Some trialls and motions ap[u]d bancho regis termino hill[ary] Jan: 29th 166/7 [sic], [1677-1678]
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Manuscript on paper, in a single cursive hand, of notes on some cases heard in the Court of King?s Bench in 1677 and 1678. and Many of the notes concern the trials involving Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, including his suit for slander against Lord Digby, the habeas corpus issued for him, and his own trial in King?s Bench. The notes include summaries of the arguments made by Shaftesbury?s and Digby?s representatives and the debate concerning the """"prorogation"""" or """"adjournment"""" of Parliament.
Binding: contemporary sheep; impression of central boss on front panel. and Teaching resource: English Paleography Examples, 16th-18th century
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain--Politics and government --1660-1688 and Great Britain--Social conditions --17th century
Subject (Name):
Digby, John, Earl of Bristol, 1635?-1698, Great Britain. Court of King’s Bench, Great Britain. Parliament, 1661-1678, Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 1621-1683, and Taylor, John, of Guilfoord, Essex
Subject (Topic):
Atheism, Blasphemy, Law, Libel and slander, Trials, and Whig Party (Great Britain)
Manuscript on paper in two parts. Part I (ca. 1700): 1) Treaty between Edward the Elder, King of England and Guthrun II, King of the Danes in East Anglia, 905-906. 2) Leges Edouardi regis, the Laws issued by King Edward the Elder (ca. 902-ca. 924) or Edward the Confessor (d. 1066). Part II (ca. 1650): 3) Annals of Iceland, 636-1394, with partial Latin translation in the margins. Here ascribed by another 17th-century hand to the Icelandic humanist Arngrimur Jonsson (1568-1648).
In Latin (Part I) and Icelandic (Part II)., Script: Part I (ff. 1-16): Written by one hand in Humanistic Cursive script. Part II (ff. 17-89): Gothica Cursiva for the Icelandic text, Humanistic Cursive script for the English text written in the margin., The acidity of the ink of the Icelandic text has damaged the paper., and Binding: Modern white parchment over cardboard.
Manuscript on paper, incomplete, containing a catalogue of acts of Parliament from approximately 1488 to 1610 ("septimo Jacobi Reg."). Formerly part of a larger volume; the leaves are numbered 280-370
In English., Script: secretary script., and Binding: disbound.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., Great Britain, and England
Manuscript on paper of a commonplace book. The work contains four sections. (1) "Loci animadvertendi in legendi epistolis, ad quos etia[m] om[n]ia quae annotaderis referenda sunt." This lists types of epistles under eight headings, or "libri," but the extensive framework is very incompletely annotated. (2) "Here are written divers notes phrases words & sentences collected out of severall bokes. 15 Novembr 1586. A[nn]o Eliz. 28." This is actually a seventeen-page selection from the "A Touchstone for the Time" section of George Whetstone's A Mirrour for Magistrates.... (London, 1584). It is preceded by a two-line entry quoting Mary Queen of Scots as saying at Fotheringay, "I come not as a criminal." (3) "Epistolae commendatiae Praecepta," summarizing extracts from the Epistolae of Paulus Manutius. (4) "Quaedam collecta ex liber The Breviarie of Health, compiled by Andrew Boorde." Eight pages of various entries in English from Boorde's work, including descriptions of and remedies for "scurffe," greensickness, "sikness of the prisones, "chappe," and nosebleed
In English and Latin., Several copies of prayers throughout in a later hand., Bound with: 17th century manuscript on paper of legal precedents in a chancery hand. Most are from the reign of James I. The name "Richarde Wolfe" appears in an Italic hand on the last page., Title page for volume (supplied by Johnson) in red and black lettering attributes the commonplace book to "Richardum Ogle Eq. Aur.", Spine title reads, "M.S.S. 1586.", Bookplate: Maurice Johnson of Spalding, 1735., and Binding: 18th century full calf, blind stamped, spine banded with gilt decorations.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Boorde, Andrew, 1490?-1549., Manuzio, Paolo, 1512-1574., and Whetstone, George, 1544?-1587?
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a copy of a judician decision concerning Jacobus the bishop of Senigallia and the monasteries of S. Iohannes peneclaria and S. Iacobus in burgo, both in Ancona
In Latin., Script: written in notarial script by the notary Johannes, son of Julianus., and Decoration: The document begins with a flourished initial "I"; 1-line initials are in brown; the notary's sign is in the center of the lower margin; punctuated with the punctus and punctus elevatus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of a portion of Bracton's treatise on English law
In Latin; one lengthy marginal annotation in Law French., Part of the Anthony Taussig Collection of English Legal Manuscripts (OSB MSS 184). Taussig catalog number: MS 82.12.7 (number 19 in main catalog numbering)., A fuller description of the contents is found in Baker and Taussig, Catalogue (London: 2007), pp. 13-14., Title from incipit., Some early marginalia. Lengthy annotation in Law French (ff. 182v-183) concerning a dictum by "Denam" (probably John or William de Denum)., Annotated on f. 1 in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps: H. Bracton De Legibus Angliæ. From Sir G. P. Turner's Library. Phillipps MS 3097., Layout: double columns, 32 lines., Script: Gothic Textura., Decoration: headings, paragraph marks, and running titles in red or blue; two-line initials throughout in red and blue; two large initials in red and blue., and Binding: nineteenth-century full russia, blind-stamped. Gilt title on spine: Bracton De Legibus Angliæ.
Subject (Geographic):
England, Great Britain, Connecticut, and New Haven.
Manuscript, on paper, probably in the hand of William Elstob, containing a transcription of the Anglo-Saxon legal text known as Judex and readings for the text of several Anglo-Saxon law codes
In Old English and Latin., Collation note in Latin dated September 4, 1714 bears the initials G.E. (Gulielmus--William--Elstob) and E.E. (Elizabeth Elstob)., and This manuscript was probably part of William Elstob's projected editon of Anglo-Saxon legal manuscripts.
Subject (Geographic):
England., England, and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Elstob, Elizabeth, 1683-1756. and Elstob, William, 1673-1715.
Some trialls and motions ap[u]d bancho regis termino hill[ary] Jan: 29th 166/7 [sic], [1677-1678]
Image Count:
Manuscript on paper, in a single cursive hand, of notes on some cases heard in the Court of King?s Bench in 1677 and 1678. and Many of the notes concern the trials involving Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, including his suit for slander against Lord Digby, the habeas corpus issued for him, and his own trial in King?s Bench. The notes include summaries of the arguments made by Shaftesbury?s and Digby?s representatives and the debate concerning the """"prorogation"""" or """"adjournment"""" of Parliament.
Binding: contemporary sheep; impression of central boss on front panel. and Teaching resource: English Paleography Examples, 16th-18th century
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain --Politics and government --1660-1688 and Great Britain --Social conditions --17th century
Subject (Name):
Digby, John, Earl of Bristol, 1635?-1698, Great Britain. Court of King’s Bench, Great Britain. Parliament, 1661-1678, Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 1621-1683, and Taylor, John, of Guilfoord, Essex
Subject (Topic):
Atheism, Blasphemy, Law, Libel and slander, Trials, and Whig Party (Great Britain)