorundam mentio : de religione quoq[ue] uaria inserta sunt & quae nostra cum religione non conueniunt : quis deniq[ue] modus excipiendi & tractandi oratores differitur : itineraria quoq[ue] duo in Moscouiam sunt aduncta : ad haec, non solum nouae aliquot tabulae, sed multa etiam alia nunc demum ab ipso autore adiecta sunt : quae, si cui cum prima editione conferre libeat, facile deprehendet